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Police hunt for Kyle Clifford after three women murdered in Bushey, Herts


This is an awful story. He killed the wife and daughters of BBC racing commentator John Hunt:

Triple murder victims are family of BBC commentator, corporation says, as police search for suspect: what we know so far …​

  • The BBC has confirmed that the victims of the triple murder in Bushey, Hampshire are Carol Hunt, 61, and two of her daughters. They were the family of the BBC racing commentator John Hunt
  • Police are hunting for a 26-year-old man, Kyle Clifford, who they have warned may be armed with a crossbow. He should not be approached
  • Officers found three women, aged 25, 28, and 61 at a house on Tuesday evening. Despite emergency services attending, including air ambulances, the three were pronounced dead at the scene
  • Police described it as a “targeted” attack, using a crossbow and possibly other weapons
  • At 8am on Wednesday Clifford’s home in Enfield, north London was raided by police
  • Local policing commander Jon Simpson made a direct appeal to Clifford to contact the police himself via 999
  • Police have also appealed to anyone who was in or around Ashlyn Close between lunchtime and 7pm on Tuesday to contact them if they believe they saw anything that could help their investigation


(Source: as stated in image)

This is Kyle Clifford, the person being sought in relation to the murder investigation, following the deaths of his former girlfriend, her sister and their mother.​
Was working on a farm in herts today....couple of helicopters were flying around in the afternoon, looked like they were scanning the area. Wonder if it was related?

(Source: as stated in image)

This is Kyle Clifford, the person being sought in relation to the murder investigation, following the deaths of his former girlfriend, her sister and their mother.​
Wherever he is, it seems unlikely that the prime suspect, Kyle Clifford, will be in the company of his older brother Bradley Clifford, as he is currently serving a term of life imprisonment for the murder of Soban Khan and attempted grevious bodily harm with intent on Jahshua Francis, and must serve at least 23 years' imprisonment before he is eligible to apply for parole
I was thinking police helicopters but could also have been media helicopters. Anyway he is caught now.
I'd say both kinds swarming the area.

At least he has been apprehended.

The laws around crossbows are under review due to increase in their use as murder weapons over the past decade (especially in cases with violence against women): Home Secretary gave a statement at 16.06 in the BBC live thread
"One of the three women killed in the Bushey crossbow attack was in a “controlling” relationship with the suspected killer, a close friend of two of the victims has said ..."


Prime suspect Kyle Clifford with his ex-girlfriend, The Late Louise Hunt, who was one of the women killed in the Bushey crossbow attack.


The prime suspect in relation to the attacks has yet to be interviewed by the police as he has undergone emergency surgery for a chest wound that is believed to have been self-inflicted.​

Crossbow victim ‘was in controlling relationship with suspected killer’
There's an ongoing petition to IPSO about media reporting of DV.

In 2018, Level Up developed Dignity for Dead Women guidelines for reporting domestic abuse deaths, which are based on the acronym AIDA:

  • Accountability: Place responsibility solely on the killer, which means avoiding speculative “reasons” or “triggers”, or describing the murder as an uncharacteristic event. Domestic homicides are almost always underpinned by a longstanding sense of ownership, coercive control and possessive behaviours: they are not a random event.
  • Images: Centre the victim, not the perpetrator, and do not place their images side by side.
  • Dignity: Avoid sensationalising language, invasive or graphic details that compromise the dignity of the dead woman or her surviving family members.
  • Accuracy: Name the crime as domestic violence, instead of “tragedy” or “horror”, and include the National Domestic Abuse Helpline at the end of the article: 0808 2000 247.
These guidelines have been backed by IPSO, but it is evident that guidelines are not enough. Editors' Code change is needed to enforce reporting standards on this crucial public health issue.
There's an ongoing petition to IPSO about media reporting of DV.
Something else I really noticed this time. The initial reporting (at least) was all 'the wife and daughters of [named man]' rather than treating them as people in their own right. I'd say there was more mention of [named man] than the actually names of the women who were murdered. (And yes, I get he is some kind of sport commentator but so what frankly.)
Something else I really noticed this time. The initial reporting (at least) was all 'the wife and daughters of [named man]' rather than treating them as people in their own right. I'd say there was more mention of [named man] than the actually names of the women who were murdered. (And yes, I get he is some kind of sport commentator but so what frankly.)

Good point. The media and commentariat are now focussed on 'banning crossbows' seemingly on the basis that they believe crossbows cause DV and not people.
Good point. The media and commentariat are now focussed on 'banning crossbows' seemingly on the basis that they believe crossbows cause DV and not people.
Absolutely. Much easier to address that than the reasons why this man committed such terrible violence.

And to be frank, if he hadn't had access to a crossbow, I'm sure he would've found some other way of murdering them.
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