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Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

they should have said 'paramedics' if it was (only) aimed at that. but they didn't so we can safely assume they want it to have a wider application.
Either way, if you go around attacking people that are there to largely protect the community you can expect some kind of punishment, and rightly so.
Either way, if you go around attacking people that are there to largely protect the community you can expect some kind of punishment, and rightly so.
The police are not largely there to protect the community. If they were they might er protect the community. And it is assaults on the police which have fallen under this clause far more than assaults on paramedics or firemen
Either way, if you go around attacking people that are there to largely protect the community you can expect some kind of punishment, and rightly so.
Because yes - up until this bill, it was possible to do exactly that thing LEGALLY. :rolleyes:

I think that very few laws are passed because there is a genuine need for them - it's more that politicians like to frame problems simplistically, and then come up with simplistic, voter-friendly "solutions", in the certain knowledge that people - people just like you, cyril_smear - will simplistically say "Yeah! Great idea! Let's completely trash people's civil rights, just so long as we can be seen to be being tough on paramedic-bashers".

I'm pretty sure that anyone convicted of attacking a paramedic is already likely to face a potentially stiff penalty, and I strongly suspect that whatever they're planning will make little or no difference to how many people DO attack paramedics. And, given that people sometimes attack paramedics because they are delirious or terrified, I'd say that there's a bloody good chance that, faced with seeing a patient who lashed out for such a reason being liable for a massive jail term, they simply won't report the assault, and everybody ends up worse off. The law of unintended consequences - the bane of many an authoritarian legislator.
Chunks of this bill appear to have been constructed in a basis of “who do the Tory base hate most and how can we get them?”
GRT community - tick
Greeny/Hippy protest camps- tick
“Alarming” BLM protests- tick
“Disruptive” XR tactics - tick
“Noisy” Remainer Bloke with megaphone - tick
Anyone trying to interfere with statues of slavers/fascists/Tories - tick
Anyone having the nerve to protest on the property of some corporate scumbags - tick
Students doing anything on Uni/college property that authorities don’t like - tick
Union members doing just about anything on or even near employers premises - tick
What was that saying about those who make peaceful change impossible? 😡
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