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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.


Chief seagull hater & farmerbarleymow's nemesis.
Suspicion of murder? Fuck that, the guy deserves a medal for bravery.

A 78-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

The homeowner discovered two intruders in South Park Crescent, Hither Green, south-east London, at about 00:45 BST.

One suspect, armed with a screwdriver, forced the man into his kitchen where a struggle ensued and he was stabbed, Scotland Yard said.
Man, 78, held in 'burglar' murder probe
Sub judice, etc...

It's being discussed across the internet, it's already 11 pages over on digitalspy, so I reckon we are safe to discuss it on here.

Not that it will ever end-up in front of a jury, but if it did, I think the BBC is more likely to prejudice them by including the following in the article linked above...

What are your rights if someone breaks into your home?
The CPS and police urge people to always call the police first - if you are able.

But according to official guidance, anyone can use reasonable force to protect themselves.

As a general rule, the more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self-defence.

The law doesn't require you to wait to be attacked before using defensive force, but does not protect you if, for example, your action is over-the-top or calculated revenge.

You are given greater protection under the law if force is used to protect yourself or others when dealing with a burglar or trespasser on your property.

The CPS says if you have acted in reasonable self-defence, as described above, and the intruder dies you will still have acted lawfully.

The police are just going through the motions here.
I live near where Tony Martin shot a burglar some years ago, and a lot of people thought he deserved a medal rather than prison. If this guy did stab a burglar good luck to him.
I live near where Tony Martin shot a burglar some years ago, and a lot of people thought he deserved a medal rather than prison. If this guy did stab a burglar good luck to him.

The Tony Martin situation was very different, he shot the guy in the back as he was running away, beyond what is considered 'reasonable force' in protecting himself, in the eyes of the law.
It's being discussed across the internet, it's already 11 pages over on digitalspy, so I reckon we are safe to discuss it on here.

Not that it will ever end-up in front of a jury, but if it did, I think the BBC is more likely to prejudice them by including the following in the article linked above...

The police are just going through the motions here.

Sure, do remember u75 is ostensibly a South London board, so very local. Of course it can be talked about, but anything that could be prejudicial in a trial, a trial in either direction, should be avoided. Would be very easy for this topic to decend in to, “he was burgling, them’s the breaks” type shit. We are not the USA, it is possible the homeowner went over the top, we just don’t know and until we do it is best to be cautious. Ed is the man who gets shit for what we write, but ultimately we write it and are responsible for what we write.

Prince Philip fucks dead sheep btw.
The Tony Martin situation was very different, he shot the guy in the back as he was running away, beyond what is considered 'reasonable force' in protecting himself, in the eyes of the law.

It was, but Martin's problem was that the story he came out with - that the burglars had startled him and he fired at a torch - was demonstrably wrong.

If he had fronted up and said what he actually did the jury would have had far more to consider and might have let him off.
It was, but Martin's problem was that the story he came out with - that the burglars had startled him and he fired at a torch - was demonstrably wrong.

If he had fronted up and said what he actually did the jury would have had far more to consider and might have let him off.

Yeah he bubbled himself up cos he’s a dick, his brief was a dick and Old Bill are cunts. Doesn’t change the fact that his shot in anger, not cos of threat. The Bloody Code no longer applies, thieves should not be killed for their crimes.
Yeah he bubbled himself up cos he’s a dick, his brief was a dick and Old Bill are cunts. Doesn’t change the fact that his shot in anger, not cos of threat. The Bloody Code no longer applies, thieves should not be killed for their crimes.
He wasn't. He was killed for being an agravated burglar brandishing a weapon.
So what? Burglars are vermin.

Nicely dehumanised. A 38 year old man, reduced to residential burglary, a crime that is distressing as fuck for the victim and results in very little gain for the perpetrator. Rather than rail against a system which produces that, you go for the result of that system. Speakyerbranes75.net

Corax’s racism and this. Place has gone to shit.
Nicely dehumanised. A 38 year old man, reduced to residential burglary, a crime that is distressing as fuck for the victim and results in very little gain for the perpetrator. Rather than rail against a system which produces that, you go for the result of that system. Speakyerbranes75.net

It’s possible to both condemn the system and the burglar. They’re not mutually exclusive.
I don't know the full story, but based on the assumption that the old lad was indeed held at screwdriverpoint in the kitchen, I'm finding it hard to muster up any sympathy for the dead lad.
But I don't know the full story.
Nicely dehumanised. A 38 year old man, reduced to residential burglary, a crime that is distressing as fuck for the victim and results in very little gain for the perpetrator.

Reduced to residential burglary? You're having a fucking laugh.

As you say, 'little gain for the perpetrator' & 'distressing as fuck for the victim', if he's that desperate, go fuck over a big store, don't go house breaking.
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