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Scumoween squat party, London

Are there still parties happening most weekends now? What are they ike these days? Just curious really - I don't even hear they're on before deciding there's no fucking way I'm getting 3 nightbuses across London any more.

My sister seems to get out quite a bit. Not tekno parties though, these ones text her the location. She went to one in that HSS place in Camberwell fairly recently.
probably not the most helpful bump tbh.

can't go to this sadly, as it is normally my annual rave. got to try and reach one before we sprog though!
Took almost a year to get the rig back after scumoween. They came to the lock up a couple of weeks after and took it. Also took all the computers of the fella who hosted the website. His kids went in to school the next day and told everyone that the police had come and taken all daddy's computers away, that evening an army of social workers rolled up at his house looking for the paed :D
Is anyone going on a scum hunt for halloween this year?

Its looking to be the 2nd of november..... Ill be a punk do in new cross, so thought I might go scum hunting after, but its looking like it could be a lonesome mission unless some urbs are on the quest too....

saying that Ill probably flake out. :D
I am having a fireworks do first but may well be up for missioning it across town for a scum party. I have never been and the last time I tried we had a big fight with the police.
I've never been to a scum either, but they always look epic...... I'd appreciate if I can tag along with someone then.....

Shall I do a PM for infolines and phone numbers etc, don't really want it all public.
I'll have a PM for partylines if there are any going around. All my old numbers are out of date. Not that I'll be scumming it, but I may send a few younglings out to have fun, they keep asking me about raves and how to know where they are.
The Scum tend to go at thing with a larger sense of scale than a one room sound clash,

Went to the one before holborn, 6 massive fuck off warehouse units taken over with 12 rigs..

Mucho mucho fun


*edit and I'd forgotten about the pink crackden*
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Looking at the list of rigs they're saying will go its going to be massive....... if they get the buildings they want.
Yeah. When's someone going to put on a squat party for the over-35s eh?

With a creche, and nice cups of tea and comfy chairs. And a nice early finish.

'And then I drank 3 cups of Earl Gray, and I stayed until half past ten.';)


Last week I went to an 'early' gig - Dylan Carlson and Thurston Moore - doors at 5 pm, Thurston at 6, Dylan at 7, home by 9, bed by 10. Fucking brilliant! If only all gigs followed this model.....
"oh dear oh dear!"
"let's do the 3 cups of earl tea bit again."
*deep breath*
"better not, I'm going to B&Q in the morning. let's call it a night and get the last tube."
*stylus scratching crash stop*
*Tries to think of appropriate thing to replace 15 cans of stella ... Nope, there are no suitable middle-class equivalents that you might have 15 times - (15 times!?!? That's not moderation!! ... 15 Types of vinegar!!!! )*
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