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Pro Cycling 2024


radio eros
Given we have 2 Brits leading the Tour Down Under thought it was time to start 2024 off.
Great win by Oscar Onley; perhaps tomorrow is Simon Yates' day who knows.
Home come there is no commentary for the TDU or am I missing something. As dreadful as it can be, it can be helpful.
Sometimes there is an option to select different languages or ambient sound.
It's usually set to English but sometimes defaults to ambient or a random language.
Yep, have plyed with tose settings in the past. Sadly not an option this time.
Cyclo-cross world championships on the red button this Sunday.
I had a couple of quid on the guys who finished 2nd and 3rd (not trying to spell their names) just in case MvdP got struck by lighting twice. He still would have won if he'd been struck once but I think it would have needed two strikes.
I had a couple of quid on the guys who finished 2nd and 3rd (not trying to spell their names) just in case MvdP got struck by lighting twice. He still would have won if he'd been struck once but I think it would have needed two strikes.
I'd never watched it before, but the consensus seemed to be that with no WVA or Pidcock it was his to lose.
As I said, that's just how I interpreted the commentary.

I'll always chiefly remember him for that decent in the TdF a couple of years ago.
Eurosport commentators keep banging on about the Big 3 because there are 3 world championship winners (well 4 if you include Stybar) but Pidcock's win needs a big asterisk next to it cos MvdP and Van Aert didn't go to Arkansas as they had their classics season to think about.
The racing itself is better without them - the Exact cross on Saturday was a cracker and Sunday's race looked good though I only saw the last lap of that.
Have you seen how stacked the Visma classics team is? They got as many potential winners as peak era Quickstep but they'll probably put all their eggs in the Van Aert basket.
Yeah, it’s an insanely strong looking squad. Will be interesting to see how the other teams try to deal with them.
I was reading a magazine in a shop the other day, previewing the season ahead, with the full team rosters. I hadn't realised that Rog had left Jumbo, presumably realising he definitely wasn;t their top dog anymore. It was also intetresting to see that Pog is going for the Giro-Tour double, not done since Pantani.
It's so hard to tell the Soudal-Quickstep and Alpecin-Fenix jerseys apart.
At least I get a day off from straining my eyes with the TTT. Love these events. Go Quickstep!
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