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North Korean Missile


Well-Known Member

The launch by North Korea of what could be a new type of ballistic missile on Thursday morning caused fear and confusion in Japan after a government-run alert system warned residents that the projectile could fall on or close to the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido.
The emergency broadcasting system – J-Alert – told millions of people in Hokkaido to take immediate cover after the North test-fired what appeared to be a long-range missile.
The system issued the evacuation warning just before 8am local time, but lifted it soon after, saying it had “erroneously” predicted that the missile would fall near the island.
Must have been terrifying for the people on the island.

"Residents of Hokkaido had been ordered to “evacuate immediately” and seek shelter in a building or underground, warning the missile was expected to land around 8am.
Local government officials in Hokkaido later said there was “no possibility” of the missile hitting the island."
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