I agree, tragic, sad and pretty awful for the whole family.a family beset by tragedy. Can't imagine the pain that Geldof and his other children are going through.
She admitted to experimenting with drugs, not to an addiction. Although some arsewipe has updated her occupation to 'junkie' on her wiki page which is both cruel and unnecessary (and at this time, not based in fact).
Wiki editors have undone it now, thankfully.
Bit of a shock... Really? Started liking her after Katie Hopkins put down... Maybe evil Katie killed her?
Did she fail at both roles?
Yes. Tabloid editors sharpen their pencils
You know what? Anything is too much to ask of someone going through something so awful, but I hope he goes ballistic at the slightest whiff of intrusion or sensationalising. It's long past time that borh "ordinary" folk and celebs revolted against tabloid filth.
Sodding hell, that Hopkins is ridiculous, why are they getting her on all the time?
I wish everyone would call Hopkins out for what she is (like Peaches here) every time they wheel her out, then maybe the media would just bloody STOP DOING IT!
Paula Yates dies in 2000 so should think her daughter is a bit older than 10.
Someone has updated her wiki page already
Wiki editors have undone it now, thankfully.
Twitter's doing its usual thing of outing fucking idiots - some pretty unpleasant stuff there