The left responses on here are just as kneejerk/blinkered as the nonsensical mouthpieces that people so so hate like The Daily Mail.
False equivalence = bias.
Bias in faviour of lying scumsheets like the Mail -- in effect if not intention on your part, anyway.
Yeah, the 'left' (or some of them)
do get exasperated, myself included, and no doubt very counterproductively at times, in
reaction to this whole 'PC' mythology and all the widespread media fiction and stupid peoples' gullibility about it.
At least you make a pretty well expressed point about parameters of debate, I work in the public sector, and (unsurprisingly!) I don't agree really. But in NO WAY does making efforts to be non discriminatory and simply POLITE and COURTEOUS about or in dealings with marginalised or discriminated against groups amount to censorship, which is what you seem to be suggesting.
I'm aware of the dangers of inventing offence where none exists, and going OTT in trying (on occasions cackhandedly or overzealously) to avoid giving it. The danger of 'speaking up for' various people without bothering to interact with them and without even bothering to find out what they think first, certainly exist. Ignorant, non listening elitism etc.
Can happen -- though nowhere near to the hugely exaggerated, mythologised and plain lied about extent ranted on about by the Daily Mail and various other twattery-outlets. Part of whose agenda is to whip up bigots into a frothfoaming fury against things like the European Charter of Human Rights, the Race Relations Act, the Sex Discrimination Acxt, and so forth. And to offer such bigots a free pass to talk in exactly as much racist and bigotted language as they want and then use some made up, media-inflamed fantasy about 'political correctness gone mad' or 'left wing Guardianista fanaticism' as an excuse to carry on being stupid, offensive, plain rude bigots.
rationall case there might be against
particular and isolated examples of counterproductiveness or overzealousness by soime public officials is totally undermined by lining up in (effective) alliance with lying bigots who claim that 'PC gone mad' is a national crisis.
It isn't. You are free to say what you think and think what you want, and so am I and so is everyone else. There is no 'brigade' of 'PC thought police' in any way constraining that in any kind of systematic way, in or out of the public sector.
And you're smart enough to be aware (really) that the VAST majority of people who feel the most pucefacedly indignant and angry about 'PC' are bonkers loons, far too eagerly prone (gullibly and stupidly) to believing second hand anecdotes in pubs, the vast majority of them originally sourced from the idiot press.
By accepting the concept of 'political correctness' as any kind of real problem, you end up allying yourself with thoroughly odious lying (or plain stupid and gullible) twats.