je suis teuchter
Some bits from the report...
Pop Brixton encountered a number of challenges at inception stage. The ‘Grow Brixton’ project which
was originally selected by Lambeth Council to deliver the project was a team with no track record in
delivery, and comprised a number of partners who hadn’t worked together before. Despite being
selected, the ‘Grow Brixton’ team were ultimately unable to work together to deliver the project as
planned; instead Carl Turner, one of the original team members worked alone to rescope and remodel
the project as Pop Brixton.
A more detailed due diligence process by Lambeth Council at the procurement stage could have helped
to identify potential delivery issues at an earlier stage and hence minimise subsequent risks and delays.
Reflecting the council’s inclusive growth objectives, community buy-in was an important objective of the
project. However, a balanced and pragmatic approach is needed in this respect. While Lambeth Council looked
to engage the local community in Pop Brixton from an early stage, this raised expectations regarding the
ongoing role of the community in detailed planning and delivery. More could also have been done at this
stage to manage expectations regarding the overall objective of the project: while Pop had community
objectives at its heart, first and foremost, it needed to deliver financially and commercially.
A flexible brief does however provide some challenges. It is important to ensure stakeholder groups are aware
of change in the scope of the project giving them the opportunity to comment on and influence change. At Pop
Brixton an increased focus on food and drink and an evening offer has seen some reported disruption for
residents. Proactive communication could have helped to mitigate this impact and drive greater understanding
and ultimately, involvement.