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Scumoween squat party, London

Its on tonight innit..... I've got the party line info, message me if you want it.

I've got a +1 to shindig tonight, but I just don't know if I can face going out out tbh, I want just a cosy pub and some fireworks lol
The phoneline I called this morning made it sound like they'd had a bit of building trouble. Hope it was still a decent party and no one got pulled.

And yes, I still phone the partylines now and again, despite my last party being in (I think) about 2010 and not even living in London anymore. :(
Somebody on my fb said they went today at 9am. Location only made it to phone lines at 6am but it was going on before
The phoneline I called this morning made it sound like they'd had a bit of building trouble. Hope it was still a decent party and no one got pulled.

And yes, I still phone the partylines now and again, despite my last party being in (I think) about 2010 and not even living in London anymore. :(

Do you sit and sigh mournfully while listening to the message? With a single tear rolling down your cheek?:(
went ta get me hair cut around 1 o'clock, judgin by the amount of KET casualties,zombie-ing around cricklewood, Im gathering this was in NW? Aint been at a scumtech since woolwich about 3 years ago.
Ax^ said:
after about 6 am these sort of things start to resemble a old folks home..

filled with spaced out people who don't know what year it is dribbling on themselves


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still surprised it did not make the mail this time..

come on last time they had a riot

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