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Queen Death: Thread for unhinged Tweets, opinions and behaviour

To play devils advocate, she didn’t do anything particularly good but she also didn’t do anything horribly wrong like some others in her family. I think that’s exactly what people mean when they use the word “dignified’
I’m not sure there’s much dignity in honouring tyrants and torturers, making a rule not to employ any black servants, trying to apply for a heating allowance that was intended to help out struggling families and keeping all the proceeds from the various incomes accrued from public land. I could go on….
That's really pathetic...if true
“In the documentary Serving the Royals: Inside the Firm, Diana's former butler Paul Burrell revealed: “His pyjamas are pressed every morning, his shoelaces are pressed flat with an iron, the bath plug has to be in a certain position, and the water temperature has to be just tepid. He has his valets squeeze one inch of toothpaste onto his toothbrush every morning.”
I’m not sure there’s much dignity in honouring tyrants and torturers, making a rule not to employ any black servants, trying to apply for a heating allowance that was intended to help out struggling families and keeping all the proceeds from the various incomes accrued from public land. I could go on….
Yeah I agree with you there, but it’s either action via inaction (which seems more acceptable with the public, at least if in line with the media’s general stance) or not widely known. I had no idea of those last two :eek:
I’m not sure there’s much dignity in honouring tyrants and torturers, making a rule not to employ any black servants, trying to apply for a heating allowance that was intended to help out struggling families and keeping all the proceeds from the various incomes accrued from public land. I could go on….
This is one of the fine gentlemen she’s bestowed honours on:
She sanctioned his actions in Kenya. She knew what was going on and did nowt about it and then gave him and others shiny medals in gratitude for protecting British interests abroad.
IMO she was irredeemably detestable
Yeah I agree with you there, but it’s either action via inaction (which seems more acceptable with the public, at least if in line with the media’s general stance) or not widely known. I had no idea of those last two :eek:
I think people are upset at her death because she was a constant in people’s lives like a soap opera character. Also, many people are grieving for loved ones lost in the pandemic and this has amplified and concentrated their grief.
soap opera character.
Nail on head.
The public image has nothing to do with the reality. The monarch is the boss.

She knew what was going on and did nowt about it and then gave him and others shiny medals in gratitude for protecting British her interests abroad.
the monarch is also monarch of 15 other other independent countries. I.e. The UK govt has no say, but the monarch does. Thus she got the australian govt, changed. But it's all business. They, and their origins, are no different than gangsters.

Indeed, the mafia based their structures on royalty.
Meanwhile, in Angus:


Just put this on another thread but worth repeating here:
Haven’t watched any telly since Her Madge kicked the bucket as I don’t want owt to do with any of that shit.
The closest I got was listening to a friend’s radio show on NTS - she had the honour of announcing the Royal Death - she’s Scottish and part of the announcement was ‘she’s popped it. Has she really popped it?’ She then played some more tunes and then later on announced it properly and then played a happy hardcore tune :D
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