danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher 🧀
I don’t feel the need to go over my arguments again. You’ve clearly read them.Come on Danny, ‘freedom of expression’ and the defence thereof IS classical liberalism. That doesn’t make it bad, per se, but we need to go beyond that mere liberalism in all specific circumstances.
So I find the idea that he had to show the cartoons, or he’d be rejecting freedom of expression, to be woefully ignorant. There are thousands of potential examples you could choose, so to say you must use those ones is wrong. Especially as the objections to the cartoons was more about the fact that they displayed Mohammed at all, rather than what he was doing in them (though there were plenty of complaints about that too).
one of the problems of using them is that in going so you’ll likely be excluding the very people you think should be involved in those discussions, which seems to defeat the point of the lessons.
But your first paragraph is disingenuous.