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Lost Harper Lee novel - To Set A Watchman - to be published in July

I think - well, if it's true it's cynical... but if it's true, she's probably past knowing about it. I will doubtlessly read it myself, and i'll not fret too much.

Regarding the Capote thing - firstly it's got patriarchy written all over it: great book? Are we sure it wasn't a man who wrote it?

Secondly, it would be very odd if Capote saved his best fiction writing for publication under another's name. I've not read all of his work, but I've read a fair bit and he's doesn't really demonstrate the sustained skill that we see in TKAM. Which is fine - because in his finest moments he's an utter joy.
I think it's the one-offness of TKAMB that gives rise to the rumours. As noted, HL did a lot of the research for in Cold Blood, and it is sometimes claimed that actually she actually wrote that and so Mockingbird was his payback.

All put to bed now tho, as a letter from Capote from a year before the book came out clearly shows Lee was the author, even if TC made some suggestions and editorial amendments.
If Capote had really written To Kill a Mockingbird he would never have been able to have kept schtum about it :D

I remember watching interviews where he was so drunk he almost couldn't stand up. One host spent the entire time making fun of how drunk he was.
hmmm, the first chapter reads like...an unedited early draft of a possibly decent novel
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Never yet read the Mockingbird, could probably get it from the library.

I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud, I recently read someone's first book, loved it and told him so via twitter, he responded saying he hoped I would like his second book, I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't buy the first one but got it free from the library :)
Never yet read the Mockingbird, could probably get it from the library.

I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud, I recently read someone's first book, loved it and told him so via twitter, he responded saying he hoped I would like his second book, I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't buy the first one but got it free from the library :)
How you obtained it is by the by though - so I wouldn't worry about that. :)

I'm sure I've got a copy of Mockingbird somewhere - might have to dig it out. :)
Never yet read the Mockingbird, could probably get it from the library.

I sometimes feel a bit of a fraud, I recently read someone's first book, loved it and told him so via twitter, he responded saying he hoped I would like his second book, I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't buy the first one but got it free from the library :)
he'll still have got dosh from the public lending right
My copy dispatched today, due to arrive on release day, Tuesday. Even if it's shit, I couldn't pass up buying it. Even if it's shit, it's a cultural curiosity.
Just finished it and I'm deeply disappointed. I won't spoil it but I'd certainly be interested in seeing what other people think.
Fucking shitty thing to do, publish something the author didn't want published. Most writers will produce a lot of rubbish before they come up with anything good, and to publish those failed attempts is a bit like selling a recording of some rock star practicing scales in his bedroom as a teenager or something. If you like and respect someone's work, you should also respect their standards and trust them when they say what's good and what isn't.

Vladimir Nabokov wanted all his unfinished works destroyed after his death, but his family got the old dollar sign eyeballs and put out 'a novel in fragments' that was basically just a series of notecards Nabokov was using to plan out something that might have been a proper piece of writing at some point. As a big fan of Nabokov I can see why people would be excited at reading more of his writing (I ration myself to one of his books a year so I don't run out) but notes are not the same thing as writing, they're just part of a process.

Any artist has a right to decide when her work is finished. Ignoring the artist's wishes in this regard cheapens the whole process of creating art.
Fucking shitty thing to do, publish something the author didn't want published.
the author who was at the book launch? I'm not at all convinced by the argument that she didn't know what she was doing in agreeing its release. The evidence seems to suggest she was fully aware.

No one should be surprised that the book isn't great, it's a first bloody draft. As such, it is never likely to be more than an interesting literary artifact showing the development of the characters and story in the authors mind. If it had been great, we'd have got a barely amended version, which would have rendered this publication pointless.

And then go and praise editors, without whom HL would never have been able to turn out her masterpiece.
I've heard conflicting stories. Some said she never wanted the book released but other reports have said that she's more than happy that it's been published. I dunno, I was so excited because I love the book and the characters mean so much to me but maybe it was best left. I guess when you really love something it's natural to want more of it.I've often thought about pulling an Annie Wilkes to get another series of The Gilmore Girls made. [emoji6]
Is the :( about the furor and concern surrounding its release, or the content itself?

I've started reading it, got to Part 2. Not had much sleep the past few days so can't seem to focus on reading for long periods of time. I'll try to get some more done later tonight.
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