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People sent donations to Royal Family after Queen died!!!!!!

I bet they're the same muppets who hang around outside the church at Christmas waiting to give the parasites presents.
There really aren't enough WTFs in the world. What is wrong with people?

Donations for late Queen given to fuel bill charity

People associated the Queen with her charities.

When people die who mean something to people, donations to charities are often involved.

The Queen meant something to a lot of people.

I'm not a monarchist, you're not a monarchist, but surely the logic of how this happens isn't all that mysterious*. :confused:

* - this is where I get accused of being a monarchist, regardless of the first half of the sentence
People associated the Queen with her charities.

When people die who mean something to people, donations to charities are often involved.

The Queen meant something to a lot of people.

I'm not a monarchist, you're not a monarchist, but surely the logic of how this happens isn't all that mysterious*. :confused:

* - this is where I get accused of being a monarchist, regardless of the first half of the sentence
From the PA: "The Fuel Bank Foundation said financial donations, sent to the King in condolence cards after the death of the late Queen, have been passed on to the charity."

It's just mind-boggling, who the fuck would do that? "Condolences on the death of the queen, your kingship, here's £20 for you to do whatever you want with."
It’s not rocket science is it, loads of people bought flowers which all went to waste in Green Park, and it’s commonly stated in funeral notices to donate to charity instead e.g.:

Dear Your Majesty

Sorry your mum died. In lieu of flowers, please pass the enclosed on to a charity of your choosing.

With much sympathy,

So despite the queen and the king famously being patrons of numerous specific charities, their biggest fans decided the best way to donate was to put cash in envelopes chucked on top of flowers in front of the palace?

With a different group of people that might seem far-fetched but yeah, I guess that is a likely scenario :D
I don’t think even the most deluded bootlicker thinks Chas is going to take the cash from the card and stick it in his wallet. They’re charity donations, made with a tug of the forelock.
As the Royals don't carry money, Charles probably doesn't own a wallet.

I think it’s only the monarch who doesn’t carry money, allegedly.
Would be surprised if that’s still true considering Charles is in his 70’s now.
I was a bit surprised that Liz was still on the stamps I bought yesterday.Wasnt old stock cos QR code
A friend of mine, now dead, used to work in Windsor in the 50s and told me that the gifts sent to the then young Prince Charles and Princess Anne by lickspittle members of the public were loaded into lorries, still wrapped, and sent to landfill
  • Wow
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