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Say hello to Barratt Homes' 'Brixton Square' on Coldharbour Lane (old Cooltan site)

Also, I bet those flats get burgled loads, especially given Granville shops next door keep getting broken into.
Just had a look at the floorplan for the cheapest flat on there. 46.9 sq metres, single aspect, for 264K.

Bargain compared to this poky conversion flat on Mervan Rd for 290k, that I spotted the other day.


Younger Claphamites can't afford to buy in Clapham, hence the prices in Brixton/Streatham going up as they seek affordable properties close by. Claphamites be expanding....
The claphamite thing may be a misnomer since the spiritual home of the tribe is an imaginary extension of Chelsea.
Breaks my heart whenever I hear of ex-council properties going on the market.

(Kanda I'm not having a go at you, just the politics of the situation)
I agree Ed. I turned down the opportunity to buy my mothers for the same reasons, could have made a killing.
Breaks my heart whenever I hear of ex-council properties going on the market.

(Kanda I'm not having a go at you, just the politics of the situation)

Pisses me off that Thatcher, the diseased old cunt, legally disbarred Local Authorities from operating a "first refusal" clause on Right to BUy sales. Up until (IIRC) '84, if you'd bought your council house, you were obliged to give your council first refusal at the market price.
Looks like I am in the dog house before I even move in, did not mean to offend anyone, think I had better keep my mouth shut as I am not allowed to voice my opinion.
Looks like I am in the dog house before I even move in, did not mean to offend anyone, think I had better keep my mouth shut as I am not allowed to voice my opinion.
Whatever gave you that silly Billy idea? You're absolutely entitled to voice your opinion here, just as other posters are equally entitled to comment on what you're saying. That's how a bulletin board works, you see.

So, which block are you moving into and how much did you pay?
Looks like I am in the dog house before I even move in, did not mean to offend anyone, think I had better keep my mouth shut as I am not allowed to voice my opinion.

Looks like I am in the dog house before I even move in, did not mean to offend anyone, think I had better keep my mouth shut as I am not allowed to voice my opinion.

Don't worry about it: the courtesies of everyday life are not always observed here!

It is however an entertaining and intelligent forum.
Looks like I am in the dog house before I even move in, did not mean to offend anyone, think I had better keep my mouth shut as I am not allowed to voice my opinion.
Simply not true you can't have an opinion, and don't be over dramatic. If you actually want to be part of the community, you need to think about what impact you're having on it. There are people on here from all walks of life and all incomes- we just all need to think about each other's perspectives
Looks like I am in the dog house before I even move in, did not mean to offend anyone, think I had better keep my mouth shut as I am not allowed to voice my opinion.

FYI the main reasons you were put in the dog house were:
- comparing Brixton with Clapham
- suggesting wealth is an indicator of astuteness
If you are not a troll and end up sticking around, in years to come you will look back with amusement at how you managed to get both these things into your first few posts on urban75.
Looks like I am in the dog house before I even move in, did not mean to offend anyone, think I had better keep my mouth shut as I am not allowed to voice my opinion.

Do you think most of the flats at Brixton Square are being bought by buy-to-let landlords, or owner-occupiers?
I think you are all grooming me to turn me into a lefty, I am already feeling guilty for moving in lol.
Editor I have bought in the 2nd phase, they have not released the prices yet, the equivalent apartment in phase one was £360,000 but Barratts have said because phase one was sold out in one month that the price may go up, so will have to wait, I have reserved an apartment so fingers crossed they keep it at the original price.
I think you are all grooming me to turn me into a lefty, I am already feeling guilty for moving in lol.
Editor I have bought in the 2nd phase, they have not released the prices yet, the equivalent apartment in phase one was £360,000 but Barratts have said because phase one was sold out in one month that the price may go up, so will have to wait, I have reserved an apartment so fingers crossed they keep it at the original price.

They won't even tell you the price? If it goes up, presumably you can pull out at no cost?
Have you considered looking at other flats in the area? You could get a lot more bang for your buck if you looked around.
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