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Norwich woman ordered to pay back £4.5k Universal Credit for not being British


so defeated, thinks it's funny
Can't find this story covered anywhere outside the Norwich local press. Could go on the main benefits thread but feels fucked enough to deserve its own:

A British-born artist denied UK citizenship because her parents were unmarried has said she worries about being deported to a foreign country after receiving a demand to repay £4,500 in Universal Credit.

Rachelle Lubi-Hallam, 23, has lived in Norfolk her whole life, raised by her British father after her Filipino mother returned to the Philippines when Rachelle was a year old.

Under current law she would be a British citizen entitled to a British passport, but at the time of her birth, the citizenship of a child born in the UK was exclusively inherited from the mother in cases where the parents were unmarried.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) approved her request for benefits after being provided full details of her case, but now say the money must be repaid because Miss Lubi-Hallam is “subject to immigration control”.

The money is being deducted by the DWP from her wages from her part-time cleaning job at the Norwich Theatre Royal.

Her local MP called on the DWP to “right this terrible wrong straight away”.

After graduating from NUA in 2020, illustrator Miss Lubi-Hallam, from Lingwood, applied for universal credit while job-hunting during the pandemic, informing the DWP of the peculiarities of her case.

On July 7 2020 she was told: “We have decided you have a right to reside and are habitually resident in the UK as ‘Non-EEA - Permanent right to reside’.” On the same day she received an online message from her Universal Credit team to say “Entitlement to Universal Credit approved”.

She stopped claiming UC after getting a part time job as a cleaner at the Norwich Theatre Royal and her account was closed in August 2021. But three months later she received a letter which read: “We have decided that you have failed the habitual residency test. This is because you are subject to immigration control”.

Then in January she received a letter stating she owes £4,447.85 to DWP Debt Management, and a week ago her employer was instructed to begin making deductions to her wages to pay her “debt” to the DWP.

Miss Lubi-Hallam said: “When I had to talk to my boss about that letter, I had to say to her ‘I haven’t been doing anything dodgy’ - it was really embarrassing.

“What scares me the most is they’re saying ‘immigration control’ - I haven’t immigrated from anywhere. I have worries that for some reason I’ll be sent to a foreign country that I’ve never been to, where I can’t speak the language, and have no idea what it’s like.”

She said that the UC decision has brought matters to a head.

“This has been a hassle all my life, and it can be upsetting. I missed out on school trips to France and Germany when I was younger because I didn’t have a passport.

“And without a passport I can’t get a provisional driving licence, which is what most people use as proof of age, so I have to use an ID card I got online using my birth certificate. About one time in three I’ll get turned away because the bouncer thinks it’s a fake.

“It was only when I applied for a British passport for a university trip that I actually learned I wasn’t entitled to one.

“When I try to discuss my case people talk to me like I’m an immigration case or I’m foreign - I’m not, I’m British.

“I was shocked when I got the letter about the debt, and I’m worried now. I don’t earn a lot of money and what they’re taking from my wages is my bus fare to work and back.”

She added: “I know my case is unusual but there must be others like me. We don’t know what to do. My UC account is closed so I can’t communicate via the website.

“My dad has written to them three times, recorded delivery, and they haven’t acknowledged receipt. I want this to be over for his sake - he’s older and he lives on his own and this stress is not good.”

What the law says

In 2006 the citizenship laws were updated so a child with one British parent is British regardless of the parents’ marital status - but the change was not backdated. For Rachelle to become a citizen would still require additional payments and form-filling.

Her father Richard Hallam, 73, was working as a driver and chauffeur in London when he met Rachelle's mother but moved back to Wisbech with Rachelle over 20 years ago.

He told this paper: “I didn’t want her to have to do all that paperwork, or pay money, because that’s admitting that she’s not British.

“She is British - she’s never even lived anywhere else. She’s no different from any other British person, why should she have to pay extra money to be called a British citizen?"

'Right this wrong'

Norwich South MP Clive Lewis said: “This must be really awful for Rachelle. She has played by the rules.

“I don’t know what’s happened in this case or why the DWP has made what seems on the face of it such an egregious and damaging error, but this is not the first time I have been told about instances like this.

“I call on the DWP to right this terrible wrong straight away.”

“These kinds of potentially life-changing errors seem to be increasing in the wake of increased automation of auditing at the DWP, brought in to cut costs.”

Rachelle’s case comes amid an eleven-fold increase nationwide in the number of UC claimants receiving sanctions in just five months - from around 4,274 cases in June 2021 to 49,944 in November.

A spokesman for the DWP said: "We sincerely apologise for the overpayment of benefits to Miss Lubi-Hallam. We will work with her to put in place an affordable repayment plan."

Just to stress that DWP quote again: "We sincerely apologise for the overpayment of benefits to Miss Lubi-Hallam."
Shit, my eyes had just completely skipped over that part without registering it, but you're right, that does sound incredibly off. Just looked it up, and the Mirror confirms it:
Mrs Q's parents were married by the time she was born but her older sister was born out of wedlock to a British father and a Filipina mother (not even in the UK), the reason she is a British citizen is that my FiL (a man not otherwise without his faults) went to the consulate and registered her as his daughter.
It's clear from reading the article that Rachelle's Dad knew he should have filled in the forms as well but didn't out of some kind of stubborn pride which seems a bit dickish to be honest.
There is no danger of her being deported she has a British father and can apply for British citizenship anytime she wants though at about £1500 the cost is stupid for what it is.
The big issue is whether or not she should pay back the £4.5K overpayment, personally I agree she shouldn't, she could argue a) If she was technically an illegal alien then why didn't they pick it up earlier, b) She reasonably believed she was entitled to it and shouldn't be punished for her old man's dumb pride.
Contacting their MP is probably the best course of action hopefully the DWP will just drop it (they've dropped larger claims on far more spurious grounds). She should definitely get her citizenship application bunged in pronto though.
It's clear from reading the article that Rachelle's Dad knew he should have filled in the forms as well but didn't out of some kind of stubborn pride which seems a bit dickish to be honest.
No it's not. At the time of her birth the law excluded her from British citizenship regardless of form filling. I think you might be reading Mrs Q's family history into her case.
There is no danger of her being deported
Yeah, right :rolleyes:
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There's a piece in the Guardian I didn't read suggesting that the way to pay for the underfunding in the NHS and the like is to recoup money from all the fuckers who've made a profit out of the pandemic.

Obvious shit and easily done, but they won't because they're in the main tory donors.
This is very odd, because my son is born under same conditions (English father, foreign mother: unmarried and not living together) but he's fully British, with British passport and he's 23 years old. Wonder if the difference is that his father's name is in the birth certificate? It's really confusing and unsettling though! We got our son a passport when he was 18 months old, no problem? I was still with his father at the time.

I guess the difference is he must have filled some forms when we applied for son's passport... I really don't remember.

Poor girl, what a nightmare.
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No it's not. At the time of her birth the law excluded her from British citizenship regardless of form filling. I think you might be reading Mrs Q's family history into her case.

Yeah, right :rolleyes:
No it doesn't, At the time of her birth, the law stated that in order for British citizenship to be granted automatically the parents had to be married. That was unjust and to the Govt's credit has since been corrected.
However British immigration law (along with a lot of other countries) operates the 'grandfather' rule in that foreign citizens can apply for British citizenship providing that at least one parent or grandparent is a British citizen by birth.
It doesn't matter whether they are born abroad or in the UK.
In addition ANY foreign citizen who has been legally resident in this country for more than 5 years (3 if married to a British citizen) can also apply for British citizenship.
This young lady qualifies on both counts.
Technically she can be refused if she is considered a national security risk but I rather doubt that's very likely and she would certainly win on appeal. She would then be British by naturalisation rather than birth but fully British nonetheless and could use her naturalisation certificate to get a passport rather than her birth certificate.
Know quite a few people who've gone down this route.
This is very odd, because my son is born under same conditions (English father, foreign mother: unmarried and not living together) but he's fully British, with British passport and he's 23 years old. Wonder if the difference is that his father's name is in the birth certificate? It's really confusing and unsettling though! We got our son a passport when he was 18 months old, no problem? I was still with his father at the time.

I guess the difference is we must have filled some forms when we applied for son's passport... I really don't remember.

Poor girl, what a nightmare.
Since your son was born before 2006 at some point in time your son's father has filled in some forms just as Mrs Q's Dad did in 1960

Miss Lubi-Hallam's immigration status can be sorted out easily with some paperwork and paying a fee. Though as I said before the price (for an adult) is scandalous, it's about £1500 (the Irish fee is only a couple of hundred). Her Dad should have registered her when she was born when it would have been easier and cheaper but there is nothing to stop her doing it now off her own volition.

The main story is of course that the DWP is run by a bunch of cunts but that's hardly news.
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Poor Rachelle, what a bag of dicks she has to deal with. It's bad enough to have to deal with UC mistakes but jobsworthy immigration rules on top of that? And to add insult to injury she's not even an immigrant! Not that someone who has immigrated deserves this treatment either, but I hope she gets it sorted. Red tape is the worst!
It should be on the DWP for accepting her application in the first place. They agreed it was all copacetic when she made it; indeed, it wasn't a problem until three months after she closed her claim! The DWP needs to eat the cost as the price for their bureaucratic incompetence.
It should be on the DWP for accepting her application in the first place. They agreed it was all copacetic when she made it; indeed, it wasn't a problem until three months after she closed her claim! The DWP needs to eat the cost as the price for their bureaucratic incompetence.
That used to be the case -certainly with Housing Benefit anyway. Official error wasn't recoverable. Obviously they've changed it now. :mad:
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