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RIP Donald Sutherland

Just such a superb film, I rarely like a remake better than the original, but this was an absolutely brilliant remake - and as you say with such a great cast.
All of the main cast did a brilliant job, Goldblum was excellent as well (it must have been quite early on in his career but it helped make him famous because it was just such a good film) they were all great in it, Brooke Adams and Veronica Cartwright too (not in the photo but also really good)
So atmospheric and scary. And with such an iconic final few seconds. Truly a classic of the genre.
Trying to find where I can watch it.
i ended up buying a copy from Amazon - it was only something like £3. And I get to keep it on my hard drive.
RIP Donald. A beautiful man and a great actor. Not above showing your arse in a teen comedy, always able to lend depth to a music video in the same way that you brought everything to a serious film role. And you sired another beautiful man and quality actor who I lusted after for years. Kudos, Oddball.
RIP Donald. A beautiful man and a great actor. Not above showing your arse in a teen comedy, always able to lend depth to a music video in the same way that you brought everything to a serious film role. And you sired another beautiful man and quality actor who I lusted after for years. Kudos, Oddball.
And Wikipedia says there were problems with getting his visa at short notice for the Cloudbusting video so he offered to do it for free.
Kelly's Heroes ruined him for me for years, I was always expecting him to morph into oddball. The incident with the tank barrel in the narrow street and the paint is sublime :)
a great has passed. Somehow even got away with that irish accent as sean devlin in eagle has landed. One of those actors where even if the film didnit look that promising on paper I'd go 'Well, give it a fair shake its got Donald Sutherland in it, how bad can it be'
RIP. So many great performances.

I was reading about Animal House yesterday - apparently the producers needed some bigger names as most of the cast were unknown so contacted Donald, he had the choice between a percentage of the gross, or standard pay - he didn't think it would be a hit, so took the standard pay , around $35k - had he taken the percentage - it would have netted him several million:eek:

He seemed a decent sort - and always enjoyed seeing him in movies. RIP.
He seemed a decent sort - and always enjoyed seeing him in movies. RIP.

On his last trip here, when the photo above was taken, on another day, he turned-up unannounced at a small community arts project in the shittier end of Aberdeen, run by someone else I know slightly and bought enough local art/caused enough of a stir to ensure her funding was secured to this day! So that's good too. :)
Watching Invasion... Its one of the best films ever. So much tension, so scary. No wonder the final scene hits so hard. RIP big DS. Thank you for all the movies, and of course ya son who was also awesome
Honestly.. Invasion has to be one of the best horror films ever
I completely agree - it has everything, truly a great film, one of my favourites.
I first saw it when I was a teenager (we probably rented the video) and it's proper terrifying.
I completely agree - it has everything, truly a great film, one of my favourites.
I saw it when I was a teenager (we probably rented the video) and it's proper terrifying.
It still is! It's so freaky
Thanks to the recommendations on this thread I’ve just watched Klute which really enjoyed.

Cheers for the all great films Donald!
I take it you've seen the 1956 original, Mumbles274 ?

No Donald Sutherland in it, but the 78 remake kind of follows on from it (the ending of that film segues nicely into the opening sequence of the 78 version) rather than being an exact remake, despite it being the same characters. It's also well worth a gander if you can get hold of a copy, also a bit of a classic. Sorry for the slight tangent!
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