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*prisoner solidarity

as all the comrades listed here are non uk then shouldn't this thread be in the international politics.
shouldn't this thread be instead for uk/irish prisonersolidarity only
as all the comrades listed here are non uk then shouldn't this thread be in the international politics.
shouldn't this thread be instead for uk/irish prisonersolidarity only

If you look on other pages there are UK peeps. Mumia's case is here because it is a famous international campaign, hence of relevance on this forum.
Well this thread is under the "protest/direct action/activism" forum not the "UK politics, current affairs and news" one... Is it supposed to be related only for UK and Ireland??
Free Mumia Now! - Protest at US Embassy

1pm, Saturday 19 April, US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London W1

Mumia Abu-Jamal faces death penalty or life imprisonment

Mumia is innocent!
Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Abolish the racist death penalty!

For further information, or to sponsor and help organise the demonstration, contact:
[email protected], 07722 044 710, www.freemumia.multiservers.com
Below is a cut n'past - but I put it here so people can add it to their political calendar for next year. I will be doing so.:D:cool:

On April 17th, people across the world will mark Palestinian Prisoners Day in recognition of the thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli detention centres; those who are arbitrarily detained and arrested without any explanation.

Given the current conditions within these prisons, this Prisoners Day is
particularly significant. In addition to the poor treatment and inhumane
conditions under which Palestinians are held, Palestinian prisoners at
multiple detention centres have recently suffered direct attacks. Both at
Ofer Prison and the Ketziot Detention Centre, prisoners were recently
assaulted and beaten by the Israeli forces.

To mark this day, the PSG will be holding a stall outside the union on the 17th (tomorrow) and there will be a film showing of 'Women in Struggle': a film about Palestinian women ex-detainees.


And remember: support our campaign and wear BLACK tomorrow in solidarity with Palestinian political prisoners!!!
Look at this;


It's the recent court verdicts on anti EU protesters in Greece from 2003. At the time our movement ran a solidarity campaign for Simon Chapman, mainly through the WOmbles. Simon was framed by Greek filth but spent a long time inside before trial, and the TV showed the footage of the police framing Simon on national news! BUT - look at his sentance size!! At the minute I am unsure as to his whereabouts and legal status... goes to check. All the best Simon in what must be a very testing time for you.
Mumia Abu-Jamal - Legal Update, June 10, 2008 [Please Circulate]

Date: June 10, 2008
From: Robert R. Bryan, lead counsel
Subject: Legal Update on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, death row,

This Legal Update is made on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is on Pennsylvania’s death row.

United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Philadelphia Yesterday the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit entered an order extending the due date for submitting the Petition for Rehearing En Banc on behalf of my client, Mumia Abu-Jamal. We will file it on June 27, 2008.

There apparently is still confusion regarding the March 27 federal decision. A new jury trial was ordered on the question of whether the penalty should be life or death. The court did not rule that Mumia should receive a life sentence as some have stated. The penalty-phase was reversed because the trial judge gave misleading and unconstitutional jury instructions. Nonetheless, I expect far greater gains.

There was a lengthy dissenting opinion on the issue of racism in jury selection. It found that there was prima facie evidence of the prosecutor engaging in racism. He removed prospective African-American jurors for no reason other than the color of their skin. That violates the United States Constitution. This extraordinary dissent goes to the core of our effort to secure an entirely new trial. The first step in that process is what we presently are about�"convincing the entire federal court that the case should be reheard and full relief granted. This dissent serves as the basis for that effort and, if need be, going to the United States Supreme Court.

Mumia remains on death row. The prosecution has vowed to appeal and continue its quest to see him executed. I will not let that happen. Donations for Mumia's Legal Defense in the United States The only way to ensure that donations in the U.S. go only to the legal defense is to make checks payable to the National Lawyers Guild Foundation (indicate "Mumia" on the bottom left). The donations are tax deductible. Checks should be mailed to:

Committee To Save Mumia Abu-Jamal
P.O. Box 2012
New York, NY 10159-2012

This case can be won. In over three decades of successfully defending people in capital murder cases, I have not seen one more compelling. Racism is a thread that has run through the case since its inception. My objective remains to obtain a new jury trial in which Mumia will be acquitted by a jury so that he can return to his family, a free person.

On behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, I thank you.

Yours very truly,

Robert R. Bryan
Law Offices of Robert R. Bryan
2088 Union Street, Suite 4
San Francisco, California 94123-4117

Lead counsel for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Christian was arrested at an anti-Nazi rally in his home town of Dresden. The only evidence presented in court were two anonymous police 'witnesses'. He was sentenced to forty months in jail.

Christian is only allowed one hourly visit per month.

If you have the time/free spirit/inclination/ anti fascist sympathies; show your solidarity and drop him a postcard...

Christian Summermann
JVA Plotzensee
10557 Berlin
Good Anti prison film festival in Newcastle yesterday - 15th June. Great films and talks;


I won't drown on that Levee and You ain't gonna break my back (Ashley Hunt, USA, 2006, 30 mins) Documentary looking at the use of prison as an emergency response during stupid state response in Katrina aftermath.

Life Inside Out (Sarah Zammit, USA, 2005, 72 mins) Inside Grand Valley, 1 of 5 federal prisons for women in Canada, featuring 3 unforgettable women doing time in an arbitrary system designed to frustrate and baffle

Talk on Criminal Injustice - the other side of Death row in USA, a talk by Trish Abbott, social activist and campaigner against the death penalty in USA.

After Lunch

Women in struggle (Palestine, 2004, 56 mins by B.C. Khoury) A striking documentary about the lives of four Palestinian women ex political detainees, depicting their struggle and torture suffered during their years of imprisonment as women in Israeli jails

Talk on The Development of Prison and the Spirit of Freedom - the links between the institutions of the Workhouse, slavery and prison as social control and the struggles against them by me! (me pik up kids now - c u all inabit).
Polikarpos Georgiades who got arrested a few weeks ago recently send his first letter from prison.


“The proletariat of the industrial countries has completely lost the affirmation of its autonomous perspective and also, in the last analysis, its illusions, but not its being. It has not been suppressed. It remains irreducibly in existence within the intensified alienation of modern capitalism: it is the immense majority of workers who have lost all power over the use of their lives and who,once they know this,redefine themselves as the proletariat, as negation at work within this society”.

Guy Debord

Since the nineties different people who've expressed themselves about postmodern typology wearing a different mask every time (sometimes of the neo-liberal, sometimes of the “middle political scene”, sometimes of the social democrats, sometimes of the ideologists of tepidity and confused multi cultural neo-leftism that mixes everything up, and sometimes the mask of the “anti authoritarian” new-hippie lifestyle ) ruminate/brag about the ideology of the end of history: there is no more proletariat, there is no class war, we can at last without fear head towards the Paradise of Market, where honey and milk flow abundantly. And hamburgers and ketchup too...

Unfortunately for the apologists of legality, the facts are stubborn: a handful of capitalists has organized a criminal gang and kidnapped proletarians demanding for ransoms, their working power, the commercialization of human activity, their time (that transforms into money), even their whole existence. Wage slavery is a permanent crime against human dignity. It's not just because of the usual 'casualties' of work “accidents” of class war. It's not just because of the dead, wounded and amputated people of the work “accidents”, but also because of the diseases related to the working environment and space. It's not just because of the strawberry fields, that show us we've never escaped the time of slavery. It's not just because of the sacrificed workers (locals and immigrants, “expensive and cheap” labor hands) at the altar of every “American dream” or “Greek miracle”.
It is the existence itself of waged work that constitutes the permanent crime! And the criminals, the kidnappers and the blackmailers are all the Mylonas. Even if the rats of the media present the leader of thieves Mylonas (the boss of the gang for common thieves of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece) as an “innocent” victim, as a misunderstood neo-liberal Christian child, as a pain resistant worker, who efforts night and day for the common good.
As for the illusionist tricks that different vampires like Mylonas invent to show their “human face” (for example green capitalism, socialised industry, etc.), only one thing can be said:


Mylonas is no more than the brain of a gang of exploiters. Like all capitalists he too is a parasite: a weight on earth and an obstacle for winds.

So the Mylonas couple should stop pretending raped virgins .

“O gentlemen, the time of life is short! ...
And if we live, we live to tread on kings”

W. Shakespeare

The first duty of the proletariat is the conscienceness of itself, of its position and its role. The conscience of being a prostitute in the hands of a capitalist, of producing wealth for the bosses and misery for itself.
The conscienceness on the other hand that produces the whole material life of society. That it is nothing but CAN BE EVERYTHING.
The second duty of the proletariat is the denial of its imposed role, the denial of work, the denial of alienation.
The third duty of the proletariat which arises naturally from the first duties, is the revolutionary action for it's own suppression.
Only the subjects can ignite the objective conditions and cause the revolutionary explosion for the destruction of the authoritarian/class society.

From: 'The art of war', 6th issue of “Asymmetric threat”

(under publication...)

Unfortunately in the wild west of capitalism the proletarians lullaby with trash eating over consumerism. Life has involved into a necrophilic survival between cages of cement, cars, billboards, surveillance cameras and cops. The route of survival is assigned: from one concentration camp to another. From school to university, from army to wage slavery. And there the proletarian crosses the same streets of alienation as the night walker: work, home, shopping mall, work. From production to consumption...
Behind the iron curtain of virtual prosperity and spectacular misery lies an unadmitted truth: the miracle of the west walks over corpses. Not only of those in the third world (either way this constant exploitation is the most gigantic crime of human history), but also of those in the third world on the west.
Behind a glance of being high on consumption hides the rot of a slaughtering civilization. But from inside this rot one possibility springs up. A possibility that not even the think tanks of the existent system, not even the bureaucratic certainties of Bolshevism, not even the paleolithic determinism of ideologies can repress: the social entropy, the revolution, the constant struggle for the destruction of the state, of private property and of waged work.
Comrades! Life is short. If we live, we live to step on the heads of bosses and their slaves.

For anarchy and communism!

P.S.1 As in the past also now, in my public speech I will not speak about issues of the penal code. Moreover “innocence” and “guiltiness” are fake distinctions that concern only the legal armory of the state.
The only thing that I want to say about the case, is that I was and I am in solidarity, as anarchist as well as a friend, to an illegal and haunted man, Vasilis Paleokostas. From there on, my speech will be a continuity of my pre-arrest placement and not a whine for “innocence”.

P.S.2 Economical and legal support is good. So are wishes for freedom, but the strongest form of solidarity is the continuation of revolutionary action.
Freedom to the comrades G. Dimitrakis, G. Voutsis-Vougiatsis and V. Botzatzis.
Freedom for the revolutionaries of the revolutionary organisation 17th of November.
Solidarity to the 6 wanted comrades.

-Revolution first and always-

Polikarpos Georgiadis

Prisons of Ioannina

London public meeting for Mumia Abu-Jamal on Dec 6th

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!

Public meeting on the 27th anniversary of Mumia’s arrest
6pm, Saturday 6 December
Conway Hall, London, WC1R 4RL (Holborn tube)

Mumia has been imprisoned on death row for a quarter of a century, convicted of a crime he did not commit. He was framed for the murder of a Philadelphia police officer because of his history of political activism and his record as a journalist who was not afraid to speak out for the oppressed.

This case raises issues such as the death penalty, prisoners' rights, racism in the US, the role of the police, and many others. We hope for a lively and broad discussion.

Mumia is innocent!
Abolish the racist death penalty!

Sponsored by: Anarchist Federation, International Bolshevik Tendency
www.freemumia.multiservers.com | [email protected] | 07722 044 710
Mumia Abu-Jamal - Legal Update on U.S. Supreme Court [please circulate]

Date: December 15, 2008
From: Robert R. Bryan, lead counsel
Subject: U.S. Supreme Court developments regarding Mumia Abu-Jamal, death row


Mumia Abu-Jamal remains on Pennsylvania’s death row. Last week marked the 27th anniversary of his unjust imprisonment. Racism, fraud and politics have been threads that have run through the case since its inception, and continue today.

We are in extensive litigation on two fronts before the United States Supreme Court. The prosecution is continuing it quest for the execution of my client. In a separate case before the court, I am seeking an entirely new trial and Mumia’s freedom. Based upon my experience in having successfully represented numerous people in murder cases involving the death penalty, I am convinced that we can win if I can just get it back before a jury.

U.S. Supreme Court

The following is a brief overview of recent developments and filing deadlines:

Beard v. Abu-Jamal, U.S. Sup. Ct. No. 08-652 On November 14, 2008, the Philadelphia District Attorney filed in the U.S. Supreme Court a petition seeking to overturn the victory we achieved earlier this year in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

Abu-Jamal v. Horn, 520 F.3d 272 (3rd Cir. 2008). In that ruling court ordered a new jury trial on the question of the death penalty. Our Brief In Opposition is scheduled to be filed on January 21, 2009.

Abu-Jamal v. Beard, U.S. Sup. Ct. No. 08A299 The Petition for Writ of Certiorari will be filed on December 19, 2008.

The issues concern the prosecution’s use of racism in jury selection. Relief was denied last spring by a sharply divided federal court. This is of great constitutional significance as reflected by the extraordinary dissenting opinion of Justice Thomas L. Ambro. Abu-Jamal v. Horn, 520 F.3d at 304-320. He reaffirmed the bedrock principle that everyone is entitled to a fair and impartial trial by a jury of his or her peers, and that excluding even a single person from a jury because of race violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment.

Donations for Mumia's Legal Defense

The legal defense for Mumia needs substantial funds. The legal costs for our litigation in the Supreme Court are considerable and will likely reach six figures. To help, please make your checks payable to the “National Lawyers Guild Foundation” (indicate "Mumia" on the bottom left). The donations are tax deductible, and should be mailed to:

Committee To Save Mumia Abu-Jamal
P.O. Box 2012
New York, NY 10159-2012


This is a life and death struggle to save Mumia. He is in greater danger than at any time since being arrested. Your support and activism is needed. That Mumia remains in prison and on death row is an affront to basic human rights. We must aggressively continue this struggle until he is free.

Yours very truly,
Robert R. Bryan
Law Offices of Robert R. Bryan
2088 Union Street, Suite 4
San Francisco, California 94123-4117
Lead counsel for Mumia Abu-Jamal
[E-mail: [email protected]]
Day of action - Freedom for Natalja! Freedom for all prisoners!

On Saturday, February 9th 2008 Natalja was arrested during the yearly demonstration against the NATO-Security-Conference in Munich (Germany). They accused her of resisting violently against police measures. A warrant was issued against her and since then she is in Munich behind bars.

Natalja already was arrested during the G8-summit at summer 2007 in Germany and was sentenced to ten months of imprisonment. Furthermore she has a third trial because of being arrested at a demonstration at may 1th at the same year.

„For me, the imprisonment started with a kind of shock which slowly vanished. It is replaced by a condition of permanent grief in the background covered by a lot of tiredness, boredom and exhaustion.“ (Natalja)

On March 30th 2008 the trial against Natalja at the district court of Munich took place. She got five months of imprisonment without probation. (Natalja already got a total penalty of eleven months in Rostock because of the G8-protest and resistance on may 1st 2007, besides she got two months of suspended sentence because of antifascist resistance in Gräfenberg, which she has to serve now, too). Meanwhile, her arrest was shortened by 28 days.

„However I request – it should not sound snooty – to formulate all this a bit combative / defiant / ‚more than ever‘, so that national intimidation propaganda is not spread inadvertently thereby. Nobody should be discouraged and certainly not ‚brainwashed‘ on my account.“ (Natalja)

The imprisonment was shaped by repression and harassment. Apart from the attempt of „infiltrating“ a plain-clothes policewomen in her cell, Natalja was refused to get her post because it had political contents. On December 11th 2008 she was forced to sample a DNA-assay by using violence.
Out of her imprisonment Natalja took part in different demonstrations and meetings like the demonstration under the slogan „The system is criminal and not the resistance!“ by speech contributions and texts.

„The prison is said to intimidate, reeducate, criminalise and exclude… - And it presents itself each day, how unfair, inhuman, discriminating and destructive the ruling system is […]
Did the prison-system would function only one day long without the forced under-lowest work of the prisoners in the institutes?
Would prisons be maintained without the command and - obedience hierarchy of the execution people, by whom the repression of the prisoners is practically converted by the state daily?
Did a fair, free society would need prisons at all as instrument of class rule and as means, in order to divide exploited social classes by criminalization?
The experience of repression may also be horrible, but the experience of solidarity is much impressing and encouraging! Both encourages me in the conviction: Resistance against the ruling system is necessary. Nevertheless nothing shows as clearly as the coveringness, brutality and presumptuous increase of national repression that the system obviously has much fear before the social movement and active entering against fascism, racism and war!“ (Natalja)

June 6th 2009 is a day Natalja surely longs for and not only she herself… Because on this day Natalja will finally released.
Up to then it is still a long time. The fights in the prisons must further be developed and supported. Masshungerstrikes in the prisons in Europe and an organizing of antiprison-structures outside are a beginning.
On weekend from February 6th until 8th days of action in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle will take place. It is the weekend of the resistance against the NATO-war-conference (officially called Security-Conference), the weekend when Natalja was arrested nearly one year ago.

„This is a meeting of political leaders, military representatives and members of the military lobby, who follows the invitation of the Quandt-Foundation. The Quandt family is the principal part owner of the BMW company, which manufactures motor vehicles, but also military equipment like vehicles and weapons. (The roots for their prosperity and influence are the chemical industry - including the exploitation of prisoners in the concentration camps during the 2nd World War). In spite of the ‚private‘ / ‚commercial‘ background of the conference, the people enjoy „the honour“ of a status as official guests of the Federal Republic of Germany. The German army (Bundeswehr) is responsible for the scene… “ (Natalja)

For all those who cannot participate in the protests against the Securityconference and the locally (Munich) organized actions in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle, there is a calling for a decentralized weekend of action.
Let us organize in order to refuse the state including its prisons, cops, laws and military and to fight for a world without exploitation and oppression in solidarity with Natalja and all prisoners in struggle!

Freedom for Natalja and all prisoners! No prison, no state!
Revolutionary solidarity! For anarchy! For the social revolution!

ABC-Orkan (Anarchist Black Cross – Gruppe Norddeutschland) and northern Anarchists
([email protected])

Anarchist Black Cross Berlin
([email protected])

Information and contact:

Solidarity means attack !

Appeal from ASI

On 04.09.2009, following the decision of the investigating judge of the District Court in Belgrade, the groups of six anarchists who were arrested 3rd of September 2009 were sentenced to detention measures up to thirty days. year. The charge states that the suspects , on 25th of August, about three o’clock in the morning, initially wrote the graffiti on the facade, and then threw two “molotov cocktails at the building of the Greek Embassy in “Francuska” street in Belgrade.

Wanting to brutally deal with it’s hardest critics, the state acts, through it’s mechanisms of repression, with utterly banal logic. Those who have explicitly expressed their libertarian beliefs are mapped as the only suspects. The case ends with their imprisonment and gives a false picture to the general public about state’s expediency.

Due to the unusual course of action of the police and prosecution in this case, the arrested are suspected of having committed a crime of international terrorism. That act, in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, is treated in the same group with the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes against the civilian population, organizing and encouraging to commit genocide and war crimes, the conduct of aggressive war, etc. Due to the legal weight of such characterization, the costs of the representation so far during the process have exceeded 10,000 euros.

For this purpose, the account was opened to help the arrested anarchists, which is listed at the bottom of this page. In addition, there is a phone number and e-mail that you can get additional information about the state of the arrested as well as the condition of the collected funds.

We hope that the freedom-loving individuals and organizations will get involved in this humanitarian fundraising action, and help the arrested anarchists to manage to prove their innocence.

Instructions for the donation of money:

Account with institution:



Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64

Beneficiarz customer:

IBAN RS35265050000016043150


The anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis was arrested heavily wounded after a robbery at a branch of the National Bank in the center of Athens, on January 16th, 2006.

He defended the choice to expropriate a bank, without statements of remorse and with clarity about his motives and intentions. He gave meaning to his act as a moment in his critique and action against the system of wage slavery and exploitation, against the antisocial role of the banks and as a part of the polymorphic social struggle.

Because of his political identity the state moved with rage against him, attempting to apply a holistic plan of criminalizing anarchists, anti-authoritarians and class struggle.

A storm of misinformation was systematically supplied by the police and readily carried out by the mass media. The police constructed "the gang of robbers in black," so that other comrades could be named as members. They were attributed not only a string of robberies but also a close association to armed "terrorist" groups. Then it was proclaimed that the whole of the anarchist- antiauthoritarian movement is closely connected to organized crime!

His three supposed accomplices, Simos and M. Seisidis and G. Tsironis, comrades known for their many years of political activity, were later on convicted in secret and publicly declared wanted for astronomic rewards.

The categories against Giannis were based on the "anti-terror" law and enriched with unsolved robberies and other false charges which fell in court. None the less an exemplary, unheard of for a robbery, exhaustive sentence of 35 years was imposed on him.

The oppressive aggression against him continued with attacks by prison guards, vindictive transfers, disciplinary sentences and the provocative deprivation of basic rights for the preparation of his defense at the court of appeals.

In the wretched reality of the prisons, he stood dynamically and with dignity from the beginning. He participated in all of the prisoner's struggles happening the past years in Greece, also being an interactive channel of communication with them. He has advanced to hunger strikes and abstinence from the prison meals - despite the permanent health problems left him by the police's bullets - showing his solidarity for his fellow prisoners and fighting for the terms of his survival and existence in the difficult position of imprisonment. His dignified position has inspired a multitude of acts of solidarity and political defense in many places around the world.

Giannis Dimitrakis’ appeal trial, after having been rescheduled, is set for December 6th, 2010. It will be very important, as much for the legal outcome of his case, as for if we will allow the state's manipulations and experiments against us to flourish.

In the years which have passed since Gianni's arrest, what at first seemed a particularly repressive undertaking now appears common. The penalization of social relationships, guilt until proven otherwise, exemplary punishment, authoritarians targeting and criminalizing the whole of the antiauthoritarian space, attempting to obstruct the spread of its ideas and practice.

The state's constant and manic attempt to slander, oppress, marginalize and penalize the people of the struggle is becoming all the more clear. Zero tolerance to agonists, laborers and the impoverished while those who shamelessly steal from and misinform society are protected by armies of mercenary murderers.

Our key weapons against these politics are self organization and solidarity with all means possible.

In light of the appeal court of December 6, 2010, we call for acts of solidarity everywhere.

Many such actions would send a strong message of solidarity.

Freedom for Giannis Dimitrakis

Freedom for all prisoners in struggle
This thread could get quite busy again..

Anti cuts activist Frank Fernie, jailed for 12 months (violent disorder) after throwing 2 placard sticks at riot police outside Fortnum and Mason..

Prisoner number a766ce. Feltham YOI, Bedfont Road, Feltham, Middlesex, TW13 4ND.

www.freefrankfernie.info is his support campaign group.
Omar Ibrahim is being held on remand awaiting sentencing decision following his arrest for the March 26th anti-cuts demo.. judges are waiting for ruling about riot cases for all the violent disorder charges.. this from LDMG:

Omar Ibrahim has managed to call his family and so we now have a prison number for him. We think that he is at Wandsworth but not 100% sure as they forgot to ask : )

He won't have had any post as yet and I know that he really wants (and needs) as much support as possible. So if you don't mind the possibility that any post might take a while to get to him if he is not at Wandsworth, then please ...get writing to him now!

If he is at Wandsworth his address would be:
Omar Ibrahim AO253CH,
Wandsworth Prison,
Heathfield Road,
Wandsworth, London,
SW18 3HS.
A guy that was arrested during the riots recently wrote to GBC as others we
know in Wandsworth gave him GBC's details.

He really wants people to write to him and asked us to spread the word so
if you get time please drop him a line.

Richard Craig
HMP Wandsworth
Heathfield Road
SW18 3HS

He said that he was sentenced to 20 months for targeting 5 star hotels as
they are a sign of corporate greed : ) He sounds really happy to have met
protesters in there that think similarly to him.
High security Maghaberry jail just outside Belfast was pretty much besieged by protestors for 24 hours at the weekend , who erected tents and camped out at the gates. Flags and placards were hung on the prison wire while fireworks were lobbed into the prison grounds as the protestors played republican songs from loudspeakers . Dozens of political prisoners have resumed a dirty protest there , Excrement is plastered all over the walls and landings of the republican wing which is on 23 hour lock up constantly .Prisoners refusing to wash , shave or cut their hair either after repeated brutal attacks by screws. On Saturday coming theres a large convoy protest heading from Newry North of the border to the British embassy in Dublin with a lot of disruption expected . Basically the situation is escalating rapidly .


One prisoner in particular who stands out in all this is 57 year old former hungerstriker Marion Price , who is currently being incarcerated indefinitely in this all male prison .


She was originally jailed in London during the early 1970s after she and her sister were arrested for blowing up the Old Bailey and other targets in whitehall . That resulted in her and her sister Dolours and others going on a protracted 200 day hungerstrike , with 167 days force feeding . The ill effects of this saw her eventually realeased from prison some years later with gravely deteriorating health , including tuberculosis .
This easter she attended and spoke at a republican rally in Derry , following which she was arrested for showing support for terrorism . Despite being granted bail the NI Secretary of state immediately revoked her 1970s release .The British secretary of state Owen Paterson has claimed her 1980 release on a Royal prerogative of mercy was a release on license as opposed to an unconditional release , which is the first anyone has ever heard of that claim . However when challenged to back this previously unknown detail up the British government is now claiming that the document is missing and cant be found , believed shredded . Meaning she is now incarcerated in isolation indefinitely until the British government decides this 57 year old woman is no longer a grave threat to society . So basically as it stands shes being held indefinitely in isolation - solitary confinement - on the whim of a British secretary of state since the 16th of may this year on the basis of a supposed condition within a non existent document nobody had ever heard of before may 16 this year. Relating to a conviction back in 1973 .



e-petition here if anyone wants to sign


Letters of support can be sent directly to Maghaberry prison , Co Antrim N Ireland . Im sure theyd be much appreciated .
High security Maghaberry jail just outside Belfast was pretty much besieged by protestors for 24 hours at the weekend , who erected tents and camped out at the gates. Flags and placards were hung on the prison wire while fireworks were lobbed into the prison grounds as the protestors played republican songs from loudspeakers . Dozens of political prisoners have resumed a dirty protest there , Excrement is plastered all over the walls and landings of the republican wing which is on 23 hour lock up constantly .Prisoners refusing to wash , shave or cut their hair either after repeated brutal attacks by screws. On Saturday coming theres a large convoy protest heading from Newry North of the border to the British embassy in Dublin with a lot of disruption expected . Basically the situation is escalating rapidly .


One prisoner in particular who stands out in all this is 57 year old former hungerstriker Marion Price , who is currently being incarcerated indefinitely in this all male prison .


She was originally jailed in London during the early 1970s after she and her sister were arrested for blowing up the Old Bailey and other targets in whitehall . That resulted in her and her sister Dolours and others going on a protracted 200 day hungerstrike , with 167 days force feeding . The ill effects of this saw her eventually realeased from prison some years later with gravely deteriorating health , including tuberculosis .
This easter she attended and spoke at a republican rally in Derry , following which she was arrested for showing support for terrorism . Despite being granted bail the NI Secretary of state immediately revoked her 1970s release .The British secretary of state Owen Paterson has claimed her 1980 release on a Royal prerogative of mercy was a release on license as opposed to an unconditional release , which is the first anyone has ever heard of that claim . However when challenged to back this previously unknown detail up the British government is now claiming that the document is missing and cant be found , believed shredded . Meaning she is now incarcerated in isolation indefinitely until the British government decides this 57 year old woman is no longer a grave threat to society . So basically as it stands shes being held indefinitely in isolation - solitary confinement - on the whim of a British secretary of state since the 16th of may this year on the basis of a supposed condition within a non existent document nobody had ever heard of before may 16 this year. Relating to a conviction back in 1973 .



e-petition here if anyone wants to sign


Letters of support can be sent directly to Maghaberry prison , Co Antrim N Ireland . Im sure theyd be much appreciated .

Great to see this case being highlighted, here is a web link with further updates


Marian Price is being treated very badly and the Government are forcing a very dangerous issue
Sadly after 15 months in maximum security solitary confinement both Marions physical and mental state has deteriorated quite badly . Shes since been moved to the lower security Hydebank facility now suffficient damage has been done , however she is still being incarcerated on absolutely no grounds whatsoever indefinitely , and the campaign for her release is still continuing . Its an absolute disgrace.
Sadly after 15 months in maximum security solitary confinement both Marions physical and mental state has deteriorated quite badly . Shes since been moved to the lower security Hydebank facility now suffficient damage has been done , however she is still being incarcerated on absolutely no grounds whatsoever indefinitely , and the campaign for her release is still continuing . Its an absolute disgrace.


"This is an abuse of natural justice. On humanitarian terms alone'

Free Marain Price, end the torture, God Bless Marain Price, mother, wife, and sister.
Jock Palfreeman, who is currently serving 20 years after seeing 2 Roma Gypsies being attacked by several neo nazis. The nazis cornered Jock and he waived a knife to defend himself. In the ensuing struggle 2 nazis were stabbed, one fatally. The Roma boys got away. Write to prisoners, not your MP.
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