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Scumoween squat party, London

Japanese men will pay good money for that kind of thing you know ... :hmm:

Edit: Ok it is actually raining now. What are our views on the stylishness of umbrellas, thread gurus?! :D
I bet the boys are loving the turn this thread has taken.....

I'm sat in my car at the services, so no more sartorial shenannegins for me.
How was it?

Failed to persuade anyone to leave the house party I.am about ro pass out at for this or the other party, including my wife whose never been to a rave.
I was at one in an undisclosed East London location that is still going on it was ok but far far too rammed, I heard scum got shut down by the police, as I expect everyone expected.
Knew it wouldn't just be us who ended up in said East London location ... still going strong when I left, don't think they're letting anyone else in as it was so busy.
In the face of government plans to introduce a law of intentional trespass and make squatting illegal, there's a day of debates & workshops at Colourama on how we can organize and resist:

Come to 52-56 Lancaster Street, SE1 on Sunday 12th December from 2pm. There'll be a meal, so bring your favourite dish to share.

Keep an eye on the website: http://squattastic.blogspot.com. And please pass on the flier if you can:

I would like to award London's night bus system "highly commended". Even in Enfield :hmm:
We met some poor sods who had come from Norfolk and Cornwall for this.
I was at one in an undisclosed East London location that is still going on it was ok but far far too rammed, I heard scum got shut down by the police, as I expect everyone expected.

Far too rammed at the east london party, I ended up leaving as it was too crowded to have the dog out of the car. (plus I had someone 'keeping my bed warm' ;))

Scumtek could have been far better organised to take advantage of the feds rather than allow them info, plus it was in a proper bait location and well far out of town. I drove there as soon as the directions went up, but it had already been busted.
How they get 800 people out of a building. Gas ?
I would think 800 could say no F you we staying.

Lots of riot vans, plus police dogs...and getting there early.

'Attracted' does not necessarily mean 'got anywhere near'.
I was at one in an undisclosed East London location that is still going on it was ok but far far too rammed, I heard scum got shut down by the police, as I expect everyone expected.
Yep, the police was caling the scumfest venue owner since thursday as they were a bit mixed up about the whole thing...

Lots of riot vans, plus police dogs...and getting there early.

'Attracted' does not necessarily mean 'got anywhere near'.

Getting there early is the usual way for them to do it, on ce you've reached critical mass they are usually stuffed unless they are actually spoiling for a fight and "showing dem hippies who is boss".
well after the kast jolly, the ob were always going to try to be one step ahead. i don't think that advertising on facebook was/is a good idea.
well after the kast jolly, the ob were always going to try to be one step ahead. i don't think that advertising on facebook was/is a good idea.
Facebook and forums were safe enough for years, but the Holborn pisstake was a step too far. I think the more savy London rigs are going to play it word of mouth only for the next few months at least.
I got to Enfield at about 23:00 to find the industrial estate blocked off by police. There was a gathering crowd who were getting antsy. The crowd lobbed a few things at the plod and just shoved past them. We then toured the estate, nothing. Off to Hackney then for a packed party. Feel rough today!
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