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Reports of up to 6000 dead, 10,000 missing in Libya flooding

Thousands dead in Morocco and Libya but neither of these appear on the BBC front page this morning.

I suppose that's what's called balance.
6th at the moment on bbc news front page. Whether that's algorithimed or not who knows. Never heard anything about it on the radio this morning though it was just in the background while I fucked about making breakfast etc. Mainly North Korea and sadly Angela Raynor speaking in tory sound bites.
Is this what you count as 6th on the News page? (It isn't on the front page). Nicely tucked away at the side there?

I wonder how rivalries between the 2 seperate governments will affect relief efforts. Most of the flooding is in the east where the government there isn't recognised outside the country.
Christ what a mess.

And there are just going to be more of these weather related disasters and more deaths, and more refugees and more gammons wishing more people would drown in the channel without any concept of what being inundated really looks like.

Got to keep up negative stories about the NHS though.
It's headline on BBC and Channel 4 news atm. Shocking footage on C4.

As it should be. As it wasn't this morning.

I was watching the shocking pictures on Al-Jazeera yesterday evening. It's not like the BBC and Guardian didn't know this was happening. The extent of the tragedy was apparent 24 hours ago.

It's still only second fiddle on the Guardian.

African life is cheap.
As it should be. As it wasn't this morning.

I was watching the shocking pictures on Al-Jazeera yesterday evening. It's not like the BBC and Guardian didn't know this was happening. The extent of the tragedy was apparent 24 hours ago.

It's still only second fiddle on the Guardian.

African life is cheap.
I think you're reaching a bit. it's the lead story now that the size of the disaster is becoming clear.
Which bit of "the extent of the tragedy was apparent 24 hours ago" don't you understand?
Is that why the headline of this thread was updated?
You don't seem to understand how news websites work. They're based on interest to their readers. And even when you were moaning, the news was actually quite prominent on the websites in question, especially considering most people in the UK have very little interest in anything happening in Libya.
Is that why the headline of this thread was updated?
You don't seem to understand how news websites work. They're based on interest to their readers. And even when you were moaning, the news was actually quite prominent on the websites in question,

Oh ffs.

Criticism of selective media content equals moaning for you? Or are you getting emotive because you have no fucking clue?

And even when you were moaning, the news was actually quite prominent on the websites in question

Which bit of no it fucking wasn't don't you understand? I even gave a screenshot. Of a news page. Because there was nothing on the front page.

especially considering most people in the UK have very little interest in anything happening in Libya.

Tbf we wee ourselves a little bit when hundreds at a time die in boats coming from there.
It's so sad. Sounds like possibly the political situation led to the dam failing? And uncontaminated water now hard to find.
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