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Persecution of Palestinians highlighted by holocaust survivor


The head of Israel's central Holocaust memorial on Saturday assailed Jewish settlers who harass Palestinians in a tinderbox West Bank city, saying the abuse recalled the anti-Semitism of pre-World War Two Europe.

Yad Vashem chairman Yosef Lapid's unusually fierce and public attack was prompted by Israeli television footage showing a Hebron settler woman hissing "whore" at her Palestinian neighbour and settler children lobbing rocks at Arab homes.


Lapid said while there was no comparing the Holocaust with Palestinian suffering from Israel's policies, this did not mean Israelis could not be culpable.

"It is inconceivable for the memory of Auschwitz to warrant ignoring the fact that there are Jews among us who behave today towards Palestinians just like German, Hungarian, Polish and other anti-Semites behaved towards Jews," he said.

The head of the Holocaust memorial, no less.
He knows what fascism is and does.

Zionism has become fascism by the back door.
Wonder if Lapid' had any family slaughtered in Hevron like some of us? Nothing excuses the innane actions of misguided and often assaultive Hevron "Settlers" but there is a distinct history in the city, one with which anyone offering commentary seriously needs to aquiant themself with before offering such bon mots.

Of course Israelis "could be culpable." Any group can be. That does not excuse his retarded remarks to the media. Comparing Jewsih actions like those of the WWII era goyim is inane. Unlike those goyim, the Jews in Hevron have taken it far harder than they are giving it. In europe the Jews never gave anything. They took it all, sitting down, with meek sheep like smiles. What a moron that Lapid.
rachamim18 said:
Wonder if Lapid' had any family slaughtered in Hevron like some of us? Nothing excuses the innane actions of misguided and often assaultive Hevron "Settlers" but there is a distinct history in the city, one with which anyone offering commentary seriously needs to aquiant themself with before offering such bon mots.

Of course Israelis "could be culpable." Any group can be. That does not excuse his retarded remarks to the media. Comparing Jewsih actions like those of the WWII era goyim is inane. Unlike those goyim, the Jews in Hevron have taken it far harder than they are giving it. In europe the Jews never gave anything. They took it all, sitting down, with meek sheep like smiles. What a moron that Lapid.

Answer the questions:

Provide me with proof that the ISM leadership admitted to doctoring photos of rachel corrie.

Evidence please that Captain "R" sucessfully sued Uvda-and the trial is over.

The producers of Uvda in that same court case admitted their show on Captain "R" was 'pure fantasy'
This thread is based upon Israeli self critisizm. Good.

But it's interesting that introverted, critical expression of details is often interpreted as the "pudding's proof" of broader guilt, whereas total lack of soul searching and self-critizism is ...... what - the angel's wings?

The population of Israel have often spoken out against inhumane treatment of ANYONE, and they have stepped forward to lend a hand to those in need in say, Rwanda and Turkey for example.

I am not aware, however, of any Arab population (individually or nationally) that have spoken out against the bombing of civilian men, women and children (of Isreael) nor sent aid to any country in need other than an Islamic one.

I have no doubt that there are just such instances of which I'm not aware but it seems to me that the balance would be grossly uneven.
So, would you care to elaborate then?

Come again?

I am not aware, however, of any Arab population (individually or nationally) that have spoken out against the bombing of civilian men, women and children (of Isreael) nor sent aid to any country in need other than an Islamic one.

Are you familiar with the history of the region post-1917? It isn't irrelevant btw, though I am sure you would like it to be.
so some people in israel criticise the govrenment? some people in most countries do too. so what? does this suddenly mean that israel is this wonderful happy land where nothing bad ever happens?
Frog: Why would it mean that "Israel is special." Bang is simply saying, and I agree, that in Israel you not only have people criticising the actions of their govt. and society (whether such specific criticism is warranted is another fish to fry) but they have the right to do so. Do you know of a single Arab nation where anyone can say anything it wants about the govt?

Ergo, if Israel allows such open criticism, one would think that all these Arab leaning conspiracy theorists on this board would wonder then, what would Israel be hiding if it allows such open introspection and criticism.

What other nation allows foreigners to wander around while it conducts security ops? You like tot alk of pre-ANC S. Africa alot. Would the Afrikaners have allowed Activists to disrupt its military? Would the Russians in Chechnya? And so on. I think Bang is right.
Frog: Bang is simply saying, and I agree, that in Israel you not only have people criticising the actions of their govt. and society (whether such specific criticism is warranted is another fish to fry) but they have the right to do so. Do you know of a single Arab nation where anyone can say anything it wants about the govt?

Ergo, if Israel allows such open criticism, one would think that all these Arab leaning conspiracy theorists on this board would wonder then, what would Israel be hiding if it allows such open introspection and criticism.


Frog: Why would it mean that "Israel is special."

Don't pay any attention to what she says, rachamim. She’s just trying to squeeze your beytsim.
It's good to see the word "schmooze" being used in its proper context. :) I find it odd that someone like Rach would ally himself with someone who posts links to fash sites.
I don't see it that way. It is BTR attempting to ally with Rachamim.

It went both ways. Natural bedfellows, IMO, united by being on the wrong side where injustice is concerned

rachamim18 said:
Frogwoman: Why would you ever think Bang was a Holocaust Revisonist? He/she merely asked if the poster thought that the terrorism of the ANC and others is excusable BECAUSE IT HAS NOT REACHED THE NUMBERS KILLED BY THE NAZIS.

"OMG, they are as bad as Hitler!": It does not matter if they do not meet the atrociousness of the Nazis or exceed it, the fact that the ANC or any other organisation utlises or utlised violence against non-combatants in order to achieve objectives is enough of a reason for any sane person to despise them...and also perhaps accept them once they firmly renounce and express regret about such actions...as the ANC did.


As for Bang referencing a Metzgar site, I cannot speak for him/her but, I could offer that perhaps others should lighten up before calling him/her a fascist. For example, one may observe the 18 attached to my screenname, which also happens to be my real name. In the UK 18 has Neo-Nazi connotations because of an organisation that attaches Hitler to it.

When I first began posting here various people tried suggesting that I had Nazi sympathies because of the number. Metzgar is an American and I would seriously imagine that those outside of America probably have no idea who the man is for the most part.

To expect that people will verify the pedigree of every source they offer is kind of inane. Yeah, in a perfect world we could all spend hours checking such things but that is not realistic.

"What is biased about opoosing Aprtheid?": Except that this is not what Bang said. Bang was addressing Spion who has expressed sympathy and appluded actions by HAMAS and used expletives and other bon mots against me (among others) for opposing that group. Bit of a distinction needs to be made.
It went both ways. Natural bedfellows, IMO, united by being on the wrong side where injustice is concerned

I will not be dragged into your attempt to run rachamim18 out of the dialogue any more than I will not agree with those who say we cannot have meaningful negotiations with the Hamas.

Please address and comment upon the persecution of Palestinians as highlighted by Israelis and Jews and Holocaust Survivors - that is what this thread is about - I added a linked news item today - and it's more important to discuss that news item than it is to discuss your opinions of a poster here.
I don't know what to say about that news item, except that it's fucking grim but unsurprising. I just hope some good comes from the 'Breaking the Silence' initiative.
Nino: First, it should not suprise you to see me stand up ofr someone allegedly promoting facist sites since according to some of your posts a couple of years back, I only have the 18 attached to my name to honour Hitler's birthday ore some such nonsense.

In reality, I do not know much about Bang but from what I have noticed, and that is only the back and forth posting within the last week or two is that he is alot more tolerant than some of the so called liberals and Activists populating this site.

I do not recall him ever trying to get someone kicked off the site simply for holding opposing viewpoints (to his). I do not recall him using atrocious expletives against people whose political outlook differed from his.

To others: As to the thread, I stand by my earlier opinion which was posted back when the thread was iniated.
Nino: First, it should not suprise you to see me stand up ofr someone allegedly promoting facist sites since according to some of your posts a couple of years back, I only have the 18 attached to my name to honour Hitler's birthday ore some such nonsense.

In reality, I do not know much about Bang but from what I have noticed, and that is only the back and forth posting within the last week or two is that he is alot more tolerant than some of the so called liberals and Activists populating this site.

I do not recall him ever trying to get someone kicked off the site simply for holding opposing viewpoints (to his). I do not recall him using atrocious expletives against people whose political outlook differed from his.

To others: As to the thread, I stand by my earlier opinion which was posted back when the thread was iniated.

What on earth are you blathering about? It's obvious that you're someone who has far too much time on his hands...either that or you're paying a team of chimpanzees to type up your nonsense.

If you want to associate yourself with fascists, go right ahead. In many respects, they're your ideal ideological soulmates: intolerant of other peoples and obsessed with national identity.
Nino...This is the 4th thread in a row where you attempt to insult me and denigrate me. Ironically, it was ME that EDITOR asked to engage YOU in adult conversation.I truly hope Editor monitors the forum because I think it is self evident as usual as to who tweeks who.

Nino, time for a reality check: THIS IS A POLITICAL FORUM FOR ADULTS. This is not a psychoanalytical clearinghouse.
I don't know what to say about that news item, except that it's fucking grim but unsurprising. I just hope some good comes from the 'Breaking the Silence' initiative.

It is grim. It shows you how command structure is politically factionalised (oy lefty are you crying?) and how IDF commanders have taken decisions upon themselves. It shows how they encourage their charges - young men, aged between 18-21 who are going to capitulate in this cruelty rather than be seen as traitorous.

Whilst it give a human aspect to the dehumanised acts, these testimonies alone aren't going to bring about any revolution in the IDF, who will continue to conceal the lone-acts of their commanders or even they are ordered to do this by their superior command we can't tell from these testimonies.

It is useful - it is courageous, and it shows you how compassion and wisdom has been relegated to a leftist trait (how very gevurah of these severe IDF commanders). :rolleyes:

It is not going to be able to bring about change by itself though, but good to raise public awareness.
Nino...This is not a psychoanalytical clearinghouse.
Good one!
Tangent: Within the IDF recruits are schooled within their first 4 days of Service to never obey any order they know to be illegal or in violation of international human rights. Purity of Arms is more than a cool slogan.

Officers are given great leeway in combat and yet in so called Policing Actions they operate within a set of binding parameters. ROE, Patrol Protocol, Operational Protocol, this does not change , it is adhered to like glue.

The testimonies you speak of? Most are pure fabircations. The organisations you turn to for info never list names. They claim of course that it is to protect the vulnerable (without regard to those they accuse, who is really vulnerable?). They speak of exact circumstances such as Patrol Numbers (Patrol number 6 of Company 4 of the 931st Batallion of the NACHAL Brigade under Northern Command failed to return the ID of an 89 year old Palestinian man as the man picked aluminum cans out of the garbage. When old man Abdul G. complained, he was yelled at, this happened according to Command Sgt. B. while on patrol in Nablus...and other non-sensical garbage), officer initials so that any IDF investigator could know who to turn to except that they leave nothing to identify supposed sources and therefore their info is absolutely useless and less than worthless. It does nothing except gain notieriety for the reporters and organisations.

What a waste of paper and time.
Nino...This is the 4th thread in a row where you attempt to insult me and denigrate me. Ironically, it was ME that EDITOR asked to engage YOU in adult conversation.I truly hope Editor monitors the forum because I think it is self evident as usual as to who tweeks who.

Nino, time for a reality check: THIS IS A POLITICAL FORUM FOR ADULTS. This is not a psychoanalytical clearinghouse.

If this is a "POLITICAL FORUM FOR ADULTS", then what the fuck are YOU doing here? Since you first came here you have offered nothing but lies. You cannot answer a simple question without producing reams of text nor do you respond when points are put to you. Are you actually going to respond to Grandma Death?

Oh and if you can't take the cut and thrust of robust debate, then you should find yourself another forum, Freakrepublic perhaps?

It is interesting how you and "Bang" have become such close buddies. You, a rabid Zionist and he, a crypto-fascist. Such nice bedfellows.
If this is a "POLITICAL FORUM FOR ADULTS", then what the fuck are YOU doing here? Since you first came here you have offered nothing but lies.

" ... nothing but lies ..." That's quite a statement. Of course, coming from a person who sticks to the truth, I suppose you can back that up with some proof?

Speaking from experience of the world, I must say that rachamim is well within the realm of fact and truth and where he states his opinion he makes it very clear that that's exactly what it is. But I'm guessing you don't know the difference between "Right and wrong" or "Truth and fiction" or "Fact and opinion".
Nino: First I need to address that issue of your fantasising over "bedfellows." Homosexuality is no longer diagnosed as a mental disorder and rightly so. You have nothing at all to be ashamed of.Catching you in Nanny's knickers was not the end of the world Mr. Dudley. That you recognise it for what it is, is all that really matters.

Now, NINOOOOOOOOOOOOO, can WE get back to actual discourse?
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