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Prepayment Certificate - on it for years, cancelled without my knowledge, now issuing fines.


Giant in Pastyland now
As title
We both have a number of prescriptions, as a result 3 years ago I setup a Prepayment Certificate for both of us, direct debit on autorenew.
Worked fine, last October I get a letter saying this renews in February, if you are on direct debt, ignore this basically.
I was actually out of work from end of February last year until about, October as it happens.
Turns out at that point we were put on some Tax Credit Exemption thing.
As a result they stopped taking payment for the Prepayment Certificate, weird that getting a job was the trigger for this when they happily took it when I was unemployed
Tax Credit thing ran out end of April, leaving us with nothing apparently, as due to the Prepayment renewing when we were on the tax credit exemption, they didn't take payment, cancelled it and deleted the account.
We both now have potential fines for May, with presumably June also since even if I buy one today, it will only backdate one month. I have a lot of prescriptions, maybe 20 a month, since they decided to split it into weekly instead of monthly, for their convenience since they kept fucking up the monthly one.
2x £100 fine + 40, call it 50 with SO, prescription charges is what £482.5 + the £200 is £682.50

I googled this beforehand and apparently its been happening even with people changing absolutely nothing at all, did ring several different numbers and they just kept saying I would have got a letter (we didn't) then that it was my responsibility to ensure I had a prepayment card, not that they actually ever sent a card out once because it was decided a while back it was a waste of plastic if I remember so its all online.

So currently I have been charged while I should have been exempt for 8 months as JSA presumably, which I didn't really care about before since I figured.... at least we won't have a problem with the prepayment cards ever again. Had to go to the MP before for this when they messed about about another job change and got £400s worth removed. I went and updated all the stupid websites required when I changed jobs in October, then again in January.

They advised me basically that the complaints people go on the same regulations they do and it wouldn't get anywhere. Odd since I have literally had these removed before and all over the internet the same thing has been happening with Martin Lewis and similar people getting involved. So now I have to put in a complaint, contact the local MP yet again, we have a form letter from doing it twice before and hope they don't decide to pickup on every single incident in that 'gap' which was created by them. Absolutely ridiculous. Keep insisting its a legal requirement for them to contact me but I see no evidence they ever did. Been through two filing systems entirely just to make sure, nothing. Used to be an accountant so I think I generally take a fair amount of care keeping these things when they arrive and seem important. We have also been getting a quite staggering amount of other peoples post, including multiple NHS letters..... some with the right address but with a different post code on, some for say I am number 1, we got mail for 1a and 1b. So I can't believe it is beyond them to send it out wrong.

Off to get Prepayments for now as we have 6 things to pick up tomorrow and I can backdate a month but why is this so ridiculously overcomplicated. No other direct debit I ever had just randomly stopped itself and didn't tell me, ever. Just had to pay out for ridiculous school uniform costs and now 3 birthdays coming up plus this mess. I setup everything in good faith, did what the email said and now I have a mess to deal with, this seems wrong somehow.
What a nightmare! Seems to me that you did, in fact, 'make sure' that you had a prepayment certificate - you set up a direct debit. You can't be expected to know how the administration of these things works at their end and the only reason to set up a direct debit is so you don't ever have to think about it again. I know I don't check that direct debits have gone out - I give the supplier the details and it's up to them to take the money. Good luck sorting it out.
Remarkably I accidentally left my birth date in when renewing SOs and it refused to go any further saying she was already getting an exemption...
Tried the link which is supposed to check if you have a valid certificate, yeh thats easy to find. Turns out that didn't match anything.
I have less and less trust in this nonsense.
funny how some things stick in your mind...this might be helpful

Thats one of the very numerous examples I found when looking into this! Now got us sorted from 15th July but thats a fair gap for them to start issuing fines from since mine is pointlessly sent out every week cos despite using 3 pharmacies over 5 years they were all somehow incapable of actually getting things in on time on a monthly basis for some reason. Which quadruples my potential issues before we even start. I hate writing letters to MPs, this has taken 2 hours out of my work day too which I can ill afford to lose so will now finish later. Bah.
That's a disgraceful state of affairs that you're stuck sorting out newme .makes me wonder if someone had the bright idea to use fraud fines as a income generator. But I do have a suspicious mind.

I hope you get some resolution through contacting your MP.
Thats one of the very numerous examples I found when looking into this! Now got us sorted from 15th July but thats a fair gap for them to start issuing fines from since mine is pointlessly sent out every week cos despite using 3 pharmacies over 5 years they were all somehow incapable of actually getting things in on time on a monthly basis for some reason. Which quadruples my potential issues before we even start. I hate writing letters to MPs, this has taken 2 hours out of my work day too which I can ill afford to lose so will now finish later. Bah.
Is this in PZ?
Have you looked at the eligibility checker to see if / what has changed?
Yeh I've tracked back, in theory we should never have been paying from Feb- October since no one was working.

Starting work triggered tax credits since well no income for half the tax means your yearly projection is not over threshold.

Didn't inform us this stopped the prepayment and who checks that is going out after 3 years? Especially when it's 10 months of 12 for whatever reason. Tax credits covered to end of year since even with a 50% raise then another one 3 months later did not hit the max.

Weird thing is it looks like they have been paying tax credits since april, in minute amounts. So are we covered from that and if not why not given state before. Helpline 1 was helpful but no actual use, helpline 2 was it seems used to dealing with very aggressive people and just kept to the script with a grumpy tone. Done call centre it's not fun but maybe try and help at least a bit. Not just say this is your fault over and over.

Technically they are correct, I was covered by pp, which I didn't need to pay, job meant they noticed I didn't need to pay and 'helped' me by stopping me paying it. Not letting me know meant I had no idea however. I've sifted through so many emails and paper files, no notification. They insist their was one, I asked if they could prove this. They just said it's a legal req for them to tell me like that's magically how things happen. Having got lots of wrong mail including NHS ones for other people I have doubt.

It's going to be MP job again, particularly annoyingly it's all tory round here so blah but needs must and be good to see them do absolutely anything at all useful for cornwall. Lost the job originally cos they voted to knock 9% off the council budget... I can pay whatever the fee is if required but that's basically all the money I've saved for a few months gone. Since it's the first time I was actually able to save anything it's rather galling.

Patients ultimate responsibility to check, which requires you find the exact link and go check. Every single time. Doesn't sound very accessible really. No cards cos it's cheaper and environment but also no physical proof at all of anything. Nothing saying it was moved over, nothing saying it was cancelled, no direct debit cancel, etc. I was trying to pay back issues caused by being out of work. Not expecting a direct debit recurring payment to be cancelled. While starting two jobs in 3 months.

Seems rather, unreasonable. Reminds me of jsa. We fuck up, your problem. We didn't tell you? Yes we did, here's no proof, your problem. Etc
Ah don't know much about the ones over there.
Been through independents (who loudly accused SO of abusing a non abuseable medication in a small packed shop). So they were out, boots who then reordered every single item instantly and the doctors complained. Sorted then they went downhill. Super drug who again ordered everything immediately and doctors complained. Then could never get my patches in on time ever. Back to boots who again ordered everything immediately. Doctors switched me to a pharmacist to manage it who set it to weekly and kicked off at them til they fixed it (patches still 2 days late but I adjusted for this with all the extras). Now they are closing so I'm expecting the same nonsense again soon.
Been through independents (who loudly accused SO of abusing a non abuseable medication in a small packed shop). So they were out, boots who then reordered every single item instantly and the doctors complained. Sorted then they went downhill. Super drug who again ordered everything immediately and doctors complained. Then could never get my patches in on time ever. Back to boots who again ordered everything immediately. Doctors switched me to a pharmacist to manage it who set it to weekly and kicked off at them til they fixed it (patches still 2 days late but I adjusted for this with all the extras). Now they are closing so I'm expecting the same nonsense again soon.
Good luck with it. Sounds like a nightmare.
Good luck with it. Sounds like a nightmare.
At one point I had them refusing electronic prescriptions due to the schedule of the medication, so at least I am not sat around waiting for a van to turn up with a bit of paper now lol. Would love to do one of those "we get the shit to your door" services but I can't believe for the life of me that it would not lead to huge issues. Made a fair buffer of in stock meds at home to cover their fuck ups but its not something I think people should be expected to do. I date and arrange everything, I feel this is less fair for those less capable of doing all this background nonsense.
At one point I had them refusing electronic prescriptions due to the schedule of the medication, so at least I am not sat around waiting for a van to turn up with a bit of paper now lol. Would love to do one of those "we get the shit to your door" services but I can't believe for the life of me that it would not lead to huge issues. Made a fair buffer of in stock meds at home to cover their fuck ups but its not something I think people should be expected to do. I date and arrange everything, I feel this is less fair for those less capable of doing all this background nonsense.
I am fortunate in that I get my meds delivered to me, but did have an issue recently where I wasn't getting my diabetes medicine. I even went in to the pharmacy as I happened to be passing after job centre and was told they hadn't received the prescription from my GP. Lie 1.

Requested prescription again from GP, ended up getting every over med I needed except the diabetes med, which it turned out there were major manufacturing issues and it won't be available again until this time next year. Epic. Was basically told to sort it out myself by grumpy assistant. I pointed out that I had specifically asked if there were any manufacturing issues and was told all was good. Lie 2. Basically got the verbal equivalent of a shrug.

Did manage to get a replacement med but it's not suiting my body as well as the other drug. So am currently not impressed with the pharmacy.

The only saving grace is Scotland has no prescription charges for anybody.
They advised me basically that the complaints people go on the same regulations they do and it wouldn't get anywhere. Odd since I have literally had these removed before and all over the internet the same thing has been happening with Martin Lewis and similar people getting involved. So now I have to put in a complaint, contact the local MP yet again, we have a form letter from doing it twice before and hope they don't decide to pickup on every single incident in that 'gap' which was created by them. Absolutely ridiculous. Keep insisting its a legal requirement for them to contact me but I see no evidence they ever did. Been through two filing systems entirely just to make sure, nothing. Used to be an accountant so I think I generally take a fair amount of care keeping these things when they arrive and seem important. We have also been getting a quite staggering amount of other peoples post, including multiple NHS letters..... some with the right address but with a different post code on, some for say I am number 1, we got mail for 1a and 1b. So I can't believe it is beyond them to send it out wrong.

Off to get Prepayments for now as we have 6 things to pick up tomorrow and I can backdate a month but why is this so ridiculously overcomplicated. No other direct debit I ever had just randomly stopped itself and didn't tell me, ever. Just had to pay out for ridiculous school uniform costs and now 3 birthdays coming up plus this mess. I setup everything in good faith, did what the email said and now I have a mess to deal with, this seems wrong somehow.
This all sounds very unfair! complain anyway copying in your MP and the guardian.
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