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Self-indulgent pet thread

I had little Pickle put to sleep this evening. I found two more tumors recently and the vet and I agreed that while she might live for another few weeks it would all be downhill and I couldn't bear to think of her wasting away and being in any more pain. So hard to have to make that decision, she's been with me for so long, almost since I moved out here. Ted and Floyd seem a bit lost tonight :(


Her the day we got her, early Feb 2010. She must have been about six weeks maybe? That's her sister in the top corner and Ferkel our first ever rat giving her a sniff. He became a confused surrogate mum to them :D


She haz an egg!

Goodbye little fluff, I shall miss you terribly. You were the nicest rat that ever there was. x
Alfie has been poorly for the last three weeks but he finally seems to be on the mend again. He was mostly curled up in a ball in the sock drawer but when he lies there with his tail proudly curled, I know things are getting back to normal.

Weirdo :D
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Our dog Bruce, we've had him since about October last year when we got him from a local rescue. He had been left
tied to the gate one morning and was in pretty bad shape, lots of cuts to his face and under weight. Hes settled into life with us very well though and is turning out to be a really good dog, He loves the cat even if the cat still hasnt taken to him.
He looks lovely :cool:

this is the stray cay that we feed sometimes. I think she was someone's pet at some point, mainly cause we've known her a year and no kittens and she is well housetrained and astoundingly socialized as you can see, but she comes to see us and another family a few doors down when she is hungry or cold or tired. and feeds herself adequately most of the time at the expense of anything small and furry in the vicinity.
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this is the stray cay that we feed sometimes. I think she was someone's pet at some point, mainly cause we've known her a year and no kittens and she is well housetrained and astoundingly socialized as you can see, but she comes to see us and another family a few doors down when she is hungry or cold or tired. and feeds herself adequately most of the time at the expense of anything small and furry in the vicinity.

***Adopts the voice of Vincent Price***

'You will all learn to fear her...'

'For She is the mighty Basement Cat herself. Behold, and tremble at the fact that Basement Cat has now discovered an endless supply of fresh souls previously known as...'


i have a visitor :)
this is fluffy, and i'm fostering her in my spare room until she gets re-homed. she's four. she lived with a bloke for her first year or so, and then went to live with a couple.. they thought she was a boycat, and called her harry.
the lady died, and her husband didn't want to keep any reminders of her around. so he chucked fluffyharry out, and boarded up the catflap. a neighbour was feeding her outside until recently, but isn't able to do so any more.
the nice lady from the catrescueplace picked her up, took her to the vet (and confirmed her suspicions that she's actually a ladycat) had her chip scanned (and found out her earlier lifestory, and she was called fluffy), kept her last night, and brought her round this afternoon.


she is lovely :)
Sorry chuck, mine are deerhounds :D I used to have wolfhounds and I've also had whippets, afghans and borzois, I'm very old :)
I had a borzoi when I was a child, beautiful element dogs! Oops I'm watching elementery I meant elegant!!
i have a visitor :)
this is fluffy, and i'm fostering her in my spare room until she gets re-homed. she's four. she lived with a bloke for her first year or so, and then went to live with a couple.. they thought she was a boycat, and called her harry.
the lady died, and her husband didn't want to keep any reminders of her around. so he chucked fluffyharry out, and boarded up the catflap. a neighbour was feeding her outside until recently, but isn't able to do so any more.
the nice lady from the catrescueplace picked her up, took her to the vet (and confirmed her suspicions that she's actually a ladycat) had her chip scanned (and found out her earlier lifestory, and she was called fluffy), kept her last night, and brought her round this afternoon.

View attachment 32717

she is lovely :)

I love the fact that a vet had to confirm she's female - with that coat colour there was only ever less than 1% chance of her being male due to a rare genetic thing anyway, how anyone could have assumed she was male in the first place is beyond me. I don't need to look at her nether regions to say that's more than 99% probability a female cat.

Good on you for looking after her :)
Cricket vs Lizard gladiator death games anyone?

(Warning, gratuitous insect v reptile violence, plus a hint of regurgitation)

Not my lizard btw, best mates :)
I gave Schrodes one of those foil tubs of cat food that he likes. He licks all the jelly stuff off it first but because he still had a bit of dry food in his bowl I put it on the kitchen floor, so every time he licks it he pushes it away from himself.

He's been chasing it around the kitchen one lick at a time for five minutes now :oops: :D
Realised today that Bracken has become an old doggy. Sobbed uncontrollably this afternoon :(


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He's only ten. He is a rescue doggy I got two years ago so I don't know anything about his early life other than the fact he was emaciated when we got him.

I absolutely love him though.
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