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Return of the Drag: 2011

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just got hold of John to discuss my shoulder issue and how I'm not going to be in untill wednesday cos I can barely clench a fist. He turns round to tell me due to downsizing myself and aiden have our marching orders. Weeks pay of notice, holiday pay and the hours I'm owed for last week. Just over 400 pounds. Thanks a fucking bunch you slapheaded cunt.

the only drag I will be doing tomorrow is dragging my arse to the dole office. Motherfucker.
just got hold of John to discuss my shoulder issue and how I'm not going to be in untill wednesday cos I can barely clench a fist. He turns round to tell me due to downsizing myself and aiden have our marching orders. Weeks pay of notice, holiday pay and the hours I'm owed for last week. Just over 400 pounds. Thanks a fucking bunch you slapheaded cunt.

the only drag I will be doing tomorrow is dragging my arse to the dole office. Motherfucker.

Aw dotty that is awful, poor you :(
I quit the drag, Badgers. They hadn't paid me for a few months and wanted to move me onto commission. :rolleyes:

God knows what they're doing now cos I was the only person who understood retail.

I'm glad you didn't stub your toe too! Any chance of getting back to sleep since you can't have a coffee? What's the drag got in store for you today?
I quit the drag, Badgers. They hadn't paid me for a few months and wanted to move me onto commission. :rolleyes:

God knows what they're doing now cos I was the only person who understood retail.

Oh, how shitty :(

Anything else about for you or taking a break for a bit?

I'm glad you didn't stub your toe too! Any chance of getting back to sleep since you can't have a coffee? What's the drag got in store for you today?

Can almost never go back to sleep. Really annoying but once I wake I am up. Feel weary but mind is awake now so will go to work early and hope to leave early.

Fairly busy drag at the moment my end. Have a three day week next week (5 year wedding anniversary treat) so could be worse.
Oooh congrats, 5 years! What are you going to do for it? It was my 2nd anniversary on Sunday. :)

I guess I'll pick up some tuition once the summer holidays finish, I might still have a job at a high school, I dunno.

God, I sound like I'm hated by my employers. :D
You don't sound too concerned about it? I guess that is a good thing?

Yeah, 5 years is pretty impressive. No big plans, just a nice day out in London, possibly a picnic and then off to see Harry Potter at the IMAX in the evening.
Awwwr that sounds like a lovely day, I've never been to an IMAX, I bet they're awesome.

Can't get too fussed about not working, it's Mr Yu who has the work permit. :D
Stupid 4th-to-last-day at work. Gotta tell replacement what I do all day (v little) so spent l yesterday making a list (v short).

Interesting that I work in exec agy of govt and so they'll be lots of chat about the hearing thingy later so I get my opinions formed while I get paid instead of sat on sofa.

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