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Next London Mayor

I'm going to a hustings in late April between Khan & Goldsmith. What question should I ask ?

I was going pitch something to do with overruling planning decisions.
MP or Mayor or both and which has priority?

Nothing to say you can't be both. They only tend to do that short term though. Ken Livingstone stepped down as an MP in 2001, 12 months after becoming mayor. Boris stepped down as MP for Henley shortly after becoming Mayor, although he is now an MP again of course.





Don't forget Winston "Can You Feel The Heat" McKenzie & the English Democrats!

South Norwood's Winston McKenzie has been ruled out of the London Mayoral campaign ... (click for more)
I'm not overly keen on Sadiq, though everyone I speak to says lots of good things about him, can I vote for him though?
I liked the way Sian Berry speaks, but, I feel that she has little chance of being elected. I know a vote for her is not a wasted vote as such, but if it means keeping moneybags out.

Khan's having a tough time what with Cameron wading in during PMQs.

As a local MP he has obviously had to share a platform with a prominent local Imam. Guess what? your local Imam holds certain views !
Khan's having a tough time what with Cameron wading in during PMQs.

As a local MP he has obviously had to share a platform with a prominent local Imam. Guess what? your local Imam holds certain views !

Take heart and spread the below news to those touting Khan as AN EXTREMIST MUSLIM!!!


Various photos emerge on social media of Mr Gani with an array of Tory MPs. Zac Goldsmith, minister Jane Ellison and Tania Mathias.

Sky News established, in fact, that Mr Gani is now a Conservative supporter and has been since before the General Election, when he supported Mr Khan's opponent in Tooting, Dan Watkins.

Six months ago Mr Gani attended the Conservative Muslim Forum meeting in Tooting with Cabinet minister Justine Greening and Zac Goldsmith, as well as Mr Watkins.

It was an attempt to recruit more ethnic minority councillors. There are pictures with Mr Watkins, who is quietly preparing for a possible by election if Mr Khan wins the mayoralty with Mr Gani.

Nothing here is necessarily untoward but if the PM thinks there is a problem with this man then he appears to be, in recent years, more of an issue for the PM's own party than for Sadiq Khan.

Mr Gani then gave an interview to LBC when he confirmed that he used to be a supporter of Sadiq Khan and had met him in his capacity as imam of Tooting mosque. But he said he was very opposed to Mr Khan's vote for equal marriage so decided to back the Conservatives.

So, the story of Mr Gani's connection to the Labour mayoral candidate is that he thought he was too liberal a Muslim for him to support.

And up until PMQs at least, he was a Conservative supporter.
I attended the Evening Standard hustings last night with Kirsty Wark. It was pretty intense. Khan was boxed into a corner by Wark (surprisingly) and audience members about his links with Suliman Gani. He attempted to move on , after about the 4th attack, by simply saying "we and others had him removed as Imam from our Mosque" cue applause. Khan lacks the killer instinct to jump above his opponents in debate despite having better policies and electoral advantage. He seems curtailed by his 'politician' briefing, he's a clever guy underneath.

The evening resembled 2 polite and embarrassed school boys being ticked off by their colourful headmistress (Wark) :D Neither of them is a political heavy weight in the mould of Livingstone (Both praised his mayoralty) & Johnson.

The event was sponsored by Gatwick ;)
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Apart from Khan and that other geezer, which other candidates were there?
And going down a certain route with Khan, is he dynamic enough like Ken or Boris are? I wonder if he serves best as a good constituancy MP?
Im not sure he is the man, but who is the alternative? It's all rather worrying/depressing.
Blimey, just 4 days to voting and getting rid of Boris from County Hall :)
Just hope this anti semitism has not put people of from voting nor put them of from voting for the best choice.
Why not? You're a cyclist aren't you - do you really want Zac to get in and get rid of the new bike lanes?
I wish I could but I can't. Disenfranchised as I am not a official resident of where I live. There must be thousands of us. :(
I wish I could but I can't. Disenfranchised as I am not a official resident of where I live. There must be thousands of us. :(

You mean you're not on the electoral roll? Did you miss the deadline or is there a reason you don't want to be on there?
You mean you're not on the electoral roll? Did you miss the deadline or is there a reason you don't want to be on there?
Yes, I can't be on it. I have to register in my parental home, so am disenfranchised in London.
No I didn't miss the deadline and i do want to be on the roll, but I cannot register as I am not on my landlord's contract with their tenants.
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