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Occupy Wall Street

Mind you I do tend to follow mainly political types/anti-capitalists/anarchists & other degenerate lefty types like myself. It's not what you know but who you know. :D
The live feed is showing some pretty tough policing going on now. Media equipment being seized, people being arrested etc.
some pics of police brutality

all arrested!

and the vid of women who were doing nothing being pepper sprayed, warning it is horrible
Twitter is running really fas with the hash tag occupywallstreet but it is not showing in trends, odd that, I have been following the live feed since last night when the march started,
I think they need to make it perfectly clear what their demands are, they are on day nine of the occupation look at the youtube footage despite the bbc saying 200 protestors it looks loads more on the footage.
NYCPD did not covered themsevles with glory yesterday more footage comming up on you tube links via twitter on the hash tag

They want to debate with Warren Buffett! The man who said in 2005:

There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.
What's with the strange repeating of speeches ?

eta: Ah apparently megaphones are banned, so the repeating thing is a
"human megaphone".
No idea if this will grow or not but I think it is important. Yes it's largely middle class, no there is no labour movement connection, yes it's still small. All true but none of that matters more than the potential for this to take off so I want to be optimistic. The media is doing its best to ignore it, the cops are behaving outrageously and the rich are afraid this will grow but I think it is starting to catch the imagination and has a lot of potential which should be celebrated and frankly it is a bit depressing to see the blanket dismissal of this protest by some.

Chris Hedges speaking from Wall Street here on the corporate state, class war and the need to make connections with the working class

No idea if this will grow or not but I think it is important. Yes it's largely middle class, no there is no labour movement connection, yes it's still small. All true but none of that matters more than the potential for this to take off so I want to be optimistic. The media is doing its best to ignore it, the cops are behaving outrageously and the rich are afraid this will grow but I think it is starting to catch the imagination and has a lot of potential which should be celebrated and frankly it is a bit depressing to see the blanket dismissal of this protest by some.

Chris Hedges speaking from Wall Street here on the corporate state, class war and the need to make connections with the working class

Completely agree. By the reaction of the state you can gauge the potential.
Agreed. What with the extremely violent reaction by the state, the
almost entire blackout by the media, yep they are shit-scared of it's
Susan Sarondon was there today. Maybe if Rhianna turns up sans blouse the mainstream media might take a bit more interest.
This is growing and spreading to other cities. Its starting to break through the media blackout now. Postal workers showed up today too. I am starting to think this may really become something big.
Good to see. I hope so. All the naysayers will be proved wrong yet again. I can remember some kid coming on here months ago with his plan to occupy the city and people saying it was impossible to organise something without going through the usual activist channels- and then a couple of months later people were getting things together via blackberry messengers in minutes. People are very pissed off- all hope to the catalysts!
will be interesting to see what happens next. also interesting to see the occupation of 'public' spaces spreading so widely
Christopher Hedges (in part 3) has it bang on in an answer to this question:

Q) 'How can occupiers speak in ways that make sense to ordinary Americans?'

A) 'Non-violence and issues, not of ideology, but of economic justice. Even if you are a member of the Tea party, or Walmart, anybody coming in and talking about health insurance, a living wage and good public education for your children is going to be heard.'

'The state wants you act in a violent way. They can deal with that. They can't deal with this.'

An answer that activists, or those few left who are activists, in the US, here and elsewhere should take note of.
Good to see. I hope so. All the naysayers will be proved wrong yet again. I can remember some kid coming on here months ago with his plan to occupy the city and people saying it was impossible to organise something without going through the usual activist channels- and then a couple of months later people were getting things together via blackberry messengers in minutes. People are very pissed off- all hope to the catalysts!
erm, his method was to post some shit up on facebook then sit back and hope a protest would miraculously materialise despite him not even being in the city, able to attend himself or having any track record at all.

And from what I can tell, these protests were organised largely via existing activist networks and specifically called by 2 relatively high profile organisations with a decent pre-existing following months in advance, so pretty much what was being talked about in that thread as being necessary for any meaningful sized protest.

The riots were a fucking brilliant spontaneous expression of rage, but beyond that all they've achieved is several hundred more kids in prison for significant periods, and a fair few of their own loosing everything they owned as their buildings burned, so not exactly a winning strategic move.

Other than that, I agree with your post entirely.
Arabs had their Spring, will there now be an American Fall?

Did you see what I did there? ;)
There are too many threads on this. Someone needs to merge them because I think this is going to become a big story
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