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police raid/shut down brixton club.


Well-Known Member
Eleven people were arrested by police during a raid on alleged drug dealing at a south London nightclub.
About 200 officers were involved in an operation at The Fridge club in Brixton, targeting class A drugs.

Police said the raid followed a two-month intelligence operation focusing on the alleged supply of cocaine, amphetamines and ecstasy.

On Saturday a 29-year-old man was arrested in Harrow, north London, on suspicion of supplying class A drugs.

Police said they believed him to be a "main dealer in the vicinity of the club".


200 police? 200?? for a little nightclub in brixton?? methinks someone's having a laugh. 200 police for 11 arrests?? somehow that doesn't seem quite right to me. :confused:
John Roberts, the Metropolitan Police Authority's lead member for Lambeth, said the operation was part of a wider attempt to end the misery that drug dealing caused to the community.

Mr Roberts said: "By listening to the community and responding to their concern we can tackle drug dealing in Lambeth.

He said the operation was "part of a much bigger picture" which involved targeting "the anti-social criminality that drug dealing breeds and the misery that is causes".

He added: "People come to Brixton to have fun and enjoy the nightlife, they do not want to come to clubs where they are being peddled drugs."

Perhaps I'm being naive here but I would have though that this 'polysexual' event would have been full of people who do want to come to clubs where they are being peddled drugs.

There's a massive difference between people going clubbing and wanting to enjoy themselves and people hanging about on the street selling crack.

It seems crazy to me that the police would spend so much money on raiding a nightclub that's not causing anyone any problems when just down the road people's lives are being made a misery by crack dealers and muggers.

I suppose it's a publicity thing that shows that the police are shown to be doing something rather than actually dealing wiht the real problems that affect people in the community.
Wow, was there ever a more erroneous police statment?

He added: "People come to Brixton to have fun and enjoy the nightlife, they do not want to come to clubs where they are being peddled drugs."


oh and :rolleyes: at the rest of it.
This is on BBC news now

They obviously invited the media and are turing this into a PR event.
In case anyone missed the report on BBC news 24

there's a BBC reporter outside as the police rush the entrance to the club
"The police are not just after the dealers they will be searching everyone for drugs and they have said that this will include strip searches if neccessary"

Then some cutaways to rather shocked looking clubbers outside

Interviews with some clubbers who seemed angry and bewildered and were complaining that they were just going out to enjoy themselves and that they don't understand why they had to give their names and addresses to the tp the police.

Interview with senior cop: The local community are deeply concerened about drug dealing and we are responding to the concerns of our local community.

Well duuur
Perhaps the local community would prefer you do to somerthing about street dealing rather than hold some PR stunt at a gay club

jeez :rolleyes:
The Usual Scenario

As you say LouluBell probably a publicity exercise.!!

Surely, they could've raided the local crack-house, or had a purge on the street dealers or simply targetted the alleged 'main man' prior to ruining everyones night... Wonder if they'll add any of the back stock to his arrested amount to make out it was a 'worthwhile' exercise.?

Once again, Brixton is highlighed in the news with the same old 'drug' tag & the real sufferers of community crime and drug users (lets face it, if you want it bad enuff, you can get drugs anywhere, not just nightclubs) don't get the real help they need..!
oddworld said:
tinker_bell was there on Friday and never said anything, I will quiz her later :eek:
Probably cos it was raided on Saturday.

:D at Monkeygrinders!

This is in the Brixton forum already.
copied from another forum:

well considering my bezzie pal has been pleading with brixton police n council for the last year to do something about the abandoned car beneath his flat thats being used as a skag n crack den, and so far theyve done bugger all...this just shows yet again how the police are failing to deal with proper problems in the community.

topaz said:
200 police for 11 arrests?? somehow that doesn't seem quite right to me. :confused:
So you turn up to a club which may contain 200 plus people. With a plan to arrest maybe half a dozen identified dealers and, probably, their immediate last customers (as the final piece of the evidential jigsaw you've been putting together). So you turn up with about thirty officers that you SHOULD need to actually do the things you've got to do if everyone co-operates.

But you get there and there are more people than you thought. And the door staff and management are obstructive as you try to get in. Words spreads and a significant number of the customers begin to resist. Some of your officers start to be assaulted, and arrests begin to be made for assault offences. Any hope of gathering any evidence against your main targets has gone and with it any chance of getting the prosecution you needed to have any impact on their activities. You call for assistance and a random selection of officers with no prior knowledge or briefing turn up. They immediately weigh in to start arresting those causing disorder and the situation escalates. Things start getting broken and thrown. Eventually, an hour or more later, the club is closed and the crowd dispersed.

Several officers have been injured and are likely to sue the force for failing to take suitable steps to ensure their safety, costing lots of taxpayers pounds. Several members of the public have been injured, including some by police officers. They allege that excessive force was used, making a complaint to the IPCC which costs lots more taxpayers pounds. One has been hit by a badly-aimed bottle thrown at the police. They have a fractured skull and may die. A murder enquiry is launched costing more ...

You get the idea ...

200 officers (and I suspect the number is something of an exaggeration anyway) would be a number which has been selected to ensure that the operation achieves it's aims with no downsides.
detective-boy said:
200 officers (and I suspect the number is something of an exaggeration anyway) would be a number which has been selected to ensure that the operation achieves it's aims with no downsides.

Would you like to explain the UPSIDES of this then?
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
Imagine someone thinking the Metropolitan Police Authority had something to do with the police eh? Bizarre.
Imagine someone being so fucking stupid as to not realise the difference between the police service (i.e. police officers) and a police authority (i.e. politicians, magistrates, lay members) even when it is spelt out for them in size 7 letters. Pathetic.
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
Would you like to explain the UPSIDES of this then?
The principal targetted dealers have been arrested.
The best possible evidence of their activities has been secured.
There has been no public disorder.
No-one has got hurt.
Nothing has been broken.

And, if the club had been failing to co-operate with the police in finding other acceptable ways to deal with drug misuse, they have been dealt with a may lose their licence (which should please the vast majority of club owners who DO try their best).
Two hundred cops to bust these evil dealers who were forcing people to take E, coke and weed.

Seems fair to me.

At least thats a few dealers who won't be peddling their wares outside the school gates in future :rolleyes:
taken from another forum:

The police used 200 officers in this raid, arrested 11 people and 4 of them were for cannabis. That leaves 7 people with Class A's and a mate of mine was one of them (he got a warning for 2 pills). It may have looked good in the press but surely 200 officers put out on the beat on a Saturday night in brixton would have caught more than 7 people with Class A's!

there's a point to be had in that.
detective-boy said:
Imagine someone being so fucking stupid as to not realise the difference between the police service (i.e. police officers) and a police authority (i.e. politicians, magistrates, lay members) even when it is spelt out for them in size 7 letters. Pathetic.

Bollocks. Your using huge letters like that makes it look like you considered the Groke to be an idiot for not knowing the difference. I have no idea of the precise relationship between the Police and the Metropolitan Police Authority, I doubt many people do and I don't see a great deal of reason why they should, tbh. It seems reasonable to assume they're fairly closely connected, especially as the tone of the statement is of someone who is part of the action. Note the phrase 'WE are tackling drug dealing.'
detective-boy said:
The principal targetted dealers have been arrested.
The best possible evidence of their activities has been secured.
There has been no public disorder.
No-one has got hurt.
Nothing has been broken.

And, if the club had been failing to co-operate with the police in finding other acceptable ways to deal with drug misuse, they have been dealt with a may lose their licence (which should please the vast majority of club owners who DO try their best).

You must know that most clubs in London are full of people taking drugs.

I've been to gay clubs with my friends and there were insane amounts of drugs being consumed, however, it seemed obvious to me that the use of drugs was contained to those within the clubs and that the people inside were causing no problems for the people outside the club whatsoever.

While I appreciate that it's against the law to take illegal drugs I fail to understand how spending massive amounts of money to raid a gay nightclub for drugs should be a priority for the police when the streets outside are full of dangerous crack dealers.
detective-boy said:
The principal targetted dealers have been arrested.
The best possible evidence of their activities has been secured.
There has been no public disorder.
No-one has got hurt.
Nothing has been broken.

The last three could have been accomplished by not raiding the club, couldn't they.

And as for the other two, as is being repeatedly pointed out, that's a massive use of resources to nick a few minor dealers (and apparently warning people for possession of two pills.)
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
Would you like to explain the UPSIDES of this then?
You having trouble understanding text ?

"John Roberts, the Metropolitan Police Authority's lead member for Lambeth, said the operation was part of a wider attempt to end the misery that drug dealing caused to the community."

That was the motivation and purpose. You don't like it, that's fine. But that's what it was intended to address.
This was the event

Polysexual South

Polysexual South having scored her first birthday dives into her second year of mayhem with a line up packed with first timers! First up, cutting edge production legend, master of the decks and all round show stopper, Mr. James Lawson. The next debutee has been called the godfather of hard dance, and was there from its inception some 15 years ago. It could be none other than the stomping IAN M. Yes you read it right! IAN M and he’ll be taking no prisoners!

And now for the biggie! Polysexual welcome the master of all things A.L.I.V.E …. Mr GREG BROOKMAN ! A showcase is not to be missed, for it will be Greg’s last live show for at least 4 months , as he ventures into the studio for some quality tunage time !!

Another debut and its two young boys – it had to be really didn’t it. All the way from tidy land the harder than hard JP & Jukesy. Polysexual South wouldn’t be an event without its trusted Northern resident and so Hinsley makes his usual appearance along side Dr Duzzit and rising star Andy McCall.

Polysexual bring back the Hardcore for this April Fiasco and what better way to make it that little bit more crazy than to call in your hosts for room two - The Nu Energy Collective who with Mark Ashley, Ethos, Matt Style and Petruccio will deliver hardcore like you’ve never heard it before. Keep your ears peeled for Matt Style’s set – the whole thing will be plucked from 1995!

With MCs: Ethos, Rizla Dizla & Obie, room two will be a rocking till dawn!


Greg Brookman (Live), Ian M, James Lawson, JP & Jukesy, Hinsley, Dr Duzzit, Andy McCall
Hardcore: Mark Ashley, Ethos, Matt Style, Petruccio, Ethos, Rizla Dizla, Obie

Saturday 15th April 2006
10pm – 6am
The Fridge , London , SW2

£15 in advance/Motd
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
I have no idea of the precise relationship between the Police and the Metropolitan Police Authority, I doubt many people do and I don't see a great deal of reason why they should, tbh.
So fucking find out.
Read the fucking paper, they're in it all the time.
And you should know, because it is THEM who are representing you and telling the police what to do on your behalf.

This failure to identify what the police can and cannot do is at the heart of half the fucking whinges people have. Shouting at them to change the law is about as fucking helpful as shouting at them to change the weather.
London_Calling said:
You having trouble understanding text ?

"John Roberts, the Metropolitan Police Authority's lead member for Lambeth, said the operation was part of a wider attempt to end the misery that drug dealing caused to the community."

That was the motivation and purpose. You don't like it, that's fine. But that's what it was intended to address.
Dealing coke and pills in a club does not cause any misery to the community.
Originally Posted by Greebozz
Does anyone know what sort of night was on at the fridge, and what the clientle was?

In terms of clientele, Polysexual is a mixed night, allsorts - gay, straight, young and old(er).

Gutted - love the Fridge, and hope this won't mean the end a some cracking nights there (Innovate, Vicious Circle, Twisted).
Maggot said:
Dealing coke and pills in a club does not cause any misery to the community.

I, too, think that police resources could've been better used and I'm guessing this was a big media ploy tbh..

But I don't necessarily agree with your statement. I think that there are knock on effects from dealing coke and pills - especially at the higher end of the scale - which do affect the community. It can seem harmless to us buying some pill off some bloke in a club but at some point up the ladder people are affected adversely..
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