circling Airstrip One
Welcome to realpolitik.No what will happen if and when Megrahi returns will be EXACTLY the public shouts of "Allah Akbar" and the burning US flags that we saw when Megrahi's co-accused returned to Libya. and keep Megrahi in jail and put Gaddafi and Queen Elizabeth in jail with him.
I'm not particularly interested in such exterior concerns. They're an unpleasant, but inevitable, aspect of this case. Justice was always going to be compromised by an extradition that involved cutting a deal with a dictator (including the acceptance of a curious demand not to inflict a Scottish jury on Megrahi or his acquitted co-accused, Mr Fhimah). Scots law hasn't a hope in trying to play geo-politics, and should limit itself to doing the right thing by Megrahi. While his multiple murder was ghastly and depraved in every respect, that doesn't mean he should forfeit basic human rights, else the concept is meaningless. If we refuse to inflict a civilised act of retribution we shouldn't inflict an uncivilised one by stealth. Let him die at home, whatever may come of it.