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she didn't but there was something horribly watchable about her - that level of narcissim at that velocity was spectacular. that way she richocheted between being what she thought was charming and just going off on one was fascinating. alex isn't that complex.

What was amazing about Charley is that she would come right to the edge of being able to actually look at herself as the person she is, have a chance of redemption from being the absolute wankstain that she is, then fall right back into being a wankstain by opening her mouth and saying "IM NOT BEING FUNNY RIGHT".

She was thought so much of herself but she was so fragile as well.
Because he didn't know what he was doing. He was joining in and having a laugh. She just wanted to cause a fuss. Get some lozenges.

I really don't want to cause offence but that's very patronising. Of course he knew what he was doing, do you think he goes through life in some kind of blur just because he is blind? He knew they were pants otherwise why would he have put them on as pants? He knew they weren't his own pants, as they were ladies knickers.
Course he knew what he was doing! He is blind not stupid! :confused;
He knows what a pair of little knickers feels like ffs. I don't think he meant it nastily altho going on about the smell and them being dirty wasn't so nice and prob. why the other girl got offended imo. He was stupid n let the moment run away with him but...it didn't warrant such an attack from that Alex.

Good point, ianw :D

I'm going to watch it again on +1 to see what he did. I had half an eye on it earlier but I thought that he was being part of the party and she just wants to start a fight with anyone.
She was thought so much of herself but she was so fragile as well.

exactly. that's why i found her so watchable. ultimately she was a really nasty piece of work, but you could see that battle between her good and evil sides right there on her face. it was like she was being possessed.
Mwuahhahaha you SO have :p :D

brianx - I agree he was being part of the party and he was actually trying to entertain Mario etc. I also agree she seemed to want to start a fight with someone and picked him at that moment. She was pissed off in beginning cos of bunny outfits etc wasn't she. I just don't agree that because he was blind he didn't know what he was doing. That's silly.
I'm not going to watch it again. I couldn't stand all the swearing and screaming.

Get that bloody girl out and I'll have a rethink. :hmm:

Although, I haven't yet seen the wedding................
I just really want to see how people react when they find out it IS fake, especially the ones who believed it wasn't real then were convinced because they trusted Mario and Steph. I wonder whether they'll all just be like "ah i would have done the same thing for the task" bla bla or be upset. Darnell may be upset as he was saying earlier that Mario probably wouldn't do that to Mikey.
This is the first time that I've watched it without doing something else at the same time. I didn't realise how bad it was even the adverts are crap. They just had the Fratellisis but Nina Simone has just had her freedom so it's not all bad, I want to see what he did but I'm sure that he makes the same mistake as the young girl last year who just wanted to fit in and be one of the gang and used the "N" word with Charlie.
I might be reading too much into this but on the BB site, there's a bit at the top with all the housemates on it. They all have occupations listed apart from Mario. Is that a bit weird? :hmm:

I'm watching it on +1 so haven't seen the row yet.
I wish that girl would stop screaming. It's making my ears bleed :(

Yup and when you give it your full attention time goes slow. I've been watching this +1 progarm for two days now. I want to die I'm a trained actor reduced to the status of a bum.:mad:
I've just seen what he did. He wore someone's knickers. Not in a purvy way but it all turned nasty. I'll never watch this shit again. Bunch of twats. Mario stuck up for him. Mario to win.
Ok, just seen it on +1. Mikey did take the joke too far, I think he was just showing off and if I was Sylvia I'd have got a bit stroppy but ffs it did not warrant the ridiculous reaction from Alex. She was busting for a fight. She was a complete twat. Disgusted my fucking arse, stupid bitch. :mad:

Mario trying to pass it off as 'he didn't know what he was doing because he has a disibility' was pretty insulting tbh. :rolleyes:
Does anyone else think the dancer guy who keeps breaking into a fake American accent (can't remember his name) is just like the American zoo keeper guy of the Mighty Boosh? :D

God he's dreadful!
Oh, Dennis?

Yeah, actually you're right! How disturbing.
I love Bob Fossil. :(

I think Alex was both itching for a fight, and disgusted by the whole 'man wearing women's clothes for a laugh' thing and them all being in the bath together. Probably a massive homophobe. That's why she blew up.
The problem with Dennis isn't that he's like Bob Fossil, it's that he's unconsciously like Bob Fossil. :(

Dennis isn't American though, is he? Why does he keep talking in that accent? :mad: It makes me want to twat him.
He's got a bit of a 'local' nose too.

He's trying to be an amalgamation of all my favourite sitcoms!
Is Mikey really crying or is he after some sympathy and hugs from the bikini clad girls?;)
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