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Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
A few years back I was hoping this would get picked up by something in the UK. . . it never was.
Two episodes were stuck on You Tube, but that's been it and it doesn't look like it will ever get a second series.
Such a shame as I really enjoyed it. I remembered it again today for some reason and rewatched the first episode.

Why is my instinctive reaction to combining the words "Sci fi" and "comedy" one of revulsion?
Never heard of it before but as wiki says it was cancelled after one season there seems little point in starting it now.
Why is my instinctive reaction to combining the words "Sci fi" and "comedy" one of revulsion?
I understand. I feel the same. . . to be honest I have only seen two episodes. In this case I would say that the situation has to be scifi to put the characters in the particular boxed situation that they are in.
The robot is awful and the budget is tiny, but I for the most part like the actors and the writing is quite snappy. Especially the first episode where they have to set it up. Obvious red dwarf parallels can be drawn but that didn't age as well as I thought it would. . .
I never saw either Red Dwarf or HHGTTG as sci fi. They were both, first foremost, comedy.

Likewise the Stainless Steel Rat series. And Bill The Galactic Hero. etc.
Anyone remember a BBC comedy called Space Cops? It was on about a year before Red Dwarf started..

(Google suggests it was actually called Star Cops, maybe, but that doesn’t look like a comedy)
I never saw either Red Dwarf or HHGTTG as sci fi. They were both, first foremost, comedy.

Likewise the Stainless Steel Rat series. And Bill The Galactic Hero. etc.
This might be more on line with that sort of humor. Certainly closer to red dwarf than orville.
Anyone remember a BBC comedy called Space Cops? It was on about a year before Red Dwarf started..

(Google suggests it was actually called Star Cops, maybe, but that doesn’t look like a comedy)
star cops was a drama wasn't it? With that reach across the stars guitar epic theme tune? Do you mean space precinct? Which also wasn't a comedy? Or space cop? A recent(ish) shit movie by the red letter media guys. Maybe you mixed it all together.
Has the "losers in space" thing been done any better than Red Dwarf in all the years since? It feels like it should be a sure fire thing. So many tropes to mine for laughs.
Has the "losers in space" thing been done any better than Red Dwarf in all the years since? It feels like it should be a sure fire thing. So many tropes to mine for laughs.
Red Dwarf lost it's magic quite quickly, and I'm disappointed to find that it hasn't aged as well as I'd hoped. When I'm watching old episodes I just don't find it funny anymore. I remember reading the first book in one day, then getting the second and reading that in a day too. . . .something I was not prone to doing at that age. . . At all. I tried it again about 15 years ago and hated it. Same with hitchhiker's (though I still like the radio show to some extent).
star cops was a drama wasn't it? With that reach across the stars guitar epic theme tune? Do you mean space precinct? Which also wasn't a comedy? Or space cop? A recent(ish) shit movie by the red letter media guys. Maybe you mixed it all together.

I had a look on YouTube and I think I was thinking of Star Cops and maybe remembered an episode with some comedic elements.
I had a look on YouTube and I think I was thinking of Star Cops and maybe remembered an episode with some comedic elements.
I remember star cops being incredibly disappointing. As I recall the first episode opens on a very contemporary looking earth and mostly stays that way apart from some white rooms that look like a supermarket employees break room. I am probably remembering it wrong to some extent, but it was more mrs marple than star wars. I mostly remember the titles (so they probably did feature some sci fi element (I clearly remember the line "Reach across the stars" . . . and without looking on you tube, I am thinking "Let them know you are waiting" . . . or something similar). I tollorated a lot in the name of sci-fi as a kid but I don't think I watched much more star cops. Might have been around the time that I gave up on doctor who too.
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