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Raiders of the Lost Ark

Thus one of the most memorable movie deaths in cinema was born. Imagine how the swordsman must have felt to have his big fight scene reduced to a quick bullet through the chest.

On a different note We can be thankful that Harrison Ford was given the role of Indy. The second choice was Tom Selleck. It could have all looked very different.


Tom Selleck was the first choice, but he turned it down because he couldn't get out of his contract for the TV series Magnum P.I, which left the door open for Ford. Selleck later was reduced to starring in a cheap Raiders rip-off called High Road to China.
After much consideration, the only Raiders flaw I can dredge up is their failure to include the shot of Indy lashed to the U-boat's periscope with his whip.
Surely that bespeaks a larger flaw - that apparently he rode a submarine several thousand miles (IIRC from the map overlay in that part) without drowning. Surely it would have submerged for at least some of the way?

He also says the commandments came from Mt Herob, whereas Moses actually got them at Mt Sinai. :rolleyes:
Indeed...depends who's story you believe! I can find no flaw in the film...not as a kid when it enthralled me and not now even with my cynical adult head on. The opening 15 mins are just amazing
Tom Selleck was the first choice, but he turned it down because he couldn't get out of his contract for the TV series Magnum P.I, which left the door open for Ford. Selleck later was reduced to starring in a cheap Raiders rip-off called High Road to China.

I saw High Road. It was actually not bad at all.
The entire rest of the series, including Holy Grail, rests on goodwill and momentum from Raiders.
On the down-side, while it's excusable if you consider it self-contained, it set the template for racism throughout the rest of the series.

About 24 minutes in.

IJ: I never meant to hurt you
Marion: I was a child, I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it.
IJ: You knew what you were doing
Marion: Now I do. This is my place. Get out!

What the fuck?
Oh, it's worse than that. Behold, the complete transcript of the meeting in which Spielberg, Lucas and Kasdan hash out the character of Indiana Jones.
George — I was thinking that this old guy could have been his mentor. He could have known this little girl when she was just a kid. Had an affair with her when she was eleven.

Lawrence — And he was forty-two.

G — He hasn't seen her in twelve years. Now she's twenty-two. It's a real strange relationship.

Steven — She had better be older than twenty-two.

G — He's thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she was only twelve. It would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time.

S — And promiscuous. She came onto him.

G — Fifteen is right on the edge. I know it's an outrageous idea, but it is interesting. Once she's sixteen or seventeen it's not interesting anymore. But if she was fifteen and he was twenty-five and they actually had an affair the last time they met. And she was madly in love with him and he...
Tom Selleck was the first choice, but he turned it down because he couldn't get out of his contract for the TV series Magnum P.I, which left the door open for Ford. Selleck later was reduced to starring in a cheap Raiders rip-off called High Road to China.

Wow. That means in a parallel universe there are:

Magnum and The Temple Of Doom

Magnum and The Last Crusade

Magnum and The Crystal Pile of Shite That Reflects Badly On Everyone Involved, Especially You Spielberg. Yeah, that's right, I'm Talking to you. What was it? Some kind of dick swinging 'I can go back to an ealier franchise and make anything as shite as Lucas can' thing? No answer? Wait til I see you in the street. Yeah. Then we'll see if your skull is made of crystal. Cunt.

I also want to know why no one has done a Magnum and the Lost Ark etc on YouTube yet.

Oh, and regarding Indy's possible underage shenanigans...he quite clearly fucks his female students for better grades.
Surely that bespeaks a larger flaw - that apparently he rode a submarine several thousand miles (IIRC from the map overlay in that part) without drowning. Surely it would have submerged for at least some of the way?
Submarines of that era wouldn't submerge unless they had a reason to. This was pre-WW2, so I can't think of any reason it would submerge except perhaps for the training aspect. I admit I'm grasping at straws there, but those things moved considerably faster on the surface and the schnorkel hadn't been invented yet.
Surely that bespeaks a larger flaw - that apparently he rode a submarine several thousand miles (IIRC from the map overlay in that part) without drowning. Surely it would have submerged for at least some of the way?

Submarines of that era wouldn't submerge unless they had a reason to. This was pre-WW2, so I can't think of any reason it would submerge except perhaps for the training aspect. I admit I'm grasping at straws there, but those things moved considerably faster on the surface and the schnorkel hadn't been invented yet.
I'm pretty sure he just gets in the sub, doesn't he :confused:

There's the whole thing of him running to get the hatch open before the water flows over the top.
No, he just stays on top. Subs wouldn't submerge unless they had a specific reason to, i.e. hiding to evade or hunt the enemy.
Submarines of that era wouldn't submerge unless they had a reason to. This was pre-WW2, so I can't think of any reason it would submerge except perhaps for the training aspect. I admit I'm grasping at straws there, but those things moved considerably faster on the surface and the schnorkel hadn't been invented yet.
Yep. U-boats only ever submerged during attacks or when being pursued.

Still, Indy would have got rather thirsty.
No, he just stays on top. Subs wouldn't submerge unless they had a specific reason to, i.e. hiding to evade or hunt the enemy.

days and days at sea...little water, little food, unless he rigged some sort of fishing line and survived off raw fish for the entire way...at any rate he would be suffering from malnutrition, possible scurvy, dehydration, sun burn, skin ulcers and a few other things I can't think of right now....he would be a wreck...weeks to recover any strength to carry on the fight....major plot hole:D
I've sat in the truck that he got dragged behind.

It's a brilliant film, somewhat marred by the realisation that one of the greatest action movie heroes of all time was a fucking nonce.
I suspend my noticings about the noncery tbh.

Me too - I just thought she was refering to being like 15 or 16 and as I was about 15 when the filum came out I could relate to that as I wanted to snog Han Solo/Indiana Jones. A lot!

still do :oops:
Me too - I just thought she was refering to being like 15 or 16 and as I was about 15 when the filum came out I could relate to that as I wanted to snog Han Solo/Indiana Jones. A lot!

still do :oops:

Han Solo and Wonder Woman used to make me feel funny in my tummy when I was a little kid :)
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