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Scottish Labour, bast*rds the lot of them

Tories are the only party “that will stand up for Scotland”, says Stirling Labour vice chair

Tories are the only party “that will stand up for Scotland”, says Stirling Labour vice chair

“As one of only two miners left on Stirling Constituency Labour Party who was on strike for 56 weeks at Polmaise Colliery it pains me to say, the actions by the members of the Labour Group prove beyond a doubt that the only party that will stand up for Scotland is Ruth Davidson’s Conservative Party.”
Tories are the only party “that will stand up for Scotland”, says Stirling Labour vice chair

Tories are the only party “that will stand up for Scotland”, says Stirling Labour vice chair

“As one of only two miners left on Stirling Constituency Labour Party who was on strike for 56 weeks at Polmaise Colliery it pains me to say, the actions by the members of the Labour Group prove beyond a doubt that the only party that will stand up for Scotland is Ruth Davidson’s Conservative Party.”
Tories are the only party “that will stand up for Scotland”, says Stirling Labour vice chair

Tories are the only party “that will stand up for Scotland”, says Stirling Labour vice chair

“As one of only two miners left on Stirling Constituency Labour Party who was on strike for 56 weeks at Polmaise Colliery it pains me to say, the actions by the members of the Labour Group prove beyond a doubt that the only party that will stand up for Scotland is Ruth Davidson’s Conservative Party.”

christ Scottish Labour are a collection of the worst people in the country, aren't they
Well, they showed some integrity and voted with the SNP and the Lib Dems against the consent motion. Big fuck you to Westminster :thumbs:
Well, they showed some integrity and voted with the SNP and the Lib Dems against the consent motion. Big fuck you to Westminster :thumbs:

Empty rhetoric on behalf of the SNP/Lab/Lib Dems. It won't stop or alter anything.

Every time I come down the central dual carriageway in Livingston, I pass a sign saying 'Livingston, a Fairtrade Town'. We have ASDA, Morrisons and Sainsbury's. The sign has as much meaning and weight as the Scottish Parliament motion.

I do wish that the motion could derail leaving the EU, because it is the daftest thing we've done as a nation for a while, but it won't.
No, the juggernaut won't stop. Never has, never will, until one of the nations of the union breaks it, and saves thousands of lives as the British war machine is dented.
this is good:
On Scottish Labour's IndyRef Trauma

In fact, there’s only been one major extra-parliamentary campaign – albeit barely a social movement – that the whole Scottish Labour Party has really thrown its weight behind since devolution, and which has profoundly shaped its character: Better Together. Far from an inconvenient ‘distraction’, the campaign against independence gave a jaded party some kind of non-electoral purpose again. They duly summoned up all the remaining resources of the Scottish Labour imagination and said something along the lines of ‘sorry, it can’t get much better than this'. The party was subsequently obliterated.

Think about what that experience does to someone who got into politics to make a difference. Not only have you spent years grimly telling people not to get their hopes up; they’ve rewarded you for your wise advice by booting you out. The result is a generation of party members and MSPs who basically can’t tell a satisfying story about their own place within the past 20 years of devolved politics. There’s no resolution beyond various shades of betrayal: either the voters betrayed us, or we betrayed them.

e2a, this bit:
"The reason Scottish Labour were destroyed after the referendum wasn't because they ‘sided with the Tories’ or because they failed to support independence: it was because they offered no serious alternative to the British state itself, no recognition that economic justice and democratic transformation must go hand in hand. They were forced instead into a desperate sales pitch for one of the most effective and durable criminal enterprises in the history of humankind, an evil wet lump of crumbling architecture, expensive weaponry and tenured racists, the only redeeming features of which were forged by a labour movement born in conflict against it, which will die in the same struggle if it doesn’t realise the conflict only ends when one side is destroyed. "

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e2a, this bit:
"The reason Scottish Labour were destroyed after the referendum wasn't because they ‘sided with the Tories’ or because they failed to support independence: it was because they offered no serious alternative to the British state itself, no recognition that economic justice and democratic transformation must go hand in hand. They were forced instead into a desperate sales pitch for one of the most effective and durable criminal enterprises in the history of humankind, an evil wet lump of crumbling architecture, expensive weaponry and tenured racists, the only redeeming features of which were forged by a labour movement born in conflict against it, which will die in the same struggle if it doesn’t realise the conflict only ends when one side is destroyed. "


This. The complete lack of ambition of the new labour offering had me voting green down south and I'd have voted SNP and independence if I was up here.

I moved back to Scotland a year ago and haven't bothered to go to a labour party meeting as I dread to see what the rump of the Scottish party is like. I was a union member and reactivated my membership with the rise of Corbyn . Down south I was heartened by the youngsters forging a new socialist road but all the youth I know up here naffed off to the SNP and rightly so given the poverty of ambition that is new labour.

I want the ILP of my Grandfather back. Home rule and socialist.
Labour party chairman: "We need to kill off the nationalists in Scotland and regain that great country."

The imperial mindset in full flow.
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Both Sarwar and Baillie were privately educated, I believe. Still, I expect the change is more about personal new brooms than looking for more ordinary people.
Nice to see Richard doing his bit for Labour,how kind he is.
Psst,it's quite possible that he's suffering from dementia as he conveniently forgot 184 Labour members voted in favour of Austerity.

A wee bit harsh. Leonard finished his university studies.

Wee bit harsh my arse, when you look at how shite things SLab have been responsible for in Scotland I think I'm being quite generous. They have LIED to the people of Scotland for my ENTIRE life and I'm now in my 50s. The hospitals that are fecked by parking charges are Labour's fault, GCC under Labour fought for yrs to NOT pay women equal pay, a fuckton of the poverty in Glasgow is Labour's fault, the lies they told before, during and since the referendum have been exactly that, LIES all to the detriment of Scotland and the people they were supposed to represent.

I'm not being harsh, I am seriously pissed off at what the Labour party has become. I am a big fan of Keir Hardie and not one of SLab's MSP/MP is fit to be there
Oh, I don't disagree with you by any means. But when you look at the plonkers the branch office has had as secretary he's not the cunt Murphy is.
Btw,regarding post no 121,it's a fact,Tories and Labour most certainly do plot against the SNP.

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