ska invita
back on the other side
yes true, Twin Peaks has much more of a mix of tones in the soap opera vein....but theres psychological violence in pretty much every film, sometimes brooding but more often explicit - its probably the dominant theme across all the films - often relating to women - this is a good piece (has spoilers)I think he once quoted that he was heavily influenced by the violence he wirnessed growing up in Philidelphia or somewhere.
Anyhoo I dont think his films are that violent compared to other films that are violent.
His films have multiple themes. I personally find most of his stuff very psychological.
Then there is Twin Peaks. Sometimes scary, sometimes OTT tongue in check and funny and has sometimes quite romantic. Thats the good thing with his stuff, you are always guaranteed a wild ride.
Exploring David Lynch’s obsession with 'troubled women'
Surrealist auteur David Lynch often features 'troubled women' in his work, such as 'Blue Velvet', 'Mulholland Drive', 'Inland Empire' and 'Twin Peaks'. But why?
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