I thought that was a server rack at first. There comes a point with modular where you need to rein it in.
Seriously though, I started off with my MS20 clone, a semi-modular synth, just plugging wires in. That yielded nothing but silence, a very pregnant silence, a 'silent' silence. A very loud and interesting silence. Then I looked at the manual. I read it to the end. I turned it upside down and held it up to the light. The silence became almost musical. I tried the patch book and lo! Let there be sound. A farty sound.
It was around that point that I thought that it was probably a good idea to understand what all the labels under the knobs meant, so I am doing that. I have a very basic synth, an oscillator or two and a modulator or three and some filters. I start with a sound wave and I take stuff away from it. I have learnt that FM, Subtractive and Wavetable synthesis are pretty much all in the same ballpark.
The point of all of this is to give my reaction to someone who can have a million wires plugged in and get pure sounds like this from the modules behind them. Once I can do that then there will be no more silence, ever again.