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Rape, sexual assault and harassment in the entertainment industry


I'll just leave this here.
For actors, I'm not finding a lot of these people's shock and disgust particularly convincing. No one's getting an Oscar for this performance.

What a strange thing to say.

Weinstein is apparently a sexual predator. Predators get away with preying on the weak and vulverable. It's what they do. Their ability to seperate the vulnerable from the strong is what gives them longevity.

Judi Dench or Meryl Streep would have given him short shrift. He would be keenly aware of that and would have altered his behaviour accordingly. A shark like him has has to be able to swim in a sea of 'respectability'. Otherwise his 'career' as a letch would be short-lived.

The notion that he would have behaved in the same way to all women is simply juvenile.
And Meryl Streep's, and any other woman (with a few exceptions) * who "should" have known he was a bad'un and spoke out . . . but definitely NOT the fault of any of the men who knew him and what he was doing. No, never. Nope. Thems the rules you see. :rolleyes:
The rich & powerful not wanting to upset the rich & powerful, same old story. :rolleyes:

No doubt there'll be a few of Hollywood's leading men coming out with excuses about how they'd heard rumours, but not seen anything themselves... obviously, if only they'd known, they'd have said something, etc, etc....
In a recent interview with Page Six, Weinstein said, "I came of age in the 60s and 70s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.”

What a fucking moronic thing to say.
Blame shifting asshole.....as if he didnt know the rules of the 80s..90s..2000s...2010s....

He's full of shit too . Sexual assault in the workplace was illegal even back then .
I bet this kind of crap still goes on all the time in the showbiz world - aspiring young actresses being taken advantage of by sleazy, rich & powerful men. :mad:
Looks like an instance of mud-scraping.
If someone like me has read and heard about Weinstein's alleged habits, I find it incredibly hard to believe that someone like Streep would have no knowledge of them.

This isn't a good look , from a few years back while accepting a prize for her and his Thatcher hagiography

God..the punisher.

Now he's fired he's not a major producer any more so no career harm .

Roman Polanski was still making films though and Meryl was up on her feet leading the standing ovation here , with all the rest of them .


So this is somehow her fault as well?

yeah..not like being mates with one of the most powerful political dynasties in the USA..and therefore world..would be of any use to a sexual predator . Maggie Thatchers and the Windsors patronage of Jimmy Saville never helped him much, did it ? Nowt to do with them either .

Unlikely she gave him any advice on how to handle..what was itagain...? Bimbo eruptions .
In a recent interview with Page Six, Weinstein said, "I came of age in the 60s and 70s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.”

What a fucking moronic thing to say.
Blame shifting asshole.....as if he didnt know the rules of the 80s..90s..2000s...2010s....

And it was still shit behaviour in the 60s, just easier to get away with. Zero contrition.
Here's Weinstein begging other studio chiefs to help him out before his firing on Sunday - isn't clear if any of them came through for him:

Allow me to resurrect myself with a second chance. A lot of the allegations are false, as you know ... If you could write this letter backing me getting me the help and time away I need and also stating your opposition to the board firing me, It would help me a lot. I am desperate for your help. Just give me the time to get therapy. Do not let me get fired. If the industry supports me, that is all I need. With all due respect, I need the letter today.
Here's Weinstein begging other studio chiefs to help him out before his firing on Sunday - isn't clear if any of them came through for him:

They're probably still laughing to be fair, he didn't have the best rep in Hollywood even before this was brought to light, the sleazy fuck.
When I saw the Graun's ‘exclusive’ with Romola Garai, talking about Weinstein's behaviour surrounding her casting in Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights, I thought it sounded very familiar.

I did a google for ‘Romola Garai Havana Nights’ with the end date two days ago:

"romola garai" "havana nights" - Google Search

Guess what? All her allegations, about body-shaming, sleazy producers and the pressure put on young women actors and others in Hollywood were there already - everything bar Harvey Weinstein's name.

It's almost as though sexual predation of women by men within the entertainment industry is so commonplace that even when it is spoken about in public it is ignored.

« This has been a man-repeats-what-many-women-have-been-saying-over-and-over-for-years-and-years-so-obviously-more-likely-to-be-heard public announcement »

Fucking ridiculous.
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