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Re-opening Schools?

Quick update on the Alnco at my work who is late fifties, asthmatic and suffering long covid she caught in the first few days back in September. She's really fucked. Gone long term sick and may not ever come back. I've never seen such a dreadful change in a person. It's aged her 20 years, at least, when she's looking bad. She was fit, she now walks like a slow 80 year old. Her face is grey.

I would never wish that on anyone. Yet at school a common theme is "look, we've just all got to catch it and get it over with". This is from people who have seen the Alnco, some of them are her friends.

I don't get it. I don't post much Covid stuff now because I think we are in a bizarre place, far more bizarre than lockdown. And yet I feel I'm the wrong way around in that argument compared to the majority. It's suddenly become ok to kill 50,000+ people a year. Just get on with it.
On monday morning I had to explain to a class full of kids that if they were close contacts of an infected person they still needed to come to school. Many of them were outraged at the stupidity of this. I told them that whatever the school policy says, a sensible person would avoid contact with others if they knew they had been exposed to and were likely to be a transmission vector for a dangerous pathogen. I told them they would have to use their own judgement. I would probably get in trouble for saying that if management found out but I have a duty of safeguarding that comes before anything else and I'm not willing to be complicit in this gaslighting shit any more.
On monday morning I had to explain to a class full of kids that if they were close contacts of an infected person they still needed to come to school. Many of them were outraged at the stupidity of this. I told them that whatever the school policy says, a sensible person would avoid contact with others if they knew they had been exposed to and were likely to be a transmission vector for a dangerous pathogen. I told them they would have to use their own judgement. I would probably get in trouble for saying that if management found out but I have a duty of safeguarding that comes before anything else and I'm not willing to be complicit in this gaslighting shit any more.
I think you should document this with a letter to your union or some other official body. Not to raise a complaint, just to make it clear that safeguarding is being interpreted in an unsafe way that is beyond your control.
I think you should document this with a letter to your union or some other official body. Not to raise a complaint, just to make it clear that safeguarding is being interpreted in an unsafe way that is beyond your control.

I might well do that. From the evidence on this thread there are at least some schools and local authorities who are not happy with the official line on students self-isolating.

The rule for teachers is even more absurd than the one for students. Hasn't prevented an assortment of school closures due to loss of staff to covid though.
Daughter's class has AT LEAST eight cases, possibly ten - including her. There is precisely zero mitigation, which has been like this since they went back in September.

I've taught classes that were half empty. And this is how we get kids to 'catch up' apparently. There's usually nothing provided for the kids stuck at home because the official line is still school are open, everything is fine.
Around a third of people being tested in my manor are children (of all ages) after being sent home from school.

And that's with the close contact rules massively watered down. I don't think kids are currently told if someone that they sat next to all day yesterday has caught covid. They're not required to self isolate in that situation, so what would be the point?
Email today from daughter's school saying Monday and Tuesday they haven't enough staff to have Years 8 & 9 in, including children of key workers, but also "the site is Covid-19 secure".

Bitter lol

(Ten year 8 kids including daughter in her class alone currently have Covid)

Many things wrong with my place and Covid but at least one of the pieces of bullshit I don't have to endure is "Covid secure", wtf is wrong with these people?

So much denial of reality.
Even the government stopped using Covid secure in their most prominent rhetoric to the public. Its probably still in the more detailed and tedious documents though.

Over here the govermment kept quoting NPHET National Piblic Health...and saying schools were safe...this has been their line for the past year.

Now the deputy chief medical officer has come straight out and said they never said schools were safe. 🙄🙄🙄
Our school got sent a load of CO2 monitors from the gubbermint. Only we have no need for them since we’ve had them in every classroom since a rebuild in 2015. Apparently they’ve sent the same amount to every school, so we can probably palm them off on another school that hasn’t been sent enough.
Our school got sent a load of CO2 monitors from the gubbermint. Only we have no need for them since we’ve had them in every classroom since a rebuild in 2015. Apparently they’ve sent the same amount to every school, so we can probably palm them off on another school that hasn’t been sent enough.

We've just got a pile of them sat unopened in every department office. Unless someone figures out a way to have all the windows open in January without everyone freezing to death, I can't see what possible use they could be.
We've just got a pile of them sat unopened in every department office. Unless someone figures out a way to have all the windows open in January without everyone freezing to death, I can't see what possible use they could be.
theyre meant to filter the air in an enclosed room and trap germs and other particles, no?
No that'd be an air filter. We don't get those because they're too expensive.

Quite a posh air filter if it can filter out Covid, and I suspect you need to change the filters reasonably frequently too.

The “opening the windows” thing is a bit more U.K. government budget levels, but actually reasonably effective.
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