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not offered a job and now they are advertising


I was wondering if anyone knows about employment law. I applied for a part time job at a college and wasn't offered it now they are re-advertising. Can I assume that they are not interested in me or could it be in their policy that they have to re-advertise? Could it be data protection that they wouldn't have kept my details? I'm just wondering if it's worth re-applying?
There may be something in the small print which says they don't inform unsuccessful applicants but it's unlikely to do you harm to apply anyway - I'd have someone else have a look at the application to see if it can be improved - and good luck :)
One of the following:-
They read your application decided you weren't suitable and binned it.
They had so many applicants that they couldn't make time to read all the applications so selected some on probably very arbitrary criteria and binned the rest including yours.
They read your application but someone else's was better and they were offered the job but turned it down but by now yours has been binned.

You will never know which of these is true so apply again, if it's the first you won't get this time around either but if it is the second or third you could get lucky.
I was wondering if anyone knows about employment law. I applied for a part time job at a college and wasn't offered it now they are re-advertising. Can I assume that they are not interested in me or could it be in their policy that they have to re-advertise? Could it be data protection that they wouldn't have kept my details? I'm just wondering if it's worth re-applying?
reapply but write something different
I've just checked emails and the only one I have is a generic HR one. I think I will just re-apply, what's the worse that can happen!
Nothing you will be in exactly the same situation as you are now and you can console yourself with the thought that it is far more of their loss than yours
I've seen jobs re-advertised with the text Previous applicants need not reapply, presumably to save everyone's time. So if they didn't re-advertise using those words, it's safe to assume that previous applicants aren't being discouraged, and you should go ahead.

I've never quite known whether that means "if we've said no to you before, then we're not interested in hearing from you again, sod off" or "if you applied last time round, we will re-consider your last application so you don't need to apply again"

If you got as far as interview last time round, they don't necessarily think you are bloody hopeless - i've once or twice had feedback after interviews when i've not got the job where they have said words to the effect that they thought i would be able to do the job and they would have been happy to offer it to me, but someone else had got slightly more relevant / recent experience - or something like that. (which doesn't make any difference to getting the job, but is better than being told they didn't think you could do the job.)

it could be something like the latter, and they either now need another person / more people (if someone else has quit, or workload has increased) or it could be that the person they offered it to has quit or ended up not starting.

if it's public sector, they will probably have a policy / procedure about keeping past applicants' details on file in case of future vacancies - they will probably only do it for a short time, or maybe not at all.

gut feeling is re-apply, don't assume that it will be read by the same people as previous application. if it's the sort of place you can actually talk to someone first, then might be worthwhile.
I've never quite known whether that means "if we've said no to you before, then we're not interested in hearing from you again, sod off" or "if you applied last time round, we will re-consider your last application so you don't need to apply again"

If you got as far as interview last time round, they don't necessarily think you are bloody hopeless - i've once or twice had feedback after interviews when i've not got the job where they have said words to the effect that they thought i would be able to do the job and they would have been happy to offer it to me, but someone else had got slightly more relevant / recent experience - or something like that. (which doesn't make any difference to getting the job, but is better than being told they didn't think you could do the job.)

it could be something like the latter, and they either now need another person / more people (if someone else has quit, or workload has increased) or it could be that the person they offered it to has quit or ended up not starting.

if it's public sector, they will probably have a policy / procedure about keeping past applicants' details on file in case of future vacancies - they will probably only do it for a short time, or maybe not at all.

gut feeling is re-apply, don't assume that it will be read by the same people as previous application. if it's the sort of place you can actually talk to someone first, then might be worthwhile.

I don't think the OP mentioned he/she got through to interview stage?
I've never quite known whether that means "if we've said no to you before, then we're not interested in hearing from you again, sod off" or "if you applied last time round, we will re-consider your last application so you don't need to apply again"

If you got as far as interview last time round, they don't necessarily think you are bloody hopeless - i've once or twice had feedback after interviews when i've not got the job where they have said words to the effect that they thought i would be able to do the job and they would have been happy to offer it to me, but someone else had got slightly more relevant / recent experience - or something like that. (which doesn't make any difference to getting the job, but is better than being told they didn't think you could do the job.)

it could be something like the latter, and they either now need another person / more people (if someone else has quit, or workload has increased) or it could be that the person they offered it to has quit or ended up not starting.

if it's public sector, they will probably have a policy / procedure about keeping past applicants' details on file in case of future vacancies - they will probably only do it for a short time, or maybe not at all.

gut feeling is re-apply, don't assume that it will be read by the same people as previous application. if it's the sort of place you can actually talk to someone first, then might be worthwhile.
I always thought the 'Previous applicants need not reapply' thing meant basically 'sod off', but I've seen other ads, perhaps more recently, saying 'Previous applicants need not reapply as they will automatically be considered'.

There could be all sorts of reasons they're re-advertising, including not getting enough applicants to make an informed decision.

I would give it another go - what others have said about tweaking the application a bit/getting someone to look over it is good.
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It does hurt a little when this happens. It's a shame the people advertising the job in the first place can't be arsed to actually tell you they're not interested. But would you want to work for people like that anyway?
I got a recent re advertised role that I had been interviewed for previously but Indeed marked as "not selected by company" it wouldn't let me reapply within the time frame
Id completed an online video interview at 2nd stage that went well so I phoned the H.R department direct and spoke to them to get managers details as well as making them aware I was still interested they said my details had probably been been lost as they get over 100 applicants sometimes they said reapply but I said I couldnt due to an indeed setting which they didn't realize was in place
I found a managers email address and sent a letter and cv to that and a hard copy letter addressed to The Recruiting Manager co Human Resources or similar including date of my completed interview and asked for feedback , if I could apply again in future , he emailed me magically found my interview video and started me the next week as the previous successful applicants had both left for different reasons

Now Im there and spoken to H.R manager etc I told them Indeed was still saying I couldn't reapply after I was actually working there :)they have changed how they re advertise the indeed settings etc they were just relisting the same advert on Indeed account every time someone left , Indeed blocking previous applicants that got to interview stage , but not others for 12 weeks company policy didn't allow them to keep my personal details unless employed by them :confused:

I can see how previous applications go missing they literally get 100s of applications so get time to read just the cover letter if that on most ,so many are just people satisfying job center applications per week etc too

If you made it to interview stage they saw something they liked so if you really want the job Id and contact them some old school way now you have nothing to lose sometimes hiring managers are not aware of how recent good candidates get lost and cannot reapply and often its more about company data policy and or a setting or 2

Although they may not be able to keep YOUR application data its not hard these days to find a managers details searching online social media , company groups , blogs etc and Ive even emailed directors or company secretary's of a company in past to get feedback or help with getting to speak to the right person using details from their registration at companies house
Depends how much you want the job though really personally I at least like feedback or a copy of my interview video if I fail at my age :thumbs:
I have also gone back to see H.R in person for feedback after a failed interview or application sometimes it shocks them in a nice way too often they are stuck in companies digital procedures with 100s of emailed applicants that don't even turn up for interview slots but CAN reapply everytime you may just be lost in that :facepalm:
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yes I did. - good idea !
If they interviewed you and didn’t bother to tell you that you were unsuccessful then they are utter cunts. I work in HR and when you get 100+ applications you can’t reply to them all but those that get shortlisted for interview always get a response if they are not successful and feedback as to why if requested.

Actually, after writing that it did occur to me that maybe they did try to contact you and it failed for some reason ~ no harm in contacting them and saying that you were interviewed and got no response which is a bit unusual?
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