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Self-indulgent pet thread


Pockle has had a shower.
the cat is coping very well with the baby, but is a tiny bit clingy...
(not my arm BTW- mine have less hair...:oops:)
Gorgeous cat :) I am very familiar with that whole 'I'm just going to lie here and hold on to your arm whilst I nap' thing :)
That furminator is obviously working- her coat looks in amazing condition. E2a CRI

Ghengis' winter coat is coming in- its gorgeously soft and fluffy. I could spend all day stroking the underside of his chin...
Oh thanks! The vet couldn't believe how much her coat had grown out since being spayed in June - can hardly see now where the fur was clipped on the side.

Ghengis looks so soft and velvety in that shot.
Oh thanks! The vet couldn't believe how much her coat had grown out since being spayed in June - can hardly see now where the fur was clipped on the side.

Ghengis looks so soft and velvety in that shot.
His coat is gorgeous. Even though it gets everywhere- no idea why someone who wears black all the time thought a cream cat was a good idea :)
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I have dog envy today, I can't lie! :)
Ha, I have it every day! If I didn't have more self-control, I'd have a house and garden full of every kind of animal. Saw the programme about dogs on I Player last night and have renewed desire for a Saluki now. Had a dream the other night that I had a Cockapoo (and woke up to an equally heavy dogcat perched on my elbow!)
Goddess Midnight.jpg

'Greetings, human subjects. I am the Goddess Midnight, Ruler of all I survey, Absolute Dictator, Merciless Slaughterer of Kitty Toys, Eater of anything that isn't locked away and/or nailed down, Scamperer in Chief and general commander of everything and everybody I deem my personal property.'

'But, as I'm feeling generous, you peons may address me merely as 'Your Majesty.'

'Having wandered your society for some time without recourse to an entourage of human slaves I now have a few and have commanded them to post my glorious pic on their computers. You may now post flattering messages stating how utterly perfect I am and how lucky you all are to be permitted to view my flawless features.'

'You may now proceed about your business. That is all.'
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