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Our Flag Means Death

Been hearing good things about this comedy/drama. An 18th century aristocrat decides he wants to be a pirate.

Starts 4th Jan on BBC2 at 10pm.

No pirate programme could be as peculiar or as grimly funny as the piratical career of lording barry, the seventeenth century dramatist and pirate
Ooh I've seen the ads but didn't realise it was Taika Waititi. I have generally been quite a fan of his stuff so will definitely give it a whirl. Thanks Maggot
Enjoyed the first episode. Amusing, rather than laugh out loud, but with some potential. Rhys Darby is excellent. Whole series now on the iPlayer.
Yeah it's alright. Gentle. The basic idea is a bit hackneyed but some bits are quite funny.
I am glad I’ve heard good things about it on these boards and from friends and work colleagues. The first fifteen minutes of the first episode felt decisively pedestrian and borderline shit, and if I had checked it out blind I’d have switched off within ten minutes.

But I’m glad we stuck with it because of the positive reception. Whilst not an all-time great by any means, it soon becomes perfectly watchable, and occasionally rather funny.
I’ve been watching this. The series took a few episodes to warm up and also to get into the characters but the later episodes in which Taika Waititi gets to really cut loose as Blackbeard are very funny.
Watched episode 1 yesterday and thought it was absolutely hilarious. If it stays at least this good I’ll be very happy. One of the best comedy casts ever too. Don’t get why the critics are so sniffy about it.
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