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Regional anti-cuts organising

40+ people turned up to http://www.cambridgeshireagainstthecuts.org.uk/2010/10/fighting-conference-20th-november.html

Managed to pass something in the way of a constitution

As well as Unite, Unison, PCS and NUT unions reps there, notable by their presence were:
http://www.defendeducation.co.uk/ and
http://www.campaigncc.org/local.shtml#eastofengland (who unfortunately had an event on that clashed - something we aim to avoid in the future).
This is being followed up with a big event across Kings and Clare Colleges - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=173383626008826

King’s // Keynes Hall

1.30-3.00 // What is the place of universities today?
Stefan Collini, Professor of Intellectual History, Cambridge
Stathis Kouvelakis, Reader in Political Theory, KCL
Alex Callinicos, Director of European Studies, KCL [ :facepalm: ]

3.30-4.30 // What can Unions do?
Paula Champion, Cambridge NUT President
Steve Sweeney, Unison, Huntingdon Trades Council
Will Smith, Cambridge University, Unite, Branch Secretary

King’s // Chetwynd Room

1.30-2.30 // What can direct action achieve?
Mark Bergfeld, NUS NEC
Rahul Manisgani, CUSU President
Mel, Climate Camp

2.30-3.30 // Cambridge activists share stories of taking action.
Includes a training on knowing your rights and staying secure.

3.30-4.30 // Cuts – necessity or ideology?
Richard Seymour, Author of "The Meaning of David Cameron" and Lenin’s Tomb
David Wearing, New Left Project, editor

Clare College // Latimer Room

3.30-4.30 // What are universities for?
Workshop on universities and the structure of our education system.

5.00-6.00 // What next for Cambridge?
Defend Education Meeting
Everyone is welcome to get involved in Cambridge Defend Education - come along to an open strategy session where we decide where next for Cambridge.
Thanks LD. I arrived late at the Town Hall and had to leave early, so I was there but missed the fun bit :(

It was difficult to work out what was going on in the meeting a lot of the time. But I've been to a few council meetings and that seems normal - difficult for anyone not a local politics geek to follow. It would have been good to have a pre-meeting perhaps, where someone in the know could have explained the procedure.

What would you like to see in terms of strategy?

Well a strategy in itself would be good!

As to what that is, that's up to everyone involved to decide - what should be done and what people are willing to do to achieve that etc..

I think if less time was spent arranging top down meetings where the audience just get talked to/at (i.e. the coming right to work one this wednesday is adding speaker after speaker to the bill - leaving less and less time for actual discussion & formulation of strategy/tactics between people who are actually involved) and more on actual proper involved community meetings where the local lefty hierarchy & TU doesn't hold sway and set the agenda then something more organic and innovative might actually evolve

I wrote down some of my own thoughts on it re our local group here - http://savecatford.org/cblog/?p=51
100% YES.

All the posts about the experiences of local groups is invaluable. There may not be feedback but folk are reading and interested - promise you.
Monday 22nd November - Haringey protest6.30pm – Rally outside the full Council meeting, Haringey Civic Centre, Wood green High Rd, London N22
(Nearesdt tube is Wood Green, Buses are 29, 243, 67, 144, 123, 230

Bring friends, workmates and neighbours – and your own placards and banners. Please try to ensure your local group or organisation is there.

The Government is threatening Haringey with over £100m cuts in the next 3 years (over £50m in the coming year) to our libraries, schools, health services, youth centres, community centres and facilities, green spaces, public service jobs, voluntary projects, welfare benefits, housing rights and much much more… In addition £17m of money promised from central government has already been axed or frozen.

The Haringey Alliance for Public Services has already held rallies and a 250-strong demonstration to show that people do not have to accept these cuts. Together we can defend our vital public services from cuts, closures and privatisation threats! The full Council will be meeting on the 22nd November to discuss what to do. Councillors must demand adequate government funding, reject privatisation, oppose and refuse to implement cuts – or stand down.

Stop press…Public meeting after the rally: ‘Defend the NHS – don’t let it be torn apart’ Mon 22nd Nov, 7.45pm, Middle Lane Methodist Church, N8 8NT. Organised by the Better Local Healthcare Campaign.

CUTS: Unfair, unacceptable and unnecessary

Good public services, and a universal welfare system, are central to what’s good about Haringey and our lives. We all need good health care, schools and nurseries, community centres, well-run parks and libraries, social services, affordable housing, safe and attractive neighbourhoods, decent jobs, and an adequate and reliable income for unwaged people. Previous generations fought hard to win such improvements.

Devastating – and unjustifiable

The Council estimates it will have to make up to £100m cuts over the next 3 years, and the NHS faces similar threats. If not countered, the cuts will be devastating for all our local communities, for those working in the local public sector and other jobs, for many vital public, voluntary and community projects, services and facilities – and for the most vulnerable, including those reliant on housing and incapacity benefits.
Do people want further updates from Cambridge? (Only there doesn't seem to be much interest :(. )
Yes, very much so, the more the merrier. We ALL need to share our experience, and learn lessons from each other. We are in the fight of ourt lives on this one, and if we don't pool all resources (that means info) we'll be steamrollered.
If thats about 900, 1000, thats quite substantial for now

is Notts SOS Trade Union led?

yeah it is a very good number I think, I have no idea about Notts SOS, I just posted it up because I thought people might want to see it and know that numbers are getting out in places.

prince rhyus said:
Do people want further updates from Cambridge? (Only there doesn't seem to be much interest . )

yes please, I like seeing/reading about things going on around the country, and also you might not realise it but people lurking on this thread might be turning up to the things you are posting - I only knew about the right to work event in birmingham on the 13th november because blagsta posted it up here.
If thats about 900, 1000, thats quite substantial for now

is Notts SOS Trade Union led?


Nottingham is slightly ahead of the curve due to the local councils setting austerity budgets ahead of the game. We're currently having weekly co-ordinating meetings which attract about 40 odd regulars. The group sprang up out of the local trade council, most of whose members are also in political organisations. So it's SP, SWP and the AWL are surprisingly well represented (these groups are used to working together somewhat due to the local anti-racist group) NUT, Unison, PCS members also have substantial representation, plus couple of green councillors and some local anarchists (me). Not many service users it has to be said, but it's definitely a stated aim.

locally numbers have been swelled by stuff like Sherwood forest looking to be flogged off, slashing the social care budget (along with ubiquitous customer engagement questionnaire that asked people how pleased or displeased they were about a 30 odd % increase in care charges) i.e. a quid on meals on wheels, dial-a-ride budget slashed, caps removed on care costs, privatising care homes and the local popular Gedling school is being closed down (they brought a load of kids with them on the march) and academy school plans.

certainly tensions over having whether to have local labour MPs on board (SWP especially keen), which after having Vernon Coaker and Lillian greenwood speak at a bad tempered public event and pointedly refuse to condemn local labour council cuts, has seen us have a policy of only having members who oppose ALL cuts. He showed his face at the demo for about 5 minutes to pose with a local constituent who having speech and language therapy taken away from her autistic kid before being told he wasn't welcome. Like I said, still pretty usual suspect led, but links are being made and the local left aren't falling out, which is promising.

have a go on our lovely website:

There is a GMB meeting to campaign for back pay for female staff on Reading borough council tomorrow at Battle School at 6pm.
Yes, very much so, the more the merrier. We ALL need to share our experience, and learn lessons from each other. We are in the fight of ourt lives on this one, and if we don't pool all resources (that means info) we'll be steamrollered.


Have been feeling a little isolated and despondent of late. I'm still trying to work out where I fit in within all of this.

My post at http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/th...ared-to-be?p=11262836&viewfull=1#post11262836 gives some of the random thoughts that have been going through my head of late.
Good meeting in Sheff tonight. Up to 300 people there, and well chaired so there was no SW/SP bunfight over bollocks motions (SW - 'Cuts are bad, m'kay..' v what almost turned into a full transitional programme. Angry, but mainly focussed and well planned. A couple of people who insisted on talking for five minutes despite everything they said being a repeat of what others had already said and there being a distinct lack of time.

But sod that, a good start to build from.
Good meeting in Sheff tonight. Up to 300 people there, and well chaired so there was no SW/SP bunfight over bollocks motions (SW - 'Cuts are bad, m'kay..' v what almost turned into a full transitional programme. Angry, but mainly focussed and well planned. A couple of people who insisted on talking for five minutes despite everything they said being a repeat of what others had already said and there being a distinct lack of time.

But sod that, a good start to build from.

Thanks for the positive feed back..
Good meeting in Sheff tonight. Up to 300 people there, and well chaired so there was no SW/SP bunfight over bollocks motions (SW - 'Cuts are bad, m'kay..' v what almost turned into a full transitional programme. Angry, but mainly focussed and well planned. A couple of people who insisted on talking for five minutes despite everything they said being a repeat of what others had already said and there being a distinct lack of time.

But sod that, a good start to build from.
that sounds good, best of luck with it
and welfare is going to be a key component of it , and plenty of people raised issues of housing, disability, it was very positive indeed!
yay treelover :) I'm glad, you gonna go along to next one?? I'm writing a report for the paper tonight about the occupation here and will try and get a mention of the issues that you've been mentioning as the person i came across last week and others have been seriously bothering me ...
labour councilors in lewisham are in favour of implementing 'democratic socialist cuts' so they are refusing to vote down the cuts budget this Monday - this particular councillor (Mike Harris) after writing to Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance to tell us of his pro-cuts voting intentions signed of his mail 'In solidarity'

then one member of the group suggested this councillor may be a useful friend down the line so we shouldn't attack him publicly about this, and then another said that the 'revolutionary relevance' of the group is being dismantled because we refuse to make allies with people who are pro-cuts

at a meeting earlier in the week the first 45 minutes of the (anti-cuts) meeting was taken up by a presentation on, and related discussion off, trade unions 'we can't go round them, have to go through them' apparently

there just isn't enough jesus fucks
Onward comrades! To democratic socialist cuts! To each according to their inability to shield themselves from the impact of them - Delivered from those who can!
labour councilors in lewisham are in favour of implementing 'democratic socialist cuts' so they are refusing to vote down the cuts budget this Monday - this particular councillor (Mike Harris) after writing to Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance to tell us of his pro-cuts voting intentions signed of his mail 'In solidarity'

then one member of the group suggested this councillor may be a useful friend down the line so we shouldn't attack him publicly about this, and then another said that the 'revolutionary relevance' of the group is being dismantled because we refuse to make allies with people who are pro-cuts

at a meeting earlier in the week the first 45 minutes of the (anti-cuts) meeting was taken up by a presentation on, and related discussion off, trade unions 'we can't go round them, have to go through them' apparently

there just isn't enough jesus fucks

reminds me of the 'discussions' at the beginnings of the poll tax movement - feck em. we'll go around and through em :) - the more exposed the labour party are the less of a hinderance they will be to a real movement

From the most recent Lewisham Anti-Cuts Alliance Mailout:
"Steve Bullock says on his bog that: “I am clear that my highest priority is to try and protect those whose needs are greatest”. We think that he and other Labour Party councillors should extend their duty to defending all their constituents who overwhelmingly voted for them in the last election and refuse to pass this cuts budget.

Lewisham Ant Cuts Alliance is lobbying the council on Monday 29th November to send this message to Labour Party councillors in particular: “ Don’t vote for the budget. Don’t tell the people of Lewisham that there is no alternative. Join us in helping to build the anti cuts movement by mobilising unions, tenants associations, and community activists with the central demand that the coalition government restores the money for local services.” "
labour councilors in lewisham are in favour of implementing 'democratic socialist cuts' so they are refusing to vote down the cuts budget this Monday - this particular councillor (Mike Harris) after writing to Lewisham Anti Cuts Alliance to tell us of his pro-cuts voting intentions signed of his mail 'In solidarity'

then one member of the group suggested this councillor may be a useful friend down the line so we shouldn't attack him publicly about this, and then another said that the 'revolutionary relevance' of the group is being dismantled because we refuse to make allies with people who are pro-cuts

at a meeting earlier in the week the first 45 minutes of the (anti-cuts) meeting was taken up by a presentation on, and related discussion off, trade unions 'we can't go round them, have to go through them' apparently
oh holy fucking hell. AAARRGHH!!!
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