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David Lynch RIP

I think he once quoted that he was heavily influenced by the violence he wirnessed growing up in Philidelphia or somewhere.

Anyhoo I dont think his films are that violent compared to other films that are violent.

His films have multiple themes. I personally find most of his stuff very psychological.

Then there is Twin Peaks. Sometimes scary, sometimes OTT tongue in check and funny and has sometimes quite romantic. Thats the good thing with his stuff, you are always guaranteed a wild ride.
yes true, Twin Peaks has much more of a mix of tones in the soap opera vein....but theres psychological violence in pretty much every film, sometimes brooding but more often explicit - its probably the dominant theme across all the films - often relating to women - this is a good piece (has spoilers)
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9pm Mondays - appointment television at its finest.
Fuck you Netflix for ruining all of that.
thing is youd miss an episode of shows and not know what was going on - as if it wasnt confusing enough
i only saw a few when it aired, watched it back to back a few years ago
thing is youd miss an episode of shows and not know what was going on - as if it wasnt confusing enough
i only saw a few when it aired, watched it back to back a few years ago
Except you wouldn’t miss it, precisely cos you had only one chance to see it
You didn't have a video recorder?
Not then. They were expensive back then.
And also, I was at sixth form and Tuesdays were spent in the common room talking about wtf just happened, instead of going to classes. As equally unmissable as the show. Now we have to listen to fucking podcasts or go on Reddit :D
Once upon a time they broadcast Aeon Flux and Ren & Stimpy in that timeslot. Halcyon days :cool:
don't remember Aeon Flux but, yeah, Ren & Stimpy was on after or before Heartbreak High on a Tuesday evening, though that I was probably at uni by then - remember watching it a lot while getting stoned on Northern Lights
Anyway, might do the meditation tomorrow - that will be 8pm GMT - despite having tried meditation before and never really got it. Any tips?

Don't expect anyrhing that just takes your concentration. Just "Follow the script" after a few minutes it should start working. Of course there are different types of meditation. I'm sure you can find a thread or start one.
Anyone care to share their favourite Lynch scenes?

The road rage incident in Lost Highway for me. Fucking hilarious when Laurent is screaming at the guy to read the highway code :D
Anyone care to share their favourite Lynch scenes?

The road rage incident in Lost Highway for me. Fucking hilarious when Laurent is screaming at the guy to read the highway code :D
The dinner scene in Eraserhead is up there. "Just cut them up like regular chickens!"

Dean Stockwell lip-syncing In Dreams from Blue Velvet of course.

And the Robert Blake "I'm there right now" scene in Lost Highway for the surreal creepiness of it. Although the sinister nature of it has probably been amplified more since everything that happened with Blake after.
thinking about the music again - which means Angelo Badalamenti - and reminded of this one of my all time favourite youtube clips - has been posted several times over the years - most recently when Angelo died a couple of years back - but just maybe someone hasn't seen it

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