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Raiders of the Lost Ark

Got the trilogy recently. It's the only one Ive yet to watch. Shall report back after much scrutiny.
It has Nazis who get their comeuppance... and the classic government storage facility scene at the end, talk about kicking stuff into the long grass. I also love the little aircraft/map graphics.
Does it really exist? Or is that where it is thought to be?

When I worked in the newsroom many years ago (in Dublin), a chap wrote a letter to us saying that it was buried at the Hill of Tara - and that Gerry Adams and Ian Paisely should dig it up. Mind you, the letter went on for several pages in different colour inks, lots of underlines and exclamation marks!

I guess he might have been mistaken...
Does it really exist? Or is that where it is thought to be?

Yup it's supposed to be in here. Probably isn't there but the place looks like it should be and it's still one of the places in the world I really want to see.


Yup it's supposed to be in here. Probably isn't there but the place looks like it should be and it's still one of the places in the world I really want to see.



It's definitely not in there because I've been in there and had a good look around. It's supposed to be in Axum.
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