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Olympic Cycling Events

I'm looking forward to the indoor events but I should I also get excited about the time trials tomorrow? As in get up at 6:00 for the men's one (not getting at 3:30 for the women sorry). I guess the end of the events might be a lot more exciting than the start?
Here the start times for the men:

As it’s over a two lap course they have a 40 minute gap between two groups so that there are no stragglers and support cars on the road.
All the big favourites apart from Remco and possibly Porte are in the second group so it’s probably worth tuning in two hours after the start when Tom Dumoulin starts. That’ll give you an extra two hours in bed.
God, mountain biking is dull as fuck to watch. It's like watching several dozen riders do simultaneous time trials. Do they not do proper downhill races?
God, mountain biking is dull as fuck to watch. It's like watching several dozen riders do simultaneous time trials. Do they not do proper downhill races?

It's quite hard to find somewhere to put a DH track.
It seems every city will have to find an ocean surfing beach from now on, so maybe it's not such a big ask.
Good thing London had a nice coastline for the sailing back in 2012 really. Those clippers and lasers doing their stuff up the Thames estuary was a sight to behold.
He deserved that win, a pleasing result :)
Seems that all the experts, bookies and fans forgot how good a TT-er Roglic was. He seems like a great guy so really happy for his win and also for Dumoulin who looked like he was giving up the sport just a few months ago. And while I'm at it good to see Dennis who is leaving Ineos beat Ganna. Good podium all round and what a race.
Really feared for Rog when Asgreen overtook him back, was thinking he overdid it in the first half, but great to see him prevail.
the legs on this mofo


My god, what has Harry Kane done to himself?
Not British myself but am slightly involved with BMX here so Yay!



He's a Peckham rider. :cool:

eta youtube embed.

Thank fuck for BMX after the tedium of the time trials. Freestyle tomorrow is more like real BMXing but 2.20 is a bit early for me. I may have to do my one week free trial of Eurosport with the track stuff starting soon.
Saw the footage this morning. Bloody hell but it looks dangerous. :eek:

Yeah I've heard some horror stories from other parents. We have a couple of young women at Hackney that the dad says he's visited pretty much every A&E in the country during their careers. :D

Then I was also told about why handlebars must have plugs in the end... :eek: :eek:
Thank fuck for BMX after the tedium of the time trials. Freestyle tomorrow is more like real BMXing but 2.20 is a bit early for me. I may have to do my one week free trial of Eurosport with the track stuff starting soon.

Will check some of that out for sure, i was always more into freestyle myself but Mini Fire is racing now so that's where we're at!

I found the skateboarding really flat and uninspiring, seemed to lose something on the big stage, maybe it was the lack of crowd.
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I never realised GB were so great at BMX? Kye's from Peckham even, i've probably seen him riding around.

Peckham's quite a big track and the trainer there is meant to be excellent (obviously). Mlle Fire saw him training the riders when she was down there with Mini Fire and she said it was like a boot camp, not in a bad way but very disciplined.

It also has some jumps that are reserved for "pro" level riders as they are too dangerous for regular riders.
Sorry for spamming but just seen this on twitter. Lovely stuff.

I've never been involved in team sports but there does seem to be a great culture of support between team mates at BMX races. Also everyone is very supportive of crashed riders and at the absolute beginner level the kid who is trying just to make it round the track gets cheers from everyone.

Not British myself but am slightly involved with BMX here so Yay!



He's a Peckham rider. :cool:

eta youtube embed.

I remember when the Whytes started racing at Peckham and their first National series. It caused a bit of a shake up because they started winning races very quickly. A lot of their success at the time was down to a fella called CK Flash and their parents Nigel and Tracey. My son was a bit older than Kye but about the same age as his brother Tre. I remember sitting in the stands at Paris World Championships and Nigel running up the stairs to get my lad who was due to start his race then disappearing with him on his shoulders. One of the other Olympic hopefuls, Paddy Sharrock was my son's main riding partner for years. The win has brought back a lot of memories.

Beth Shreiver seems like an amazing rider and the sort of kid you'd want to show off as an example. It's shit that she had to fund herself through part time work and crowdfunding for a few years because British Cycling only wanted to fund male riders. To lead from the front and look so relaxed was the thing Shanaze Reade wasn't able to manage on the Olympic stage.

Great news for the sport and cycling in general given the number of BMXers who go on to other disciplines, coaching etc.
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