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"Please don't riot, it's just what they want"


the truth don't care
Article written by David Icke two years ago in which he warns of impending US economic collapse, and the plans to induce widespread rioting as the method by which fascism can be introduced (as the 'solution').

The one I want to emphasise here is the need to stay calm and react peacefully to what is happening. This is not easy when there is so much stress and fear around with regard to the economic present and 'future', but we need to do it all the same or we will walk straight into a massive trap that has been set for us.

Let's get this straight: They want you to riot in response to the unfolding economic catastrophe and we are already seeing people falling for this.

Why would the authorities want people to riot? Readers of my books over the years will see the answer immediately. They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world and people who riot in their desperation (instigated invariably by agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are looking for.

Be very, very aware of anyone who starts rioting, or encourages others to do so, amid peaceful demonstrations. Who are they and why are they doing this when it is handing all the aces to the system to impose a Police State? They are either stupid or agents of that State.
Dont panic.... Iran is sending a peacekeeping force...

oh.... we have been rioting in Ireland for well over 2 years... he didnt see that coming hey? hey?
From the same article:

Greenspan, who led 'the Fed' under Reagan, Father Bush, Clinton and Boy Bush, operates at a deeper level within the Illuminati network than most of their public figures, and I was told by a former Satanist, an unofficial offspring of the Rothschild family, how he remembered Greenspan at sacrifice rituals he attended:

'I can recall the Rockefellers and the Bushes attending rituals, but never having the supremacy to lead them. I still regard them as lackeys and not real brokers of occult power. Except for Alan Greenspan, most of these fellows were camp followers in the occult, primarily for the economic power and prestige. Greenspan, I recall, was a person of tremendous spiritual, occult power and could make the Bushes and the younger Rockefellers cower with just a glance.'
Article written by David Icke two years ago in which he warns of impending US economic collapse, and the plans to induce widespread rioting as the method by which fascism can be introduced (as the 'solution').

From your link:

The credit explosion was orchestrated through Illuminati agents and Satanists like Alan Greenspan, who represents the interests of the Illuminati's Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and other far more exclusive and sinister secret societies....

Zionist Greenspan got out just before the true scale and consequences of his manipulation came to light. It has been left to others, including his Zionist successor at the 'Fed', Ben Shalom Bernanke, to offer the 'solutions' to the problems that Greenspan and his like created. All of these 'solution' people are controlled by the same force that was, and is, behind Greenspan....

I can encapsulate what is going on here with part of a letter alleged to have been sent in 1871 by Albert Pike, a Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in America, to Giuseppe Mazzini, the Illuminati 'revolutionary' in Italy. In this letter, Pike is said to have detailed the background to three world wars the Illuminati was planning to bring about their global dictatorship...

You're like a filter-feeder sucking up Icke's shit and spitting out what you think are gems, but are actually more shit.
All manner of issues which have bounced across Ickes radar may be extremely relevant in the years ahead, since we clearly see how much turmoil this century is capable of. Howeer, Ickes analysis of such events is severely limited, and even when he stumbles upon something of importance, useful conclusions are likely to be lost as part of the process of weaving these events and phenomenon into his broader dodgy narrative.

Just how could this paranoid strain of politics have anything useful to offer to humanity? Fighting the politics of fear with even greater fear is as stupid as it gets.

I still think you need to reflect long and hard on how little this paranoid politics has to offer in these tumultuous times. If you want to, you'll be able to cling to this rubbish because it predicts that shit will happen, and no doubt shit will actually happen. But the context is utterly deranged, so I fail to see what meaningful solutions it will offer. No good inducing a sense of resistance in people if its then wasted because you've created a phantom for them to fight, a false struggle.

At this rate, there will come a time where people have to engage with the ills of our world in a more meaningful way. There will be an opportunity for those who have wasted themselves on this paranoid politics in the past, to make a slight change of course, and channel this stuff in a far more useful way. If Icke & chums can come up with any sane solutions when the time comes, then there us a chance that they can redeem themselves, and actually participate in struggle in a meaningful way. Theres probably more chance of Icke managing this than say Alex Jones, but I wouldn't bet on it. Nothing to offer.
he says a million things. Loons only need just one of all the gobshites wild claims to be half true-ish and thats enough.
To be fair, I am worried that some kind of global elite will start exploiting the labour of the masses in exchange for profit to fund their lavish lifestyles.

But that will never happen if we wake up and notice the impending lizard satanist takeover in time.
Back when I was young we had Mods and Rockers fighting at the seaside every summers weekend.

What do the kids have these days to keep them busy? :)
Back when I was young we had Mods and Rockers fighting at the seaside every summers weekend.

What do the kids have these days to keep them busy? :)

from jazz / icke

' They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world and people who riot in their desperation (instigated invariably by agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are looking for.'

call me a loon but i find this believable... :oops:
from jazz / icke

' They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world and people who riot in their desperation (instigated invariably by agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are looking for.'

call me a loon but i find this believable... :oops:

As the old saying goes - Even a broken clock is right twice a day ;)
from jazz / icke

' They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world and people who riot in their desperation (instigated invariably by agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are looking for.'

call me a loon but i find this believable... :oops:

You find it believable that the Illuminati are looking for an excuse to bring in a worldwide police state? Really?
What i find interesting about that article is the fact that Icke didn't seem to feel any need whatsoever to disguise it's anti-semitic content. None whatsoever. he used to. What does that suggest about the way his market has developed over the last 10 or so years?
You find it believable that the Illuminati are looking for an excuse to bring in a worldwide police state? Really?

no i beleive that a ploice state is what the authourites would like ,it would make thier lives a lot easier.. and rioting plays into thier hands. not the illumiti ffs
no i beleive that a ploice state is what the authourites would like ,it would make thier lives a lot easier.. and rioting plays into thier hands. not the illumiti ffs

You quoted a post saying "They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world..."

Rioting, etc. does tend to work out pretty well for right-wing governments and the forces of law & order. The police reaction to the riots may have been, in part, aimed at making sure their budgets aren't cut.

But if you agree with Jazzz and Icke, it means you're agreeing that the riots were caused by agents of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world.
But if you agree with Jazzz and Icke, it means you're agreeing that the riots were caused by agents of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world.
This is what I find so chilling. Otherwise it would just be a point and laugh thing. It's something much worse than that.
yeah of course i do :rolleyes:,
ive explained what i meant but you dont seem to be able comprehend it , you dont seem to be coming across that bright tbh.

i was talking about the authorites not the jewish etc
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