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Other countries not in the news


A thread for info from other countries that haven't featured in the news here.

Zimbabwe: Healthcare workers are now on strike due to a lack of PPE. Meanwhile the government is encouraging non-essential workers to take turns going to work, to enable better social distancing. Guidance suggesting people remain one metre apart is being widely ignored. So far officially there has been 1 death, 5 cases with 163 tests conducted: Zimbabwe confirms fifth COVID-19 case

Barbados: 24 confirmed cases has triggered the next stage of their plan - an 8pm to 6am curfew, with restrictions during daytime meaning businesses other than shops, take-aways, farms etc must remain closed: Barbados under curfew from Saturday
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In West African Coronavirus Hotspot, War Has Left 700,000 Homeless and Exposed
March 26 2020
On March 18, Burkina Faso suffered the first confirmed Covid-19 fatality in all of sub-Saharan Africa. The victim was Rose-Marie Compaoré, the first vice president of the Sahelian nation’s parliament.

Tiny, impoverished, and conflict-scarred, Burkina Faso is now West Africa’s worst-affected country, with 146 confirmed cases, including four government ministers. The U.S. ambassador to Burkina Faso, Andrew Young, has also tested positive for the disease.

Burkina Faso has seen more than its share of hardships: poverty, drought, hunger, coups. But the coronavirus poses a new kind of threat to a country wracked by a war that has displaced around 700,000 Burkinabe in the last year. Many of those people now find themselves under great physical and emotional strain, lacking proper shelter, food, and the other necessities — all of which makes them more vulnerable to the pandemic. Experts fear that Covid-19 could decimate entire settlements of Burkina Faso’s displaced, and they are bracing for devastating outbreaks in conflict zones, refugee camps, and the poorest countries in the developing world.
Brazil has just under 3,500 cases with 92 deaths to date, but it is anyone's guess how accurate these figures are as there is very little testing.

We are in a very strange situation where the President is telling everyone to go back to work to help the countries economy while State Governors are telling everyone to stay at home (just the typical madness of Brazilian politics, business as usual).
My friend in Kerala keeps sending me videos from his flat of police beating people in the street for being outside. 3 week lockdown, no one allowed out at all. He has a months food
Similar, from friend in Guatemala, police patroling the streets of Xela, no o e allowed out 4 pm to 4 am. Sirens for curfew.

"The general public has urged the government to impose a lockdown as the country’s death toll from the coronavirus has surpassed 100, with more than 1,000 COVID-19-positive cases reported nationwide.

The Health Ministry’s disease control and prevention director general, Achmad Yurianto, announced on Saturday that authorities had recorded 1,155 cases of COVID-19 across 29 provinces, with 102 deaths from the disease. At least 59 patients have recovered.

The country’s fatality rate, the ratio of confirmed cases to fatalities, is 8.33 percent – the highest among Southeast Asian countries.

Jakarta has the most cases in Indonesia with 627, an increase of 38 compared to previous day. The areas in Java with the highest number of cases after Jakarta are West Java with 119 cases, Banten (103), East Java (77) and Central Java (55).

South Sulawesi is the hardest-hit region outside Java with 33 cases.

“We are still concerned about this situation because this is proof that transmissions are still occurring. [Individuals carrying the virus] are still out there and having close contact with other people,” said Yurianto, who also serves as the government’s spokesperson for COVID-19-related matters.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo himself has remained adamant about not imposing lockdowns due to social and economic concerns. He has instead called on the public to stay at home and urged authorities to push for more rapid testing to map the spread of the disease."

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"The Prime minister of Mauritius has announced an investigation into alleged cases of police brutality while the island remains under total lockdown to contain the rapid spread of Covid-19. This comes after two men, apprehended by the police, were subsequently hospitalised.."


last french evac flight for nationals went on thursday- 450 EURa seat. The french have been the subject of some unease, as local rumour has it that a french tour group are the source of the infection.PP Hotels banning all foreigners from staying. the cambodian feds have bust a fake hand sanitizer network. belgium is sorting out flights for its own ( yes i know, belgians in cambodia etc ). stuck wigan nurses have been told to GTF by HMG and look on skyscanner for their escape route.

btw, UK embassies have been asked not to promise getting anyone out because it isnt part of the embassy core responsibilities and advised:

San Marino has the highest rate of infection in the world, and for the moment the highest death rate: 22 deaths out of a population of 33,400. In reality similar to the surrounding provinces and regions of Italy. They've invested a lot in health care, over the years so are probably slightly better able to cope than their Italian neighbours. I used to live an work in the two neighbouring Italian provinces of Pesaro and Rimini, so have been watching San Marino national TV, to get an impression of what is going on in the general area. If you understand Italian have a gander at the link below.

TG San Marino

It's an odd place a cluster of villages on a mountain with a national infrastructure and the only country in Western Europe during the cold war to have elected a Communist government.
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