Yes. That really was something special.A lot of his stuff I can take or leave but the new Twin Peaks series was magnificent.
Eek.even Inland Empire - If you like that sort of thing!
I was mildly obsessed by that as late teen. So many quotes. I must watch it again. . . . . "hummmugggh I'm making my lunch!"Possibly my favourite director of all time.
He even managed to make Nicolas Cage look good in Wild at Heart. (Great opening scene)
I was mildly obsessed by that as late teen. So many quotes. I must watch it again. . . . . "hummmugggh I'm making my lunch!"
I used to do 'kung fu' dancing as a teen in Bath. I watched it quite a lot when I was about 18-20 but am not sure I have seen it since. I should probably check it out. Still to this day, if someone comments on an 'unusual' item of clothing I am wearing (or a fancy hairdo) i'll tell them that it is "a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom". . . also if I am heading out somewhere with someone else, "Let's go dancing peanut" always seems an appropriate alternative to 'let's go'.It was my introduction to Lynch as a late teen. Think I picked it off the shelf because it promised some intense sex and violence, but obviously it delivered a whole lot more. It's in the top five Lynch films of which I can't decide which one is best.
Unfortunatley he did have some very dubious political views. He was rarely vocal about them but if you go looking on the net you will find.on the downside he was a republican supporter
Inland Empire will test your patience, even by his standards. It was once decribed as Mulholland Drive on acid lol.i think he's the only director I've seen every film from - each one a masterpiece of sorts
Id go as far as saying that the strongest filmography of any director - even Inland Empire - If you like that sort of thing!
I got 15 minutes in and had to switch it off. Ill try it again sometime.Yes. That really was something special.
It was definitely a good one for a weekly drip of speculation. I'm not sure if it would be anywhere as good now it is all out there (watchable in one go). I really enjoyed everyone discussing what the hell was going on each week.I got 15 minutes in and had to switch it off. Ill try it again sometime.
my overriding memory of inland empire was popping into the cinema on a whim on the way home from work, completely unaware that it was 3 hours long.Inland Empire will test your patience, even by his standards. It was once decribed as Mulholland Drive on acid lol.
Its still sub weird mindfuck etheral experience purely for hardcore fans only.