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Occupy Wall Street

Occupy San Francisco demonstrator Michael Goldman, speaks during a rally in San Francisco, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011 near the encampment that was closed by authorities earlier in the day. Goldman was injured and detained but not arrested during the closure by authorities of the encampment. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma) — AP

SAN FRANCISCO — Police gave protesters at San Francisco's Occupy encampment five minutes to gather belongings before dismantling the camp in an overnight raid, taking down about 100 tents and arresting 70 people.
About two dozen officers in riot gear remained at daybreak Wednesday, down from more than 100 who carried out the raid. They blocked access to the former camp site as trash crews raked up paper and plastic bottles, removed chairs and other belongings that had accumulated there over the past two months, and pressure-washed the sidewalks.

worth keeping an eye out here....
Irony alert: U.S. calls on Russia to respect peaceful protests

WASHINGTON — The United States called Friday on both Russian authorities and protesters to remain peaceful as opponents of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin prepared major weekend demonstrations against his rule.
Putin has angrily accused the United States of inciting the protests after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised concerns about the fairness of parliamentary elections that Putin’s party won but with a reduced majority.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said that the United States supported the right to peaceful protest in Russia as it does “anywhere in the world

On Saturday, December 17th – the 3 month anniversary of the birth of this movement, we will gather to celebrate Occupy Wall Street and to occupy space together.

Join artists, musicians, and local community members for an all-day performance event in su...pport of Occupy Wall Street and the occupation of space and reclaiming of the commons.

Freedom of expression and the right to assemble are sacred human freedoms. Through bold, courageous actions, Occupy Wall Street has renewed a sense of hope, revived a belief in community and awakened a revolutionary spirit too long silenced. To Occupy is to embody the spirit of liberation that we wish to manifest in our society.
This is brilliant - if you watch nowt else watch what these two union brothers say. This is the most important video I have seen from the occupy movement in the US - these fellas - the longshore workers - says everything, every damn thing that needs to be said:

This is brilliant - if you watch nowt else watch what these two union brothers say. This is the most important video I have seen from the occupy movement in the US - these fellas - the longshore workers - says everything, every damn thing that needs to be said:

That's cool, those guys speak alot of truths. And that first bloke "I'm not educated" could have fooled me :D

WILL THIS MAN BE JAILED FOR LIFE FOR SITTING ON A BENCH?? This is Marcel "Khali"... Johnson, 38, at Occupy Oakland a few weeks ago, giving a kid a flashlight the child had dropped, and saying,"You share, now."

♥ Sad to say, Khali has spent 15 of his 38 years incarcerated. Pushing 40, he wants to take his meds, have friends, and be free to sing and perform. Mostly, he volunteers distributing food. It's well known that Khali helps people whereever he goes. It's not his fault the Occupy kids love him.

♥ Khali was recently arrested for sitting on a public bench vaguely near a group of Occupy protesters during a plaza raid. This bench sitting misdemeanor [being near a raid] went uncharged for 4 days while his psych meds were withheld. Finally, at a hearing, Judge Hugh Walker released him pending an address check of where Khali would be living. But the city offices had just closed for the long weekend. Some disagreement between him and his jailers has been termed assault. As many of us have recently learned via streaming video, that's what police charge you with after they hit you.

♥ So Pleasanton has filed felony charges against Khali, unreasonable charges because of "3 Strikes" and things which happened in his early 20s, are likely result in life in prison for this gentle man.

♥ Because charges, once filed, must be dealt with in court, we need to make a civilized showing when he goes before the judge 9am Monday morning. Please dress clean, neat and business-like, and behave in a mannerly fashion in Rm 704 Gale E Schenone Courthouse 5672 Stoneridge Drive Pleasanton CA. [Character witnesses and employers may contact civil rights attorney Dan Siegel of Sigel & Yee, 499 14th Street, Suite 220; Oakland, CA 94612; (510) 839-1200]
Zuccotti Park Barricades Removed: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Stream Back In To Former Camp
NEW YORK -- Barricades surrounding a park that served as a camp for Occupy Wall Street protesters were removed Tuesday, allowing protesters to stream back in.
The atmosphere was celebratory but calm on Tuesday evening as about 300 protesters began filling New York City's Zuccotti Park a couple of hours after the barricades were taken down and a day after a complaint about the barricades was filed with the city. Protesters milled around, eating lasagna on paper plates and playing chess.
Security guards who were previously guarding the barricades stood off to the side, along with a handful of police officers. It was a minor victory for the protesters, who have complained about financial inequality in demonstrations that gained traction across the globe.
The multi-millionaire buisness magnet Russell Simmons was present at these protests, providing water and leading chants. How odd.
And here's how his baleful influence is now playing out:

The Democratic Party may have entered the Occupy Wall Street movement through the “Black door,” in the form of Occupy The Dream, the Black ministers’ group led by former NAACP chief and Million Man March national director Dr. Benjamin Chavis and Baltimore mega-church pastor Rev. Jamal Bryant. Both are fervent supporters of President Obama.

Occupy The Dream’s National Steering Committee is made up entirely of clergy, as are its Members at Large, but its secular inspiration comes from media mogul (and credit card purveyor) Russell Simmons, who was a frequent visitor to Manhattan’s occupied Zuccotti Park. Simmons is co-chairman, with Dr. Chavis, of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network, whose website is now mainly dedicated to the Occupy The Dream project. It is through Simmons that the ministers hope to attract entertainers and athletes to Occupy The Dream events.


Occupy Wall Street organizer David DeGraw tied the knot with the Dream team at a Washington Press Club conference on December 14

Dr Charvis:

Dr. Chavis is also an active Obama booster. In his November 30 syndicated column for Black newspapers, titled “Brilliant First Lady Michelle Obama,” Chavis wrote:

“As we are about to enter into the heated national political debates and campaigns of the 2012 national election year, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will be under intense pressures to maneuver through what may be one of the most difficult periods of time to maintain resilience and hope.

“I am encouraged and optimistic, however, that President Obama will be reelected if millions of us do what we are supposed to do and that is go out and vote in record numbers 12 months from now.”

“All of us should be responding by lending a helping hand, giving of our time, energy and money, and to make our own contributions to push forward for more progress to ensure the reelection of President Barack Obama. Let’s determine the future by how we act today.”
Seattle still active...

via Occupy Seattle
"The Occupy Seattle General Assembly has passed the following resolution, here in part:

"In consideration of the Seattle Police Department’s systematic use of excess force on the citizens of Seattle, its violent and unnecessary repression of nonviolent protesters and its disproportionate targeting of the most disenfranchised members of society, whether they be people of color ...or simply people without houses, Occupy Seattle hereby calls for the resignation of John Diaz, Chief of the Seattle Police Department and the prosecution of all officers found to be repeatedly engaged in misconduct..."

Join us for a speakout and rally at 23rd and Union. Speak about our experiences with police brutality, murder, and harassment.

We will light torches to symbolize holding in honor of our dead, killed by the police.

We'll march to the East Precinct make clear our intention: Chief Diaz's resignation and the prosecution of the officers who are repeat offenders of excessive use of force.

Bring signs, your passion and determination!"
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