here's the latest list from Anarchist Black Cross Brighton _ this is only European prisoners. Repression against anarchists in Europe, especially Spain and Italy, is becoming a main aim of the State: watch out , it will be here soon. Show your solidarity (solidarity is not just sending money or writing letters - it is striking at the institutions that cause this situation to come about: charity helps, but ultimately achieves nothing - get out and fuck shit up!). Also, if you're from London then see my other thread about setting up a London ABC if you're interested. (this is in two posts cause of the word restrictions)
James Borek LL6803,HMP Blundeston, D-108, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR32 5BG Sentenced in January 2004 to four and a half years for injuring a cop during the June 18th 1999 "Carnival against Capital" riot in London's financial district.
John Bowden John Bowden,#6729 HMP Saughton, 33 Stenhouse Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3LN
Long time prison resister.
Keith Pringle CB0078, HMP Whitemoor, March, Cambs, PE15 0PR
Keith has been inside for 11 years and continually harrassed for standing up for himself and other prisoners, rioting, dirty protests, and general disobediance. Recently fitted up for threatening to kill a screw landing him with another 3 years just when he was due for release.
Thomas Meyer Falk, JVA Bruchsal, Zelle 3117, Schoenbornstr. 32, 76646 Bruchsal, Germany: In 1996, Thomas was sent down for a bank robbery. He’ll be inside until at least 2010. Because of his strong beliefs, he’s been subject to very harsh repression – kept in solitary, daily cell raids, suppression and censorship of mail (no packages, and he has recently been denied his regular correspondence with some political groups by High Court Ruling), no access to education. On top of this his cell is in bad disrepair. Protest letters and faxes are needed towards improving his conditions. When writing to him don’t mention you are a political supporter. Besides hand-written letters, the only things he can get in the post are 3 IRC’s at a time.
For more info email:
[email protected], or see
34 people are still in prison Berlin, prisoner support groups have contacts with 21 of them (in all there have been 177 people imprisoned because of the events on 1st of May and the night before in Berlin and 186 warrants).
Markus Bederke (16 years old), Jugendarrestanstalt Berlin, Lützowstraße 45, 12307 Berlin-Lichtenrade, Germany.
All the other prisoners who have contacts with support groups are in Moabit prison:
Justizvollzugsanstalt Moabit, Alt-Moabit 12a, 10559 Berlin-Tiergarten, Germany.
One of them speaks only French- his name is Julian Fiorentino.The others are:
* JANECK EISSLER (buchnummer: 325-04-6)
* HANNES JÄGER (buchnummer: 1618-4)
You can write to them with their name and the address of the prison.
This year the State is being very hard on those arrested. It's not possible to bail somebody out (for example in one case they don't accept 10.000,- € !). One of the prisoners has already got 2 years without probation. However, all the imprisoned women are free now.
‘Revolutionary Cells’-Arrests in Germany: At 6am on Sunday, December 19th, 1999, heavily armed riot police stormed Axel Haug’s and Harald Glaede’s flats in Berlin as well as Sabine Eckle’s in Frankfurt. All three were arrested. At the same time the Mehringhof, a social centre in Berlin Axel and Harald work at, was surrounded by 1000 police. They trashed the place looking for some secret weapons cache, but just found two immigrants, Frank and Alicia, who they promptly deported to Russia and Bolivia. All this was based on the confessions of a recently arrested alleged member of the ‘Revolutionary Cells’, who were responsible for campaigns of criminal damage in the 80’s. Contact the Mehringhof Soli-Buero, Gneisenaustr. 2a, 10961 Berlin, email:
[email protected], website: for current prisoner addresses and more information.
Thessaloniki Prosecutions
There’s a steady stream of reports of extensive repression from Italy. Ecological anarchists, squatters and ALF activists are more and more active, but are also facing more arrests, raids and random fit-ups. The following five anarchists were accused of belonging to a fictional armed anarchist organisation, and fitted up by the infamous prosecutor Marini in a trial ending on April 20th, 2004.
Gregorian Garagin, Via G. Leopardi 2, 61034, Fossombrone (PU), Italy (sentenced to 30 years)
Francesco Porcu, Via provinciale San Biagio, 81030 Carinola (CE), Italy (sentenced to life)
Carlo Tesseri, c.c. La Dozza, Via del gomito,2, 40100 Bologna, Italy (sentenced to 3 years 10 months)
Alfredo Maria Bonanno, Via Papiniano 1, 34133 Trieste, Italy (sentenced to 6 years)
Il Silvestre defendants
Six eco-anarchists in Pisa, Itlay, have been arrested on charges relating to alleged involvement in the magazine 'Terra Selvaggia', considered 'inciting', as well as alleged involvement in actions claimed by the Cells of Revolutionry Offensive (COR) - a marxist group! The eco-group linked to the six is called 'Il Silvestre'. The defendants are under house arrest, are in complete isolation and they are not allowed any letters or visits for the time being. Therefore until further notice please do not send letters of support to the Il Silvestre defendants who are under house arrest.
However we would like to remind everyone that one of the Il Silvestre
defendants, Alessio Perondi, is still in prison and he is allowed letters of
support. Therefore please do send letters of support to:
Alessio Perondi, Casa Circondariale di Prato, Via La Montagnola 76, 59100, Prato, Italy.
or to the group address:
Il Silvestre, via del Cuore 1, 56100 Pisa, Italy
Tomek Wilkoszewski, Zaklad Karny, ul. Orzechowa 5, 98-200 Sieradz, Poland: Tomek was sentenced to 15 years after killing a nazi in self defence in Radomsko, 1997. He recently appealed against the sentence but with no success. See website: for more info.
continued in next post