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PIP cash to voucher

There's a consultation going on at the moment which I believe isn't that far from completion, however once it's done that's it. Any new Labour Government that decided to accept the report would have to pass legislation through Parliament to implement any suggestions it might make, they can't just go ahead and do it. On the other hand they can just chuck it in the bin and forget about it which they may or may not do. Even if they do decide to implement it not likely to be their top priority I would imagine.
There's a consultation going on at the moment which I believe isn't that far from completion, however once it's done that's it. Any new Labour Government that decided to accept the report would have to pass legislation through Parliament to implement any suggestions it might make, they can't just go ahead and do it. On the other hand they can just chuck it in the bin and forget about it which they may or may not do. Even if they do decide to implement it not likely to be their top priority I would imagine.

They’ve made some noises about disability benefits and the importance of helping people back to work. I think it’s on the priority list.
They’ve made some noises about disability benefits and the importance of helping people back to work. I think it’s on the priority list.
The 'force' sorry 'help' them back to work maybe, quite possibly some tightening of the criteria but swapping cash for voucher I doubt myself, we'll just have to see really but I would lay a bet on this particular bit of Tory nastiness ending up in the same bin as the Rwanda Scheme.
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