The fact remains that changing the sign would cause confusion at best, and might even cause death as the motorist wonders as to what on earth that sign was. Whether that organisation has merit or not is neither here nor there. Changing the sign just because some people are a bit concerned that it might portray the Elderly in a negative way just shows that some people have more time than sense.
You appear to be under the impression that I'm defending the sign. I am not, and neither is Michele Hanson, who makes a far better case against it than you -- mostly because she avoids the thoroughly tainted and discredited term 'political correctness'
If you have an answer as to why the PC line should be immune to criticism, then prey tell.
You haven't actually read my posts have you?
Have you read my in-development theory about why some, a few, public officials might make idiotic, overzealous desicions, the decisions YOU claim I'm 'defending', the decisons YOU claim I say are immune to criticism?
The decisions you, and the Daily Mail, and Jeremy Clarkson, and Richard Littlejohn, and Nick Griffin, link together, however disparate, and label as 'PC gone mad'. Those RARE and disparate and separate and isolated decisions that in reality happen at random and on occasion, when they've not been totally made up or sensationalised out of next to nothing and blown out of all proportion. Decisions which are far rarer than the Maily Telegraph lies to you that they are, and which are not in any way part of any great liberal 'Political Correctness' censorship campaign at all, but which you remain convinced are part of an overarching ubiquitous conspiracy to silence and censor you and all straight talking right thinking folk in this land ...
Any idea how INSANE that obsession makes you look?
. At the worst my posts are pointing out something which you think is wrong, but which I have the right in a free society to discuss. You should just ignore it, but you feel the need to abuse me by describing my posts as 'bollocks'.
I said a lot more than bollocks, my posts contain plenty of serious contradiction of your claims, which you've ignored.
And bit in bold, do us a favour, you're not some martyr to terrible censorship nor some hero of bold thinking and free speech. You're 100% free to make your points, to say what you want and think what you want, but if you make highly dubious claims and and only answer other peoples' posts ultra selectively, dismissing any contradiction of you as mindless left wong abuse, then you can exopect to get some robust criticisms -- deal with them.
You have not bothered to describe why it is impossible to be too PC, and why the PC line should be immune to my criticism - in fact you are just as evasive as the usual poster on U75.
My point Gmarthews, is that 'political correctness' is a tired old cobwebbed cliche, thoroughly discredited (or it should be) amongst anyone who isn't a barking right wing fruitbat.
Moreover, 'PC' is a concept 95% of which exists in the fevered imaginations of the Daily Mail editorial staff and their political associates, and amongst the gullible fools who believe their lies.
Stop recycling such a discredited and exttremist and right wing cliche-label so mindlessly in your efforts to describe what you're talking about and this sorry excuse for a 'debate' might just get somewhere.