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Those whiny cunts that run the pizzeria in Norwich with their Pineapple hatred have a cool logo and their dig about "go on you monster order champagne too" is funny but who the fuck cares about toppings on pizza. It's not like the pizza is that deeply historial anyway at most, the modern popular combinations are a few hundred years old. And pineapple is like 65 years old. And literally every pizza joint in the UK serves barbarities like BBQ pizza and cajun chicken, yuck yuck and tripple yuck.

But egg on pizza is super common in South of France and is delicious :cool: Mmmm. One of the best pizzas ive ever had done right.

edit: decided to remove my comments about the Norwich pizza gaff with their shitty Google Maps 4.0 rating because I sound like a triggered gammon with pineapple.
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I think we can all agree that pizza and pineapple is a matter of taste. I enjoy it from time to time, but paying an extra £100 is ridiculous.

Now a pizzeria in Norwich, England, has nailed its colors to the mast by introducing pineapple to its online delivery menu — but at the princely sum of £100 (around US$122).

Surprisingly, this isn’t the highest price charged for pineapple in the past year — a $395.99 red-hued variant hit the California market last May — but it’s considerably higher than the dollar that a can of tinned pineapple would typically cost in a UK superstore.

“Yeah, for £100 you can have it. Order the champagne too! Go on you Monster!,” jeers the new menu listing for Hawaiian on Lupa Pizza’s account on UK food delivery app Deliveroo.

It sits alongside uncontroversial classics such as Napoli, Meatball and Pepperoni, all retailing for $17 or less.
This has reminded me of this great pizza joint that was mostly a late night takeaway in Seville when I lived there back in the day. It was open til like 5am and they sold beer and limoncello shots too (because Spain) and it was like 2 euros for a chunky square slice of pizza.

Sometimes I find myself thinking that pizza is rubbish and overrated but honeslty some of my most memorable food memories involve pizza.

....Proper pizza oven pizza in France as a kid for the first time with this incredible thick sliced jambon. Fried pizza for the first time in Naples. The first time I tried chili oil on pizza. Potato pizza in Seville for the first time drunk at like 4am best thing ever. Eating Argentinian pizza for the first time in Madrid and they were so funny and lovely but their pizza was so average I had to run and get an arrancini straight afterwards to wash it down. The first time I ever got stoned and laughed my head off and ate cold pepperoni oven pizza and it was without doubt one of the best things I've ever eaten in my entire life. Pizza for school dinners on special occasions, I can literally taste the mediocre base in my mouth right now but it was still a proper highlight :D
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